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Cracking the X-Pro3 Classic Negative Film Simulation Look on Your X-T2 (and other Fuji Cameras)

The ONE trick Fuji doesn’t want you to know.

Cracking the Classic Negative look

Hardly any other company puts that much effort in creating really beautiful and useful color profiles like Fujifilm.

Fujifilm calls them “film simulations”: inspired by the look of old film stock, they try to bring some of that magic into the digital era.

In fact, Minami-San, the Fujifilm employee responsible for colors back in the film days, is still today working at Fujifilm and in charge of the digital film simulation development. You can see his story here.

One more nice thing: Fujifilm film simulation can be fine tuned ad libitum:

  • read here – How to Fine Tune Your Fujifilm Film Simulation to Get the Ultimate Vintage Look
  • read here – This Guy Fine Tuned his Fujifilm Film Simulation Settings Inspired by the Work of Great Film Photographers. See “Chrome Eggleston” & More
  • read here – Fujifilm X-Pro3 Development Story: Classic Negative Film Simulation – Learning from Film

And now we come to the Fujifilm X-Pro3.

  • X-Pro3 offers more in camera editing options than any other Fuji camera
  • X-Pro3 offers a new film simulation called Classic Negative (inspired by Superia)

Of course we all demand for this firmware update, which should give us Classic Negative and other X-Pro3 goodness also these Fuji X/GFX cameras.

But some can’t manage their impatience, and tried to emulate the Classic Negative film simulation look, as it’s the case of Jean-Pascal Remon.

How to get the Fuji Classic Negative Look to your X-Pro2/X-T2
And save yourself to buy a new camera.

by Jean-Pascal Remon – websiteinstagramblog

From what I’ve seen, the new Fuji Classic Negative film simulation is generous on the blue and green level, while remaining somewhat warm and keeping a low contrast.

Here is how to achieve this look.

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Let’s Talk Film Simulations: Are they Really Good only For JPEG Shooters? Vote Your Favorite Film Simulation!

Let’s Talk (and Vote) Film Simulations

Given the recent Fujifilm announcement of a new film simulation Classic Negative coming to Fujifilm X-Pro3, and the latest rumor that says older X-Processor 4 cameras will get it via firmware update, the Film Simulation talk is again en vogue here on FujiRumors.

Also the recent Canon vs Fujifilm colors shootout has raised the color science topic again.

In fact, film simulations are a much loved feature among the Fujifilm community, and we have written several articles about them in the past:

  • click hereAn Introduction to Fujifilm’s Film Simulation Modes
  • click here – Meet Minami-San, Fujifilm’s Color Guru Since 50 Years and Who is Now Bringing Fuji’s Color Science from Film to Digital
  • click here – CLASSIC CHROME or “The Art of Omission!”
  • click here – An Ode To ACROS: “A Game Changer, My Favorite Film Simulation by far!” :: And about the Best ACROS (or B&W) Settings!
  • click here – VELVIA. The world of film simulation (link inside mixed zone)
  • click here – X-Trans III :: All Film Simulations Improved :: See Conventional Velvia Vs. X-Pro2 Velvia!
  • click here – PRO NEG, ASTIA and PROVIA. The World of Film Simulation
  • click here – Fujifilm Rethink RAW :: JPEG is Your Friend and Fuji’s Film Simulations Rock
  • click here – This Guy Fine Tuned his Fujifilm Film Simulation Settings Inspired by the Work of Great Film Photographers. See “Chrome Eggleston” & More

Now, some say film simulations are only for JPEG shooters, but I don’t agree.

Many love to work with Fujifilm RAW files by first applying a film simulation profile in Lightroom or Capture One and then edit from there. I do it like this too, and it saves me a lot of time. Fujifilm gets the colors right for me, and I just fine tune the rest of the image (contrast, sharpening, etc).

And Classic Negative?

