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Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS Camera Will Have Better Hand Grip Compared to X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2s - the Successor of the Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2S

UPDATE: Fujifilm changed the name from X-T2s to X-H1. All rumored specs remain the same

Here is a little Fujifilm X-T2S update… and I guess it comes not really surprising for most of you guys.

You know that the Fujifilm X-T2S will be Fuji’s first (actually second) camera with in body image stabilization. I assume it will keep the design philosophy of the X-T line, but of course there will be some changes, in order to accommodate the IBIS mechanism and also to improve usability when shooting videos.

I hear that one of these changes will be a better/bigger hand grip on the Fujifilm X-T2S compared to the (soon to be discounted) Fujifilm X-T2.

Considering that the Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS camera will probably also be the first choice for X-shooters interested in the huge “OIS-less” Fujinon MK18-55mm F2.9 and MK50-130mm T2.9 lenses, a bigger hand grip just makes sense… although one could also simply attach an optional grip, as Alessandro noted in the comments.

Fujifilm said the MK18-55mm F2.9 and MK50-130mm T2.9 cine lenses will hit the market in 2018 (originally planed for the end of 2017). What a coincidence that at the same time according to this rumor, a Fuji camera with IBIS, the X-T2S, will hit the market, too ;).

That’s it for now, but don’t miss the future news and rumors and…

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X-T2S Rumor Overview

  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Camera Will Have Better Hand Grip Compared to X-T2 – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Camera with 24MP X-Trans III Sensor – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Will NOT Have Sensor Shift Multishot Feature – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS camera) Will Ship First Half of 2018… and When Will it Be Announced? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Registered TWO Cameras with Bluetooth to Come Soon… Fujifilm X-E3 and… X80 or X-T2S? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Scrapped the Ultimate X Series Camera… Focus on Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS Camera) – rumor here
  • Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-T2S In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T2S  – rumor here

Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS Camera with 24MP X-Trans III Sensor

Fujifilm X-T2s - the Successor of the Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2S

UPDATE: Fujifilm changed the name from X-T2s to X-H1. All rumored specs remain the same

One of the questions I get regulary via email is if the Fujifilm X-T2S, the successor to the X-T2, will have a new X-Trans sensor. So I hope to end the confusion, by sharing today, that, from what I hear, the Fujifilm X-T2S will have the same 24MP X-TransIII sensor of the Fujifilm X-T2.

The main upgrade over the Fujifilm X-T2 is the in body image stabilization (IBIS).

I have the feeling that this could be a very hot autumn, and that a whirlwind of Fuji rumors is coming ;)

The best way to make sure you won’t miss anything is to:

  • allow push notificiations by clicking on the bell on the bottom right of your browser
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Feel free to join the Fujifilm X-T2S facebook group

have a GREAT start in your week,

X-T2S Rumor Overview

That’s it already… down below, the links to the previous Fujifilm X-T2S rumors.

  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Camera with 24MP X-Trans III Sensor – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Will NOT Have Sensor Shift Multishot Feature – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS camera) Will Ship First Half of 2018… and When Will it Be Announced? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Registered TWO Cameras with Bluetooth to Come Soon… Fujifilm X-E3 and… X80 or X-T2S? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Scrapped the Ultimate X Series Camera… Focus on Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS Camera) – rumor here
  • Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-T2S In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T2S  – rumor here

Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS Will NOT Have Sensor Shift Multishot Feature

Fujifilm X-T2S… No Sensor Shift Multishot

UPDATE: Fujifilm changed the name from X-T2s to X-H1. All rumored specs remain the same

Hey folks,

I have a quick update regarding the Fujifilm X-T2S, Fujifilm first camera with IBIS (in body image stabilization).

I hear it will not have the “Sensor Shift Multishot” feature, present in cameras like the Olympus OM-D E-M5 II.

What is it?

You basically press the shutter 1 time, but the camera takes multiple images by slightly moving the sensor and combining those exposures to create one high-resolution image.

With this technology, the Olympus EM-5 can take 40MP images with its 16MP sensor. Keep in mind that it works properly only if your subject stands perfectly still.

