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X-T2/Pro2 (and X-T1) Purple Grid Artifacts :: Does the X-T2 Get Hot :: Dump the 14 + 23 for the 10-24? ** Top FXF Threads & Images

Image by KirillSokolov

Portraiture work, running topic shared by KirillSokolov

shared by asgy photography Purple Grid Artifacts Image Error X-T2 (and X-pro 2) with backlight.
As you will see in the thread, I’ve shared a sample taken recently with my X-T1 + 35/1.4, where I recreate the same issue. I actually do not consider it an issue (at least on my X-T1) because it hardly ever occurs (even if I try hard to re-create it appositely), and if it occurs, I can make the artifacts disappear by very slightly changing the angle. Moreover, I hear about the same issue occuring with other mirrorless camera brands. It might be an issue more or less common to many mirrorless cameras, due to the reflection of the light hitting the sensor on the rear element of the lens.
My Personal Conclusion: For me, this has absolutely no influence on my real life shooting. And if you check out the images below, you will see X-T2 backlit images taken with no artifacts at all. So personally I do not care about this. And how rare this issue is, is proven by the fact, that in all these years, nobody ever complaint about grid artifacts on the X-T1… at least until today… ;)

shared by wildcart Does the X-T2 get HOT?

shared by Qualistat Would you dump your 14mm and 23mm for a 10-24 zoom? – Why or why not?

shared by JamesD Somebody, talk me off the ledge

shared by voodooless EVF not showing exp comp result.. bug or feature?

shared by Patrick FR Fujifilm X100F Rumors

shared by Jeff Merheb Should I get the 23mm f2?

shared by Goodjob XT2 : which flash ?

shared by adzman808 SilkyPix V7 Pro

shared by wilecoyote Software to gain pixelshift-like superresolution with Fuji X cameras

shared by miguel XT2 Bracketed exposures

shared by wildcart Why does this camera have a top display?!?!

shared by wujetz Flektogon 35 2.4 vs XF 27 2.8?

shared by cdgerston X-Pro2 RAW LR Conversions: Darker than JPEG

shared by Mike G Exifext not working!

shared by Patrick FR Nissin i60A Flash Announced with built in Radio Receiver… also for Fujifilm!

shared by FujiGlitch X70 firmware wish list.

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Portraiture work, running topic shared by HendrikOsula
(X-T2 – backlit – no grid artifacts)

Image by HendrikOsula

X-T2: Long Track Speed Skating shared by GilBarib

Image by GilBarib

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The Fujifilm X100F Will Not Be Weather Sealed

According to reliable sources, the Fujifilm X100F will not be weather sealed.

X100T (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

NOTE: The leaked X100F images shared recently here are the 100% real thing.The day it will be unveiled (January 19), just compare it with the images here on FR. You don’t believe me? Then what about a nice bet? If I win, you send me a bottle of wine, and if I lose, I send you one. According to my calculations, I should get enough wine for the entire year 2017 :-)

“The Fujifilm X-T2: 120 X-Pert Tips“ eBook is out. Click on this link and use code “FRXT2” for 40% discount (PDF, ePub, Kindle. DRM-Free).

Rumored Specs

LEAKED ** See Fujifilm X100F Images (Top, Front, Back)

Today I woke up with a very interesting email from the trusted Japanese source :)

Just like every year, our trusted Japanese source decided to make us all a little X-mas present. And since some of you critized its drawing skills when it sketched the Fujifilm X-Pro2 last year (even though it’s clear to see, that the source has talent for that… I know how quickly it sketched those images), this year the source decided to share the real thing with us.

Are you ready? Ok, then meet the Fujifilm X100F – see all the images below :)

IMHO, the X100 line is and remains the best looking X-series camera… and the X100F just continues this tradition. I was really tempted to jump on the X100T last year, when I destroyed my X-E2, but at the end I got the X-T1, just because I had already invested quite some money in the lenses.

X100T (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / FocusCamera

Rumored Specs

Fujifilm Announces “Fujikina 2017” Event in Kyoto on January 21

Fujifilm has big plans apparently, since they just chose to launch a Photo Event in Kyoto with the important name “FujiKina 2017” (in reference to the biggest photography show in the world, the Photokina in Cologne).

Participants will also have the opportunity to Touch & Try the latest and greatest Fujifilm gear.

Of course it’s just a coincidence, that the event starts 2 days after this ;)

Here is the full (google translated) announcement:

Fujifilm Corporation (President: Kenji Ueno) will hold “FUJIKINA 2017 Kyoto” for two days on Saturday, January 21, 201 (Sunday), 2017.

At this event, we will exhibit photographs depicting the themes of “the world of the large format”, “the world of the center finder style”, and “the world of the range finder style” with three galleries scattered in the city of Kyoto. In addition, we have a touch & try that you can experience the latest models, talk shows and studio demonstrations by domestic and international famous photographers who love the X series, free rental service of X series and free quick maintenance service (reservation system) We are doing our favorite thing for pleasing everyone who has patrons.