Well, the very first samples look promising for me, and I am curious to see if it can climb high in the favorite ranking of Fujifilm X Shooters.

The current most loved film simulations can be seen (and voted) down below.

Personally, I am in love with Classic Chrome. But there is one film simulation, that I kind of re-discovered this summer, and is now often replacing Provia and Velvia in my photography: Astia!

Astia sits kind of between Provia and Velvia, giving colors a bit more pop compared to Provia, but not as much punch as Velvia.

Astia replaces Velvia also in my landscape photography, whenever I have a person (mostly my wife) in my frame, as Astia gives me the best balance between punchy colors and good skin tones.

But there are film simulations for every taste, and I am happy to see Fujifilm committed to deliver more of them. Classic Negative looks awesome, and I look forward what the future brings :).

Down below you’ll also find a video of Dan Bailey, saying why you should use film simulations.

My Favorite Film Simulation is...

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Top 3 Selling Cameras, Lenses, Software and Accessories for August on FujiRumors

August saw a clear winner when it comes to best selling camera. And I sure you already guessed it.

More interesting are other top sellers, like in the software and lens department.


Top Accessories

The Textured Rubber Non Slip Grip Tape, a useful (and cheap) accessory to add more grip to your smartphone, laptop and camera (especially the GFX100, as you can see here).

The Chinese company JJC has just released the Arca-Swiss compatible JJC FUJIFILM X-T3 / X-T2 hand grip as well as the JJC FUJIFILM X-T30 / X-T20 / X-T10 hand grip. These grips are even cheaper than the Chinese Meike grip for X-T3 and for X-T30, not to talk of the rather pricey original Fujifilm grip.

Top X Series Cameras

It could not be different, Fujifilm X-H1, win by a large margin, thanks to the crazy rebate.

The X-T3 keeps up being a stable good seller.

The X-Pro2 is third, but I wonder if after all the recent leaks regarding the X-Pro3, the X-Pro2 will sell even better. In fact, I hear that many, waiting for the X-Pro3, are disappointed by the leaks. They might well just grab a currently discounted X-Pro2 instead.

Top XF Lenses

The massive X-H1 rebates gets even better, if you bundle it with XF16-55mm f/2.8 or XF 8-16mm f/2.8.

That’s why those two lenses jumped up at the top of the lens sales ranking.

The Fujinon XF16-80 is third, and I predict it has all the potential to become a long time best seller in the Fujinon world.

Top X Mount Third Party Lenses

The Pinhole Pro X 18-36mm has raised over $300,000 already on kickstarter and people seem to be very interested in this lens. The current kickstarter campaign also pushed sales of the already available pinhole lenses for Fujifilm X

Top GFX Gear

Top Software

  1. Luminar 4
  2. Capture One Pro 12
  3. Adobe Creative Cloud

Fake sky replacement and automatic intelligent selective clarity seem to be features people love, since they catapulted Luminar 4 at the top selling position, dethroning Capture One Pro 12.

Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 AF X Mount vs Samyang 85/1.8, Disassembly, 12 Hour Wedding and More


The Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 autofocus lens is the new favorite third party lens amongst Fujifilm X shooters.

It is the 4th third party autofocus lens for Fujifilm X mount (the other three are the Zeiss 12mm f/2.8, 32mm f/1.8 and 50mm f/2.8 1:1 Macro), but the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 is the first reverse-engineered one, meaning they got no help from Fujifilm at all.

A brave move by Viltrox, that seens to pay off well for the company. At least amongst FujiRumors readers, the Viltrox 85mm f/1.8 is a best seller.

Well done Viltrox, and we look forward to the next three Fujifilm X mount AF lenses in the pipeline.

Viltrox Review Roundup

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Fuji Guy Billy: APS-C Crop Factor Cheating? :: f/2 X Mount Zoom Lenses? :: Fast G Mount Lenses Potentially Coming :: And More

The third episode of the Fujilove podcast with Fuji Guy Billy just went online (episode 1, episode 2, episode 3). You can listed to it all at sticher and Fujilove.