Fujifilm’s First Steps into IBIS

Recently, thanks to this interesting video by Demos Soupashis, we wondered: do we need already an X-T2S with IBIS? Wouldn’t it be better to wait a bit longer, and offer IBIS on the X-T3, which should be overall a much more upgraded product (new sensor etc)?

Well, I have to agree with some of you guys, like azbest and Didiergm, when you say here:

Engineers need time to learn & try; The first IBIS implementation might not be perfect or might not push the technology to it’s limits as these things take time

The X-T2S will be Fuji’s first step into the world of IBIS (well, actually it’s this Fujifilm camera already), and if we want a mature and top notch IBIS system on the Fujifilm X-T3, then Fujifilm has to launch it now on the X-T2S and gather experience from it, improve it, learn.

And one thing Fujifilm can not offer, at least for the start, is the sensor shift multishot technology.

Will sensor shift maybe come one day via firmware update to the X-T2S? Will it come with the X-T3? Or it simply can’t be done with (current?) X-Trans sensors? Questions, I’ll try to answer you as soon as possible.

stay tuned… more is coming :)
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X-T2S Rumor Overview

That’s it already… down below, the links to the previous Fujifilm X-T2S rumors.

  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Will NOT Have Sensor Shift Multishot Feature – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS camera) Will Ship First Half of 2018… and When Will it Be Announced? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Registered TWO Cameras with Bluetooth to Come Soon… Fujifilm X-E3 and… X80 or X-T2S? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Scrapped the Ultimate X Series Camera… Focus on Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS Camera) – rumor here
  • Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-T2S In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T2S  – rumor here
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Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS camera) Will Ship First Half of 2018… and When Will it Be Announced?

and just for fun… :)

Fujifilm X-T2S

The Fujifilm X-T2S, Fuji’s first camera with in body image stabilization, will ship in the first half of 2018.

When will it be announced? Well… I don’t know it.

But since I know that you will not accept an “I don’t know” as answer, I will make some pure speculations…and you know, when I make pure specualtions, I’m generally wrong ;).

  • Fujifilm could announce the X-T2S on September 7 (along with X-E3 & Co) and start taking pre-orders
  • Fujifilm could announce the development of the X-T2S on September 7, but make an official announcement with full specs later on, just like they did with the Fujifilm GFX 50S
  • Fujifilm could wait late 2017/early 2018 for the announcement with full specs and pre-orders

I anyone out there can help me to get some clarity regarding the X-T2S announcement, feel free to contact me via rumor box or via email at Any help is highly appreciated.

Read all our previous rumors on the Fujifilm X-T2S simply by searching for X-T2S on FujiRumors.

*** Fujifilm X-T2S facebook Group ***

stay tuned,
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Fujifilm X-E3: No D-Pad, No Shutter/ISO Dial, No Pop-Up Flash, No IBIS… & MORE SPECS

Ok folks, time for a specs update on the Fujifilm X-E3

We already leaked the images of the Fujifilm X-E3 a few weeks ago. However, the images were very low resolution, so not everything was clear to see… and we started to make our speculations.

Now it’s time to confirm (or not) what we saw (or thought to see) in the low resolution images.

  • No pop-up flash (Confirms what all of us thought to see in the low-res leaked images)
  • Full auto switch (Confirms what we some of us thought to see in the low-res leaked images)
  • No shutter/ISO combo dial (Does not confirm what many of us – but not all – thought to see in the low-res leaked images)

So it seems that those of you, who said the leaked X-E3 image is too low resolution to judge if that’s really a shutter/ISO combo dial, were right. I guess I was just hoping for it too much, and my desire brought me to see what was not really there.

