Nikon FF Mirrorless Vs. Fujifilm GFX 50S Size Comparison and See Medium Format Sensor in Nikon FF

Nikon FF Vs. Fujifilm MF published the first Fujiiflm GFX 50S Vs. Nikon FF mirrorless size comparison. Check it out here.
If the size comparison is accurate, then we can see that the mount of the Fujifilm GFX 50S is still bigger than the one of the Nikon FF.
Nikon MF Vs. Fujifilm MF also placed the Medium Format sensor of the GFX into the Nikon FF, and we see that Nikon’s mount has enough space to take such a sensor.
An MF sensor in the Nikon body would go right until the edge of the mount (more or less like the FF sensor on the Sony E-mount A7 series).
This could be a problem for an eventual Nikon MF, since it is more difficult to design high quality lenses for a small mount diameter, at least this is what Sigma CEO said back in 2014, when he stated regarding the FF sensor in the Sony E-mount:
“It’s a bit more difficult to make ART lenses for the Sony FE system because of the not so large diameter of the mount. We don’t know why Sony did this. Likely because the E-mount was meant for APS-C first and only after that they did use it for FF too.”
If the Sigma CEO is not talking out of turn (and since designing lenses is his job, I guess he knows what he talks about), then the Fujifilm GFX 50S could have an advantage, since it has a larger mount and hence it could make the design of high quality MF lenses easier.
It would be very interesting, though, if Nikon would really adopt one mount for 2 different sensor sizes (and I hope they will).
This would mean that Nikon believes that the Fujifilm GFX 50S medium format concept is interesting and potentially a winning one, and Nikon wants to keep the option open for a Medium Format camera.
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Nikon FF Vs. Sony FF