It’s a 1 hour podcast, and you can find it all summed up below, in case you have no time to listen to it all right now.


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Sony launches A7rIV and Says it Rivals Medium Format Image Quality – Signs of Confidence or Nervousness?

Sony launched the Sony A7rIV. You can read the facts and see the live stream again here.

It has a 61 MP full frame sensor, that offers 26 MP in APS-C crop mode. Anyone knows an APS-C Fuji camera with 26 MP out there? It’s all the same sensor wafer, just cut in differnt sizes for X-T3 (26 MP), A7rIV (61 MP) and GFX100 (102 MP).

The Sony A7rIV is a very fine camera, and I know at least one guy, who won’t be able to resist the temptation of buying it.

But one thing really grabbed my attention during the official presentation: the regular reference to medium format image quality.

The first reference comes from a Japanese Sony manager, who says:

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Fujinon XF 33mm f1.0 and XF 16-80mm f4 Hands On Video

At Photoforum 2019 in Moscow, a Russian youtuber went hands on with the Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 R WR and XF 16-80mm f/4.

The youtuber had a chat with the Fuji rep, that the automatic google translation tool has a hard time to tranlsate, so if any Russian FR-reader has some spare time to do something good for the FR-community, feel free to drop your translation in the comments down below.

Until then, all I could get is that apparently the youtuber, after handling the XF33mm f/1.0, says:

  • it feels like around 800g weight“.
    Update with translation by FR reader
  • 33/1.0 dummy represents weight and size for now. Guess it will be pretty expensive. Awaiting next year
  • 16-80 will be affordable lens with extendable barrel (dummy shows folded state only). Also said that 16-80 will be lightweight lens for travellers and videographers

Of course the unit shown is just a dummy (the lens is on the roadmap for 2020), but dummies are usually accurate representations of the lens in terms of size, look and weight.

With that said, it’s still a long way, so there might be changes in size and weight until the final Fujinon XF33mm f/1.0 hits the market in 2020, and dummies we see later on this year might look different than the early ones we see now.

Regarding the Fujinon XF 16-80mm f/4, I remind you that Fujifilm said it will come this fall.

Check out the video above, which will skip the initial part of X-T30 and 16/2.8 introduction and jump straight to the XF33mmF1 and XF16-80mmF4.

Rumors & Community

Stay in the Loop

Fujinon XF 33mm f/1.0 Resources

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FujiRumors 2018: Most Read Articles, My Most Used Gear, Top & Flop Blogger Moments and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019!

? Are You Guys Crazy? ?

I don’t know where the heck you find the time to do all this, but here is what you guys did in 2018:

  • 53,889 comments on FR-articles (147 comments a day – average 53 comments on each article)
  • 327,831 votes in 86 polls
  • 698,112 hours spent on FujiRumors (all of you combined passed 80 hours a day on FR)

Your incredible participation explains very good, why Fujifilm reads us with greatest care, as proven multiple times such as here, here and here.

? Am I Crazy? ?

I feel so privileged to host such a wonderful community here on FujiRumors, that I’ve tried honour your fantastic participation by delivering you in 2018:

I gave my best in my communication to you also in 2018:

  • about 4,500 emails written []
  • well over 1,000 private messages written on Facebook and Twitter
  • 1,214 replied comments in FujiRumors articles

Phew!! :)

? The Impossible is Possible Thanks to… ?