Oh yes, that’s an outing! In fact I belong to the Schultzology-sect, a small group of people, who follow the word of Palle Schultz (see his video here) and actually like the combined Shutter/ISO dial. :)

Now let’s move on and give you more updates :)

  • The D-pad is gone
  • max shutter speed 1/4000
  • No IBIS

*** UPDATE: Will Have a NEW Touch Screen ***

With that said, below is the full updated list of rumored X-E3 specs:

have a Great day,
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Obvious Fujifilm X-E3 specs

  • 24MP X-Trans III sensor
  • X-Processor Pro
  • Acros film simulation

Rumored Fujifilm X-E3 specs

Fujifilm Scrapped the Ultimate X Series Camera… Focus on Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS Camera)

Follow The Rumor Storm :)

My fellow Fuji X and G shooters, get ready for the rumor storm that will bring us right to the big Fuji announcements and ultimate Live Blogging of September 7.

And in order not to miss anything, feel free to:

  • Allow Push Notifications: You can use the little red “ring icon” on the bottom right of your browser to allow push notifications and also to manage your subscription
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  • Join FR on Twitter – click here One of the best ways to scroll through the whirlwind of rumors.
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Good Bye Ultimate X

Back in spring 2017, we started hearing the first rumors about the ultimate Fujifilm X, an APS-C X-Trans camera based on X-T design, the best Fuji X for videos, and that could cost around $,3,000 (rumors of March 3, March 14 and April 14)

But suddenly, a few months later, in summer 2017, we also started hearing of the Fujifilm X-T2S, the successor if the X-T2, which will have IBIS (rumors of July 12, July 17 and July 24)

The big question I got from the community was: is the Fujifilm X-T2S the ultimate X-series camera we rumored back in spring, or is Fujifilm working on both, the X-T2S and the ultimate X?

The answer: the X-T2S is not the rumored ultimate X.

So what about the ultimate X-series camera?

The answer: it has been scrapped!

*** Follow our Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS) facebook group ***
*** Follow our Allrounder X-T Users facebook group ***

Is the X-T2s a “light” version of the Ultimate X?

Now, to avoid FR-haters’ shitstorms, I could simply tell you guys a lie and say “Yes, the X-T2S with IBIS is exactly the ultimate X-series camera I told you back in spring“.

But I’m not that kind of person.

Hence I will now tell you, that the ultimate X-series camera was a different project of Fujifilm.

Fujifilm worked on the ultimate X, discussed about the features and at a certain stage they were confident to make it (so I shared the rumors)… but at the end the scratched it, and they are now focussing on a different project, the Fujifilm X-T2S.

Some of you might consider the X-T2S a “light” version of the ultimate X, and you might not be too far off with that. But at the end I think that the differences are too big, to consider the X-T2S an “ultimate X light”.

X-T2S or Ultimate X?

When I’ve shared the very first ultimate X rumors, I noticed that the FR-community reacted sceptical to it, especially due to the high rumored price of $3,000.

And since we know that Fujifilm not only reads us, but that sometimes we can influence their decisions*, I can’t exclude, that the initial very sceptic reaction many of you guys manifested here on FujiRumors, might have discouraged Fujifilm to continue with this project.

On the other hand, it seems to me that your initial feedback to the Fujifilm X-T2S with IBIS, was much more positive. But that’s just my impression… feel free to discuss about it in the comments.

Welcome to the Fuji World

I know that after years of following the fantastic world of Fujifilm, 99,9% you guys know better than me that Fujifilm changes plans very often.

For example, Fujifilm was developing the X-Pro1s, and I shared rumors about it. But they dropped plans, even though they already had working prototypes of it (and Fujifilm even displayed the X-Pro1s at the X-Pro2 announcement)

And since with Fujifilm nothing is impossible, even products they scratched can find their way back later on. For example, I remind you how I shared the first X70 rumors in September 2013, but Fujifilm dropped plans on it shortly after. They waited a couple of years and decided to revive plans and launch the X70 on January 2016 (with exactly the same specs we rumored 3 years earlier).

