You Can Now Chat Anonymously with FujiRumors via SIGNAL


Many of our sources use the rumor box to contact me anonymously.

And despite it being a great tool available to sources, it has one downside: I have no way to contact sources in case I have any questions or, as it was the case with the source who shared the X100VI images with us, to ask if I am allowed to share a rumor.

So upon recommendation of a FR-reader, I set up a Signal account, which will allow communication with sources to be 100% anonymous, but at the same time I will be able to write back if I have any questions (such as asking permission to share the rumor or simply exchange information to double check things).

So from now on if you want to contact me, you can do it also via Signal.

It is 100% anonymous because:

  • while you need your phone number to register, your phone number is not shared with me or anybody else who does not have your phone number already (that’s the default setting of Signal). You can set it up also that not even the people who already have your phone number can see it on Signal
  • you can use the nickname you want to contact me

If you want to get in touch with me using Signal

Signal can be downloaded on your Phone, but you can use it also on your desktop (it’s required that you have the App installed on your phone already). You can check out details here.

In case any source, who contacts me anonymously via rumor box using a nickname, would like to have direct and anonymous contact with me, feel free to do it via Signal.

And of course, you can also contact me via email at and via PM on other social media (facebook & Co). Those are not anonymous, but it does not change anything, because only I’d know who you are and my top priority in any case and always is to keep all my sources 100% anonymous anyway.

Thanks for everybody who considers to help me out with the rumors, no matter in which way you’ll choose to do that.

Have a great day,


Message to Source Who Shared X100VI Images (and More) with Me


Message to Readers 1: I know you don’t like these posts. But I have no other way to hope to get this message out to the anonymous source (with nickname), other than making a public post.

Message to Source:

This message comes after a couple of weeks you’ve shared the rumors with me, because I wanted the X100VI buzz to settle down a bit and give this article more chances to be seen by you.

First off thanks. Thanks for sharing. Not only the images of X100VI, but also the rest.

In total you have shared 3 rumors, and only two of them made it online before the X100VI announcement. So I’d like to explain what happened on my side:

February 19 evening Italian Time (my time zone):

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Alphagvrd Fujifilm X100VI Skins Preorder


Yesterday we reported about the Zagato X100VI version.

We already said in the article that we believe it’s a body skin, and shortly after a kind FR-reader directed me to a Thai store that sells that Zagato skin. The article can be found here.

And since we talk X100VI skins, I’ll grab the occasion to report that Alphagvrd has lots of Fujifilm X100VI skins for preorder.

If you want, you can share a screenshot in the comments of the Alphagvrd X100VI skin you like most.


Fujifilm X100VI Zagato Limited Edition – BODY SKIN (UPDATED)


With the launch of the Fujifilm X100VI, Fujifilm also announced a limited edition Fujifilm X100VI that will come in a limited number of 1934 samples worldwide.

But now a Zagato edition of the Fujifilm X100VI has appeared online on the Chinese Weibo social media (see above).

I could not verify (until now) if this is a legit version or just a photoshopped Zagato X100VI or some special X100VI skin (like the ones offerd for X100VI by Alphagvrd).

If I should place a bet, I’d say this is a body skin in Alphagvrd style.

But if this really exists, then Fujifilm would become the 2nd brand who has ever offered a Zagato version of its cameras (if I am not wrong).

In fact, there is a limited Zagato edition offered with the Leica M10, limited to 250-piece and you can check it out here.

UPDATE: It’s a skin made by a Thai company here.

Limited Edition X100 cameras so far:

X100VI In Stock Check


Fujifilm X100VI Limited Edition for Sale at $18,000


If you thought you’ve seen it all in terms of overpriced X100 cameras, then check out this.

You can now find the limited edition Fujifilm X100VI listed for the ridiculous price of $18,000 on eBay.

I am not sure if and how that guy got his hands on the limited edition X100VI. The screenshots show the order was placed at a “Fujifilm House of Photography”.

As far as I know, only the Fujifilm House of Photography in Australia was accepting “orders” here. However, when you placed your order, you’d simply join a lottery that grants you the chance to buy the limited edition camera if you’re fortunate enough to be selected.

The winners were selected on February 28 and they had 24 hours to confirm their order, which would explain why the order was placed on February 29. So maybe this seller was among the winners selected by the Australian House of Photography and now he wants to resell it for $18,000. Strange thing is that this unit is shipping from USA apparently. So I don’t know how this guy was able to enter the Australian ballot or why he is shipping it out now from USA and not Australia.

Anyway, the Fujifilm X100VI really seems to be a prime target for scalpers (even more so the limited edition X100VI).

And yet, I hope that the prediction many stores have made is accurate (shipping all preorders within 3-5 months). This would mean that by mid-late summer all those scalpers will sit on those X100VI boxes and will have to sell them at a loss.

This Guy Turned his Fujifilm X100V into a Limited Edition X100VI using Stickers