In addition, if you pre-register for this event, you will receive a memorable item as a bonus.

I am waiting for your visit from the bottom of my heart.

via Fujifilm

Fujifilm X-E3 is Back on Fuji’s “To Do” List … And Can You Really Influence Fuji’s Decisions?

[wysija_form id=”1″]

The Fujifilm X-E3 Rumor

NOTE: Long Term Rumor… so take it with the mandatory grain of salt.

  • The Fujifilm X-E3 is again on Fuji’s “To Do” list.

Now please let’s make sure Fujifilm won’t change opinion again, and continue to SPAM Fujifilm here in the comments with requests for the X-E3 because….

… because your opinion matters to Fujifilm more than you might think… and here is a little story about it:

The Comeback of Fuji’s Forgotten Gem

For a long time, the Fujiiflm X-E3 was the forgotten gem in Fuji’s desk drawer and I was seriously afraid that it could be over for the lovely X-E line.

This is why, one day, I sat down with a glass of wine and waited for the inspiration to write a letter to Fujifilm. The result was the Love Letter to the Unborn X-E3.

And since the real strenght of FR is its huge community, along with the letter, I also launched a series of Polls, to see how much interested there is amongst FR-readers for an X-E3 (with tilt screen), compared to other X-series cameras.

Result: the X-E3 spanks them all! (see Polls below).

X-E Lovers of the World, Unite!

Ok… until now we were able to proof that Fujifilm reads this blog with such great interest, that they even display our Polls during official meetings with the press. So far it’s not surprising, since you guys are, by far, the biggest source of online feedback for Fujifilm and surveys launched here on FujiRumors usually get about 5,000 votes in just one day…  and Fujifilm just can’t ignore such a huge (and 100% independent) community and its feedback.

But can you guys also influence Fujifilm’s decisions?

Honestly, I think quite rarely… but apparently sometimes you can and you already did it in the past… with the Monochrome Fujifilm X-Pro!

At least that’s what a Fuji insider suggested…

Did a Poll on FujiRumors Decide the Future of the Monorchrome X-Pro?

So here is a short story about the monochrome X-Pro.

You might remember, how back in early 2015, Fujifilm Top Manager Toshihisa Iida said that he considers the Monochrome X-Pro a “sales opportunity for Fujifilm” and that it’s “technically of course possible, but it depends on the demand“.

It depends on the demand“? Well, this called for a FujiRumors Survey ;)

I’ve launched a Poll a few days after Toshihisa statement, and, quite surprisingly (at least for me), the vast majority of X-shooters didn’t care about a monochrome X-Pro. [sadly, due to a bug, I lost all older Polls on FR, so you can’t see the results :-( ]

The rest is history: One year later, in early 2016, an important Fujifilm manager said, that every plan for a monochrome camera has been dropped… they prefered to give us ACROS.

Now you might say, that the Poll on FujiRumors had absolutely nothing to do with Fujifilm’s decision to drop plans for the Monochrome X-Pro… but you might be wrong.

I have it documented (with screenshots, too), that an important Fuji insider with excellent knowledge of Fuji’s long-term plans, was quite optimistic that a monochrome X-Pro could see the light of the day, especially after Toshihisa’s statement in early 2015. However, right after we launched the Poll here on FujiRumors, the very same Fuji insider saw the results and he publicy said that, given the bad results in the recent FujiRumors survey, he now has little hopes that Fujifilm will be motivated to make a monochrome X-Pro.

So, if written words still mean something, then the insider just confirmed that your voice (and votes) can influence Fujifilm’s decisions… or at least in case of the X-Pro monochrome your vote has very likely unmotivated Fujifilm to make it.

Did the same happen with the X-E3?

I don’t know, but I like to believe that all the love the X-E3 received here on FujiRumors in the last year, might also have influenced Fujifilm’s decision to give the X-E line another chance.

But at the end of the day, all that matters is just one thing: give us the Fujifilm X-E3, Fujifilm !!! :-)

stay tuned…
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Between an X-Pro2 and X-E3 I'd buy...

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Between the X-T20 and the X-E3, I'd buy the...

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Between an X-T2 and X-E3 I'd buy...

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Between the Fujifilm X100F and X-E3, I would buy the...

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Windows Version of FUJIFILM Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom now Available

The Windows Version of Tether Shooting Plug-in PRO for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom now available at the Adobe Add-ons site here.

A FR-reader already send me his first feedback:

Not a rumor, but a fact:
1. My previous version of the FUJIFILM Tether Shooting Plug-in (Windows version) was automatically updated (at no extra cost) to version 1.3.0 via Adobe CC. Works flawlessly with my X-T2.
2. The PRO version is available now also for both Mac and WIN.
3. Unexpected features in the PRO version (when controlling the camera from the PC):
– focus bracketing
– overlay mode, to align a new shot with an earlier one.

