OPEN LETTER TO FUJIFILM: About the “Kaizen Light”, the X100S and the “David Hobby Firmware” with Classic Chrome
Dear Fujifilm
Today I write you in the name of (probably) many X-shooters following FujiRumors, and especially those who own an X100S and would like a new firmware update. But first let me say this:
(or why we love Fuji)
When it comes to firmware udpates, we X-shooters are probably complaining at a level all other camera brand owners frankly envy us (and I know it from the guys at 43rumors, SonyAlphaRumors and CanonWatch in our regular meetings, that they are jealous about how Fujifilm listens to its customers and delivers amazing firmware updates).
Over the years you did an amazing job in keeping our cameras up to date with the latest features. That’s something no other brand offered with such a consistency and dedication (huge X100 update after 3 years, X-PRO1/E1 focus peaking, X-E2 EVF frame rate like X-T1, X-T1 Electronic Shutter… and there would be A LOT MORE to put into this list.)
So, Fujifilm, I don’t say it for captatio benevolentiae, but I really Thank You for all the effort you’ve put into all those new firmware updates.
(or why updating older X-cameras with New Features is NOT Good)
It is also clear to me that, with the rapidly growing number of X-cameras, the costs to keep them all updated with the latest new features would be unsustainable, unless you cut your resources destined to the development of new camera technology and redirect them to update the XQ1, X-A1, X-M1, X100, XF1, X-E1, X-PRO1, X20 and all the other X-series cameras with new features.
But given how fiercely contested the CSC market is, it’s wise to put most of your R&D into new camera technology for the Fujifilm X-PRO2, rather than spend your time, money and manpower in figuring out how to bring the electronic shutter on the X-M1.
Therefore I personally understand if you start to look forward and (apart bug fixes) stop introducing new firmware features to older cameras and focus on FW-updates for newer and successful ones… let’s call it a Kaizen Light approach ;) .
(or why you should update the X100S)
That being said, there is one thing I really do not get, and it’s about a firmware for the X100S… a pretty successful X-camera that would still deserve a bit of Kaizen love.
Here is the thing: a new X100S firmware already exists and it was used by David Hobby to test Classic Chrome on his X100S. Hobby himself said: “I have played with the new Classic Chrome film simulation on an X100S that had been altered to include it.”
So I think it should not be that difficult anymore to release a firmware update that allows all X100S shooters to add this new film simulation to their camera… just as you did with the X-E2 and with David Hobby’s X100S.
I know the X100T is fresh on the market and you don’t want to endanger its sales. But the X100T offers so many other improvements over the X100S (30 improvements listed in Rico’s X100T first look, starting from the ERF & WiFi), that a simple Classic Chrome update would for sure not make the X100T sales collapse, since there would be still 29 improvements left… or 28, if you’d add to the firmware also the electronic shutter or the intervalometer ;) .
So, dear Fujfilm, it would be really great if you could make the “David Hobby-Firmware” available for download.
(or how you could possibly still update also older cameras)
And what about this: maybe you could work on a huge X100S firmware update (with Classic Chrome, Intervalometer, Customizable Quick Menu, Electronic Shutter, more reliable Battery Level Indicator, PDAF support in Instant-AF, Spot Metering AF frame coupling etc.), and make us pay a few bucks for the work? Please think about it. I’ll add a poll about it down below.
So, thank you Fujifilm for (hopefully) reading this letter. If you have any statement or reply to make on it, please don’t hesitate to contact me at fujirumor [at] gmail [dot] com. I’d be happy to post your answer here on FujiRumors.