So I personally wouldn’t be surprised if one day, the ultimate X will be again in development. But to be clear, right now, Fujifilm plans no longer to make it.

that’s it from my side for now… have a GREAT day, :)
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* It was your feedback and negative poll results, that killed the monochrome X-Pro1 and your positive pressure that revived the X-E3 plans and made Fujifilm say herewe are aware of the many X-E3 request”.  The feedback you give in polls makes it to internal Fujifilm meetings with the Press and even Fujifilm top manager Toshihisa Iida “Loves” FujiRumors. Fujifilm simply can’t ignore a community that is able to drop 11,000 votes in a single poll within 2 days…. and more

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Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-H1 In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses

Fujifilm X-T2s IBIS

UPDATE: Fujifilm changed the name from X-T2s to X-H1. All rumored specs remain the same

Fellow Fuji Lovers,

I’m getting some emails from X-shooters, who are worried the IBIS on the Fujifilm X-T2s (the successor of the X-T2) will not work with all Fujinon X-mount lenses, but just with a few ones.

So I thought it might be good to share a little update: the IBIS on the Fujifilm X-T2s will be compatible with all Fujinon X-mount lenses.

This is the information I got from my sources… and since they have always guided me safly through the stormy Fujifilm rumors waters, I have complete and blind trust in them.

Wait, stop… don’t ask me when the X-T2s will hit the market. I’m still not 100% sure (and I don’t know if even Fujifilm itself is 100% sure when to launch it). But you know that here on FujiRumors we often share information already months (if not years!) before official announcements. So the X-T2s could be one month, but also 1 year away.

I’ve created a dedicated Fujifilm X-T2s facebook group, so that you guys can kill the waiting time for the X-T2s with talks, dreams, rumors, news… and just have fun :)

And as always, feel free to join also on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

The Super X-deals

As we reported first here on FujiRumors, the Fujifilm X-T1, a camera that I still own and love, is now officially discontinued (I wrote an emotional farewell here). So, while it was to expect that Fujifilm would launch some nice deals on it, I guess nobody could have imagined that they would be that awesome!

For example, if you buy a $500 discounted Fujifilm X-T1, you will get a free XF35mmF2 WR on top of it!!!

And yes, if you then upgrade to the X-T2s, the XF35mmF2 will be stabilized thanks to IBIS ;)

For those, who always wanted to try the Fujifilm X-system, this is the best deal ever to join the X-side of life ;) . The deals are so good, that even Europeans could save a whole lot of money (all details here).

X-T1 Black (save $500): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 Graphite (save $500): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 + 18-55 (save $500):
BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 + 18-135 (save $500): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 + 35mmF2 (save $900):
BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 graphite + 35mmF2 (save $900):
BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 + 18-55 + 35mmF2 (save $900): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama
X-T1 + 18-135 + 35mmF2 (save $900):
BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

Fujifilm X-A3 + 16-50 + 50-230 (save $300): USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Fujifilm X-E2s body or kit (save $200): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

Fujifilm X-H1 will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization)

Fujifilm X-T2s - the Successor of the Fujifilm X-T2
Fujifilm X-T2s – the Successor of the Fujifilm X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2s

UPDATE: Fujifilm changed the name from X-T2s to X-H1. All rumored specs remain the same

Hey all :)

If you have followed Fujirumors recently, you might have read about the Fujifilm X-T2 successor, the Fujifilm X-T2s.

The big question now is: what will changed compared to the Fujifilm X-T2?

Well, I feel confident to announce, that the Fujifilm X-T2s is currently planed to feature IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization).

PLEASE NOTE that I have not shared ANY release date for the Fujifilm X-T2s until now on Fujirumors. And keep in mind that here on FujiRumors you often get also long term rumors. So just the fact that I share Fujifilm X-T2s rumors now, does not necessarily mean that it is just around the corner. This is something I’m working on right now and I will update you as soon as I can.

And to make absolutely sure you won’t miss anything, feel free to allow push notificiations by clicking on the bell on the bottom right of your browser and also follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

all the best,
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Possible IBIS Solution?

This guest post has been written before we broke the IBIS rumor yesterday here.

Guest Post by webdiver

For quite some time I’ve seen the IBIS on Fuji discussion being brought to light and the conclusions always seem to be that either it is impossible or it would come at a image quality cost, one can tell that Fuji won’t compromise image quality and it would be obvious that that reason alone would stir a change to Fuji’s current IS system out of question.