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Fujifilm GFX :: “Autofocus? It’s Almost like Working with the X-system” (VIDEO)

Pål Laukli is working with a pre-production Fujifilm GFX, and in his video shared at Fujifilm Global here, he says:

  • If you are used to the X-system, then you will get used soon with the GFX.
  • Shooting tethered is possible
  • JPEG with amazing color depth, very sharp, the skin tones, and X-System feel.
  • Having worked with many different Medium Format System, it was a pleasure to see that the focussing system on the GFX is almost like working with the X-system [NOTE: he does not specify if the AF speed is similar to the one of the X-E1/Pro1, X-E2/T1 or X-T2/Pro2. But it’s safe to assume it could eventually match the speed of X-series cameras with only contrast detection AF, hence X-E1/Pro1… and franky, that alone would already be quite awesome for a MF camera].
  • All the optics delivered a special feeling.

Join 4,000 fellow GFX Fans at the Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group

FIY: The footage was filmed with FUJIFILM X-T2 in 4K quality

Fujifilm GFX :: Current Pricing About $8000 (body + lens) – New Source

The Fuji X-T2 Joystick Is Worthless :: Bull Riding Event with X-T2 :: Going to England – Lenses? :: & More Top FXF Threads & Images

Image by oliaha

Portraiture work, running topic shared by oliaha

shared by Jwctp I think the joystick is kinda worthless

shared by CplGumby Bull Riding event, How did the X-T2 handle?

shared by Ms_Tex Going to England – lenses

shared by qwertz7 X-T2 Preview not accurate

shared by petergabriel X-pro 2 sooc waxy skin?

shared by JVB EVF magnification

shared by milandro Petzval 85mm F2.2 in Fujifilm mount anyone?

shared by daniel.k Blur issue on X-T2 ?!

shared by backtofuji Metal grip (not the battery one)

shared by Pathpix UK Newbie, with questions re Downloading images & RAW processing

shared by merlin Autumn

shared by sharkman53 Adapter for Nikon Glass

shared by Richard Horne x100s massively underexposing images. Faulty?

shared by Scratchen AF speed with OVF significantly slower than EVF? (X-Pro2 fw2.00)

shared by jlmphotos Fuji X-T2 raw file sizes

shared by Bjorn Moerman FUJIFILM X-T2 REVIEWS HERE

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Tethered (Wireless) Shooting for X-Pro2 (and X-T2) is Possible… with WiFi SD and a Free Plug-in!

We know the story… you can shoot tethered only with the Fujifilm X-T2.

But some X-folks were looking for solution to shoot tethered also with the X-Pro2… and they found it, by using a Transcend’s Wi-Fi SD card and this WiFiImport Lightroom Plugin by Frank Eberle.

So how does it work? Daniel Zihlmann will tell you the whole story in this blog post. A nice solution :)

Travel Photography – Fujifilm X-Pro 2 vs. Canon 5D Mark III


Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!

guest post by Andy Gawlowski – worldwidewax.chfacebookinstagram

Travel photography demands high technical performances of a camera. A suitable camera should be able to reliably deal with constantly changing lighting conditions (dynamic range, ISO-performance, white balance) and react as fast as possible to spontaneous moments and movements (autofocus), just to mention the most important requirements. Among the “must have” of such an all-rounder camera are anyway colour-balanced and sharp photos.

Since the market launch back in 2012, I have been shooting with the Canon 5D Mark III and numerous prime lenses from Canon. The 5D delivers excellent picture quality, is fast-paced, and has a very good ISO performance for most situations. It comes quite close to such all-rounder. However, throughout the past four years I often met and exceeded the limitations of the 5D, which drove me crazy at times and brought me somewhat to the point of despair. These weaknesses include in particular its size, its crazy high weight (12kg in total with all lenses) and its poor dynamic range.

For my trip through Morocco in October, I got the opportunity to photograph with the Fujifilm X-Pro 2 to test the camera thoroughly. I have been wanting to try a mirrorless-system for a long time. Nonetheless, a full frame mirrorless camera would be no option for me. Full-frame mirrorless offers zero advantages compared to full-frame DSLRs in lens size and weight (only the 70-200f.2.8 weights 1,5kg!). So if you have a bag full of gear, the only area where you can save space and weight is the camera body alone which isn’t a big benefit. Initially I was very sceptical towards the idea of changing from a full frame to a supposedly weaker APS-C system. Given my high expectations regarding picture quality, I could hardly imagine that an APS-C camera could nearly keep up with a full frame camera.

My resume after travelling for two weeks with the X-Pro2? I’m just about to sell my entire Canon gear and switch to Fujifilm. Here are the reasons.

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