ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 Adds FUJIFILM Film Simulation Profiles & More Available in June

ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5
ON1 Photo RAW will get a major update in June. The company now dislosed the full details of the update includes Fujifilm film simulation profiles.
Press Release
Today, we announce the new ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5, a significant update to Photo RAW 2018. Version 2018.5 will include a massive boost in overall performance, fixes for user reported issues and new key features such as LUTs and camera profiles.
“We’re incredibly excited to unveil the new features in ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 over the next several weeks. We plan on showcasing the new features and improvements through weekly videos leading up to the June release,” says ON1 President, Craig Keudell.
View the upcoming features in ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 Exposed.
Key Features and Improvements
- Camera Profiles – Select the same looks you see on the back of your camera in ON1 Photo RAW. Select from Natural, Portrait, Landscape, etc. depending on what your camera offers. These are not presets as they don’t adjust any of the sliders, and are non-destructive. These will include popular cameras like Fujifilm®.
- LUTs in Effects – LUTs or Look-Up Tables are a favorite way to add matte, vintage or cinematic color grading looks. These will be available inside Effects in version 2018.5. A ton of LUTs will be available in the release along with individual packs from Matt Kloskowski, Tamara Lackey, and Hudson Henry. The common .3DL and .CUBE formats found online can be imported into Photo RAW. LUTs will work like any of the current filters in Effects. You can stack them, mask them and control the blending options.
- RAW+JPG – If you shoot RAW and JPG at the same time, you will be able to collapse and hide the JPG copy, so your library isn’t cluttered. Any metadata or file changes you make are mirrored to the JPG seamlessly.
- Faster Film Strip for Culling – Using the Filmstrip in Develop and Effects will be just as fast as in Browse. You will be able to switch photos instantly! You can even perform your editing and culling tasks, like ratings, labels, rotate and delete, while you are adjusting your raw processing.
- Transform Enhancements – The Transform pane in Develop will include new tools to correct perspective and rotation issues along with a new grid will make it easier to visualize results.
- Nested Presets – Ability to better organize presets into a nested category structure will be added along with the ability to move, rename, delete, and nest presets and categories.
- Nested Albums – Nest albums or photos inside of other albums. If you are migrating from Lightroom®, your nested collections are brought over by the Lightroom migration assistant.
- Improved Brushing Performance – Brushing with the Masking Brush will be more fluid and responsive, especially on Windows computers with large or high-dpi displays.
- Export Improvements – Exporting will be processed in the background so customers can continue to work on another job without having to wait for the export to finish. You can even stack multiple export jobs and continue working on your photos.
- Performance Boost & Increased Stability – Significant under the hood speed and stability improvements are coming in 2018.5. These include speedier switching of modules between Browse, Develop, and Effects along with switching and culling photos using the film strip in Develop and Effects.
- New Cameras & Lenses – Each update includes new cameras and lenses. The list is continuously updated, and we will share the final details when version 2018.5 is released.
ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 Exposed
Each week leading up to the release we will add videos showcasing the new features and improvements available in version 2018.5. Get a sneak peek of the new camera profiles, new LUTs, and overall performance improvements here.
Price and Availability
ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 will be available in late June. New customers can purchase version 2018.1 today and receive 2018.5 as a free update once it becomes available. We are running an introductory price of $99.99 for new customers for a limited time (Reg: $119.99). Owners of previous versions of ON1 can also upgrade at an introductory price of $79.99 (Reg: $99.99). Version 2018.5 is a free update for all owners of ON1 Photo RAW 2018. A single purchase will include both Mac and Windows installers and activation for up to five computers. It comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, world-class customer support, hundreds of free video tutorials, and free ON1 Loyalty Rewards every month.
About ON1 Photo RAW
ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 Exposed
ON1 Photo RAW 2018.5 Intro Special
Free 30-day Trial
The Photo RAW Project
via ON1 Blog