FujiRumors is FujiRumors, only thanks to…

  • ALL SOURCES who helped me also this year with the rumors. Your support was once again incredible. Being a Fujifilm X shooter is so much more fun thanks to your help, and in a world with strong competition from SONY, CaNikon and Co, you help to keep the eyes of the internet world glued also on the Fujifilm X world
  • ALL READERS who decided to support FujiRumors by commenting the articles, by dropping me a link to interesting content, news, deals and by sharing our content on social media and forums. You make this community unique on the world-wide web.
  • ALL SUPPORTERS who decided to purchase products using our affiliate links and who clicked on the banners on our website. I do put heart and soul into this blog, but without your support, I would have to close FujiRumors tomorrow morning.
  • ALL CONTRIBUTORS who decided to write a guest post for FujiRumors. You do enrich the FR-experience with your great content
  • ALL PEOPLE AT FUJIFILM who worked hard to keep up designing, developing and crafting wonderful cameras and lenses and for covering us also in 2018 with Kaizen love

? Top Blogger Moment 2018 ?

The moment I realized, that the new XF lens roadmap disclosed by Fujifilm Japan featured exactly the top prime and top zoom lens we wanted back in February 2017. We explained how we influenced Fujifilm Japan in this article.

Now, I keep my feet well set on the ground, and I know we can’t always influence Fujifilm’s decisions. But the fact that in this case Fujifilm “copied” our Fujinon XF lens wish list and made it become reality, filled my heart with joy.

It’s a recognition that Fujifilm listens closely to what the lively FujiRumors community says and wants. So, dear readers, thanks for your immense participation, it means everything to me, and it makes everything possible :).

Runner Up: My photokina 2018 visit. It was once again super busy, but fantastic.

? Flop Blogger Moment 2018 ?

The moment I realized that Fujifilm would have made several announcements during my European road trip with my grilfriend in July (some images on my Instagram).

So it happens that I was on the road through France and Italy, trying to figure out the exact announcement dates, changing my travel schedule and hostel bookings, cancelling some day trips and so forth.

But that’s how it is. FujiRumors is a one man show. If I don’t write on it, nothing happens here.

At least the July announcements were hot! A new lens roadmap, new lenses, new cameras. So the blogging itself was exciting for me.

And regarding my girlfriend, well, a few romantic dinners later on fixed everything ;).

 ? Most Read on FujiRumors ?

Most Read Article

Most Read Category

Most Read Non Rumor Article

Most Read Guest Post

Day with most Contacts

? Most Used Gear ?

Most used camera:

It’s game over for my lovely Fujifilm X-T1. I have maybe used it for 5% of my images since I own the Fujifilm X-E3.

I got an offer from a friend to buy my X-T1, but I am still hesitant to sell it.

My X-T1 followed me on my travels, snapped my all time favorite image, climbed the highest peaks and so much more, that I just still love it, and it’s hard for me to get rid of it.

Rationally speaking I should sell, emotionally I still can’t.

Most used zoom lens:

The Fujinon XF18-135. My copy is astonshing good. It’s the swiss army knife in my line-up. And the excellent OIS helps for low light handheld shots.

I rarely travel without my XF18-135. For example, this is one of my favorite images of 2018, and it’s taken with the XF18-135 during my road trip in France.

And since I own it, I basically never used my XF55-200 and rarely used my XF18-55, and at some point in 2019 I might sell them. The only zoom lens that I still use fairly enough to justify to keep it, is my Fujinon XF10-24.

Most used prime lens:

In late 2017, I bought the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8, probably the most underrated lens in Fuji’s line-up. At the beginning I used it all the time.

But at some point during 2018, my good old Fujinon XF 35mmF1.4 pretended its attentions, and ended up to be still my most used prime lens. That lens has some magic, I can’t explain. And that’s why it’s still my most use lens.

But I still use and love the XF27mmF2.8 quite a lot, and it’s in fact my Nr.2 prime, well ahead of my Nr.3 lens, the Fujinon XF23mm F1.4.

 ? Happy New Year 2019 ?

2019 is here…

Now you guys promise me to keep up having fun with your photography, and I promise you to put my best into FR also in 2019.

A wonderful, healthy and fun 2019 to everybody out there reading these lines.
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Our social media and pages have reached new heights:

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