Adobe Launches “Lightroom Classic CC” (and Drops LR Standalone) + Releases Camera RAW 10 with Fujifilm X-E3 Support



Adobe Camera RAW 10 and Lightroom Classic CC

Adobe Camera RAW 10 is now available and it adds Fujifilm X-E3 support. Check out all the the details lightroomjournal.

They also announced Lightroom Classic CC at

Check out techradar to understand better the difference between Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic CC. What’s new in Lightroom Classic CC? Discover it at morethanwords (video below).

The End of Lightroom Standalone

Adobe said it clearly: there will never be a Lightroom 7 version.

Lightroom 6 is the last standalone version of Lightroom that can be purchased outside of a Creative Cloud membership. There will not be a Lightroom 7 perpetual offering. Lightroom 6 will remain for sale for an undetermined amount of time, but will no longer be updated with camera support or bug fixes after the end of 2017. Lightroom 6.13 with support for the Nikon D850 will be released on October 26, 2017.”

It’s the end of standalone version for Lightroom.

Since Adobe moved Photoshop to the subscription based model, they are making record profits every year. So we can’t really be surprised, that the same is now happening with Lightroom.

Embedded & Sidecar workflow in Lightroom “Classic”

John has written a post specifically on the new Embedded & Sidecar workflow in Lightroom “Classic” which really applies to fellow Fuji users.

The key point for us is that to get the most out of Embedded & Sidecar, Fuji users should switch to Raw + JPEG. That’s because the raw files may be 6000×4000 but the embedded previews are 1/3 that size. Sidecars are full res. The article covers this and other important options.

John, who is the author of the X-LR plugin which automatically applies film simulations in Lightroom, adds “wouldn’t it be great if Fuji issued a firmware update to put full size embedded previews in raw files? Let’s all ask Fuji – it’s in their interests, and I know Adobe would love it too.”

Read it at lightroomsolutions


Fujifilm X-A5 is Coming


Fujifilm X-A5

The Fujifilm X-A line is incredibily popular in Asia, and in some countries, like Thailand, the X-A line sells better than any other digital camera with interchangeable lenses (Canon and Nikon included).

The currently most recent iteration of this camera is the Fujifilm X-A3, announced back in August 25, 2016, with flippy screen and 24 MP ASP-C Bayer sensor with no on sensor phase detection pixels (PDAF).

Now Fujifilm is working on the Fujifilm X-A5. I don’t have the specs now, but would be nice if it would have PDAF.

The X-A5 could also be one of the 2 cameras Fujifilm registered bluetooth for (the first one is the Fujifilm X-E3).

And in case you wonder why the successor of the X-A3 is not called X-A4, keep in mind that this camera is extremely popular in Asia, where the Nr.4 brings bad luck. Just check out “tetraphobia” on wikipedia.

REMINDER: Fujifilm will have an announcement on October 25. The Fujifilm Instax SP-3 square printer will come… and who knows if there will be other surprises ;) .

Fujifilm X-A3: USA: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK AUS: CameraPro


Fujifilm Announcement October 25: Instax Share SP-3 Square Printer Coming


Fujifilm Instax Share SP-3 Square Printer

Fujifilm will announce the rumored Instax Share SP-3 square printer on October 25.

I own, use and love these little printers. Especially when travelling, it’s a great tool that can help to “break the ice” with locals and they will be more than happy to be photographed.

We have a dedicated Instax Smartphone Printer for travels thread on our forum.

And now Fuji, please Instax Share SP-W1 (Wide) printer!

See all current Fujifilm Instax Square Products at AmazonUS.

Fujifilm Instax Square SQ10USA BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS EU: WexUK, PCHstore
Fujifilm Instax Share SP-2 Printer: USA: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama EU: AmazonDE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, WexUK AUS: CameraPro


TheCameraStoreTV Fujifilm Live Edition: XF 80mm Macro, X-E3 and More


What a coincidence… just when I had my babysitting break of 1 hour, TheCameraStoreTV started a live stream with Fuji Guy Jarry Julien.

So I could intereact with the show and also with prominent Fuji Guys like Billy, who was active in the comments. Btw, Billy said in the comments he thinks he saw me taking a picture of him at Photokina 2016. Yep, that’s the image… and I’ve found Waldo, too :D

Check out the video at TCSTV youtube channel here.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Some excerpts below

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Rumor Chatter: Tamron Will Make Fujifilm X Mount lenses (via SAR)


Tamron Mirrorless Offerings on AmazonUS

Fuji X Mount Tamron

According to SonyAlphaRumors, Tamron will make Fuji X Mount lenses in future. SAR writes:

A SAR reader reported to me the unofficial talk he collected on the Digital Splash show. While this is just unofficial chatter it’s still interesting to know what managers are spilling out on those kind of events. […]

tamron have now ceased all future A mount lens development and instead are shifting focus to E mount and fuji mount, the price of A mount for some reason has shot up in recent times which paired with the shrinking A mount market share has led them the call it a day, all recent releases will be fullfilled up untill a certain point which wasn’t specified.

In the past, we had huge discussion here on FujiRumors about Sigma and Tamron Fuji X mount support. So here is a little recap:


Back in November 2015, we shared the rumor that Tamron has “currently” no plans to release X-mount lenses. But the source also added that Tamron said they “may produce X-mount lenses in future“.

That was a cautios opening by Tamron, and if SAR is right (and they are usually a very accurate rumor site), maybe time will soon come, that Tamron will join the X side of life :) .

Let’s hope so… and you guys can start dreaming and let us know which Tamron lens you would like for your Fuji X camera.


Back in October 2015, our sources told us that Sigma has no plans to make X-mount lenses, because the Fuji X market is too small and Sigma thinks Fujifilm made a big mistake by not adopting the M/43 mount. You can read the whole story here.

But I think that the real reason (and problem for Sigma) is that there is a lot of high quality Fujinon glass out there, that covers already many of our photographic needs, and Sigma is afraid they would end up like the Zeiss.

Fujinon Vs. Rest of the World

Yes, it’s hard to compete with Fujinon glass.

Zeiss tried to enter the Fuji X market with their Zeiss Touit Fuji X-mount Trinity, but completely failed. People simply prefered the cheaper and yet optically on par (or even superior) Fujinon X glass.

Sure, it’s tough to beat Fujinon glass, but we X-shooters are definitely open to other options, and willing to spend our money in third party glass, as long as the equation value for money is right.

Samyang, for example, found quite a big fellowship amongst X-shooters with lenses like the Samyang 8mm fisheye and their probably most successful X-mount lens, the Samyang 12mmF2, convinces with a very low price and good IQ.

Also the Mitakon 35/0.95 ver.II is falling in the hands of more and more Fujifilm X-Shooters. Jonas Rask wrote a review about it. FR-reader yukosteel compared the Mitakon 35/0.95 ver.I with the Fujinon XF35/1.4 here.

I’m sure that, with the right offering, the right price and the right quality, Sigma and Tamron could sell quite well in the X-shooter community.

Fuji X-shooters simply love good glass, no matter which brand it is from.

So, c’mon, Sigma and Tamron, be brave, release some of your best glass in X-mount… and take our money :) .

Complete Overview over the available and upcoming Fuji X-Mount lenses
