miXed zone: Unknown X-series Camera Leaked :-) :: “Dear Santa, what happened to the X-Pro2” :: X-T1 on Assignement in Iraq & More
Unknown X-series Leaked
Unknown X-Series Camera leaked (X-T50?) – more at ivanjoshualoh
And interesting feature of this camera is unveiled by the little photographer at Instagram here “it doesn’t run on battery, instead on electricity.”
“Dear Santa, What the hell happened to the Fuji X-Pro2?” at olafphotoblog
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: AmazonDE / PCHstore / AmazonUK / AmazonITA /
Lens Preview: Fujifilm XF 35mmF2 R WR at mikepadua / French Review at patricemichellon (translation) / Fuji XF 35mm F2 R WR Lens Review at findingrange /
XF90mmF2 WR
Street Photography With The Fujifilm 90mm f2 at 35mmstreet / 90mm review at danbaileyphoto /
The Stunning X-T10 at matthewhartphotography /
Fujifilm X-T1
Seychelles Trip at whitecubestudios / Moving clouds New York and the Fuji X-T1 at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Silver and Gold at littlebigtravelingcamera /
X100/S/T + TCL/WCL
X100S: Hauser and Wirth long exposure and Radic pavillion at marccooper.photography / Fuji X100T meets Portland Bill at stuartburrillphotography /
other X-series cameras
DPReview Gear of the Year part 2: Carey’s choice – Fujifilm X-A2 at dpreview /
X-mount lenses
Prime lenses for street photography at sebastianboatca / Hanging Rock & The Fujinon XF16 & Fujifilm X-T10 at caveiraphotography /14mm: Rocketman at littlebigtravelingcamera / 50-140 review at slrgear / NSFW: Fuji X System, My Most Used Lenses at ipcloud / Fujinon lenses in Girona at the Spanish site dslrmagazine (translation) /
Fuji XF 16mm f1.4 R WR Lens Hood Alternative at tavphotography /
X-shooter Andy Bush on photographic assignement for the SUN NEWSPAPER in Iraq
The age old dilemma of what to take at andybushphotography / Sinjar, A City Under Siege at andybushphotography / Telskuf….sacked by isis at andybushphotography
Travel X / Switch to the X / Fuji X for Weddings
Mongolia: A nomad for 7 days at richardsimko / Wedding in Versailles at vopoku /Fuji Musings – First Experiences and Plans “I never owned a DSLR” at dan-scape /
Jpeg / RAW / Converters
Making a Small picture into a Big picture – Adobe Photoshop CC at leighmiller / Adobe Camera Raw 9.3.1 now available here /
a bit of everything
Eric Bouvet and Cyril Abad – French Reportage: Talent Nomade 2015, “Regards Doubles”, découvrez le documentaire ! – More at fujifilm-experience.fr
A Summary of 2015 and our Favourite Images of the Year at olafphotoblog / Review: Fuji Pro Rental Service + Q&A with Fujifilm at robzeiglerphoto/ The responsibility and privilege to testify: An interview with photojournalist Antonio Faccilongo at mirrorlessons /
Free eBook, featuring a year with the Fuji X100 series camera, at thephotofrontier