I’m aware that moving the sensor on a Fuji X camera would cause heavy and harsh vignetting and clearly Fuji thinks that far outweighs any quality gain on the center of the image, but the IBIS advantages over OIS systems were enough to feed a long discussion, for instance IBIS:

  • Stabilizes in more axis than optical technology (more effective at mitigating twisting motion);
  • Accomplishes stabilized footage on all lenses;
  • Enables the implementation of Pixel-Shift technology, a solution that was already implemented by Olympus and Pentax, it gives the user the possibility to take super high resolution images.

Until now nothing I said is new, before the Fuji X-T2 came out I wouldn’t even bother writing this article, but Fuji began taking video seriously and what I’ve noticed is that IBIS is particularly useful for video. Why is this relevant? When recording video the camera only reads out the information from the inner part of the sensor thus allowing room for the sensor to be shifted without the risk of affecting the video quality near the edges of the frame.


Bayer array                                                          X-Trans array

Pixel-Shift could also be a possibility, Fuji glass is sharp and I’m confident it can resolve more than 24MP, but due to the nature of the X-Trans pixel array the process wouldn’t be quite as simple as with the Bayer sensors, the problem is that Pixel-Shift shifts the sensor by half-pixel length in four different directions and, while on a Bayer array it places a red a blue and 2 different green photo-diodes in the same place thus creating a virtual pixel, on a X-Trans array there is always one place in the nine photo-diode array that is overlaying 4 green photo-diodes, for example track the place of the upper-left green photo-diode in the 4 green group as the sensor shifts up-left-down-right. I suppose a image processing algorithm could correct this.

Also IBIS could be adapted for stills as an hybrid system, the OIS would take care of the up-down and left-right stabilization while IBIS takes care of the other 3 axis. By doing so the vignetting would only be an issue in the corners of the image.

As you can see I’m speculating but I’m under the impression that I’m not thinking nonsense. What do you think?

IBIS (in body image stabilization) Coming to Future Fujifilm X Cameras – Trusted Source

Fujifilm X Cameras with IBIS
Fujifilm X Cameras with IBIS

What Fujifilm Managers Say

I know what you think: “But didn’t a Fujifilm manager tell us in this interview, that IBIS is not compatible with Fujifilm X-mount?”

Yep, that’s true. The manager said:

“Our XF mount is not compatible with IBIS […] the amount of light at the corners is reduced when the sensor is shifted. We could correct it digitally, but we don’t want to do it: we don’t want to compromise our image quality.”

But, well…. today I will tell you a different story…

What Trusted Source Says

The rumor is as simple as that: Fujifilm is right now working to bring IBIS to future X-mount cameras.

The Market Wants IBIS (in body image stabilization)

Just like “weather sealing”, also “IBIS” is becoming more and more important for photographers. Fujifilm’s main mirrorless competitors (Sony, Panasonic, Olympus) all offer IBIS… and it has become a strong selling point!

Now, personally, features like “weather sealing” and “IBIS” are not primary reasons for me to get a camera or not. More important, for me, are lens line-up and ergonomics for example.

But I understand that IBIS can be indeed a very handy tool, especially if you use a lot of old adapted glass and shoot video with OIS-less glass.

So if you ask me, then yes, it’s a good move for Fujifilm to offer IBIS in future.

But Fujifilm has to give us good IBIS that deals very well with the shortcomings the Fujifilm manager mentioned here… and every camera manufacturer is actually dealing the same issues.

NOTE: Canon and Nikon say IBIS works not as good as Lens Stabilization – Read more here.

How Reliable is this News Rumor?

This rumor comes from a trusted source. This is why I personally take no grain of salt at all. I’m 100% sure that these are Fujifilm’s (current) plans.

I also know that Fujifilm can change plans anytime, but I have the feeling that this won’t happen this time.

IBIS will come… and actually, this Fujifilm camera already has IBIS ;)

The Calm before the Storm…

I have the feeling that great times could be ahead of us… and summer holidays or not, I will invest all my best (and my time) to keep you guys up to date with everything. So stay tuned on FujiRumors via Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

have a GREAT start in your week,

IBIS on Fujifilm Cameras: Could This Solution Bring it to X-Series Cameras?