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Fujifilm X-H1 Final Countdown. Will you Buy the X-H1? – POLL

Fujifilm X-H1

It’s just a few hours now, and the Fujifilm X-H1 will be officially announced (2PM Toyko time – midnight in New York).

And while the Fujifilm X-H1 is for sure the one camera that currently creates the biggest buzz on the internet, it remains to see if it will also become a big success in terms of sales.

So let’s try to anticipate the fate of the X-H1 here on FujiRumors, by launching a survey.

The decision if you will buy (or not) the Fujifilm X-H1 is made a bit easier by the fact that basically everything has already been leaked. I will share just a few main specs, and link to the full press-release, specs sheet and comparisons.

Also a short recap of the Fujifilm X-T3 rumors, which should help you to make your decision.

Fujifilm X-H1: BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama

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Fujifilm X-H1:

Fujifilm X-T3:

Will you Buy the Fujifilm X-H1?

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Fujifilm named Thomson Reuters 2018 Top 100 Global Technology Leaders… and the Road to No.1 in Premium Mirrorless Camera Market

Fujifilm has been named (again) amongst the 2018 Top 100 global technology leaders by Thomson Reuters.

In the camera segment, Fujifilm was indeed innovative, by launching a new line of mirrorless medium format cameras with the Fujifilm GFX 50S, that has all the potential to become a game changer in the industry, especially once the Fujifilm GFX 100S hits the market, with its new 8K capable 100MP BSI sensor and faster sensor readout. And also an affordable rangefinder version is coming, the Fujifilm GFX 50R.

On the APS-C front, the current effort is set to give customers a wider range of camera body offers, by adding for example the Fujifilm X-H1 to the lineup, which will have IBIS and is more oriented towards video shooters, as well as giving “older” cameras a refresh, first and foremost the Fujifilm X-T3 by the end of 2018.

And lenses… lots of lenses for both, ASP-C and MF line, as we reported here.

The goal of this huge effort is very humbly described in Fujifilm’s medium-term management plan Vision 2019: “work toward capturing No.1 market share in the premium mirrorless camera market” within March 2020.

An incredibly ambitious goal, but as we can see, Fujifilm has lots of great stuff in the pipeline for 2018/2019, that has all been rumored on FujiRumors already (+ some surprises I am sure ;) )

I am ready to cover Fujifilm’s rise to camera-world domination here on FujiRumors…

… and if you want, you can follow this journey with me, by joining us also on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter.

Here is a list of some stuff, we can expect, but there will be more…

stay tuned… we are going to have fun :)

Fujifilm named Thomson Reuters 2018 Top 100 Global Technology Leaders

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TheCameraStoreTV Fujifilm Live Edition: XF 80mm Macro, X-E3 and More

What a coincidence… just when I had my babysitting break of 1 hour, TheCameraStoreTV started a live stream with Fuji Guy Jarry Julien.

So I could intereact with the show and also with prominent Fuji Guys like Billy, who was active in the comments. Btw, Billy said in the comments he thinks he saw me taking a picture of him at Photokina 2016. Yep, that’s the image… and I’ve found Waldo, too :D

Check out the video at TCSTV youtube channel here.

Fujifilm X-E3: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS, FocusCamera
Fujinon XF 80mmF2.8 1:1 Macro: BHphoto, Adorama, AmazonUS

Some excerpts below

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Nikon D500 Vs Fujifilm X-T2 Bird Photography :: X-T2 Goes Barrel Racing :: X-T2 Wildlife Photography Heaven :: Sony A9 Vs. Fuji X-T2

The Fuji X-T2 Goes Barrel Racing at michaeldbruton

Answering to readers emails

Today’s roundup is dedicated to Fujifilm’s all time best seller, the Fujifilm X-T2. And it seems that it is making many people happy, as you can see in the links below.

And to those, who ask me if they should wait for the X-T2 successor, maybe the rumored X-T2S or even the Fujifilm X-T3, I can only say that once a replacement will be out, the X-T2 won’t become a worse camera. Actually probably even better, thanks to Fuji’s Kaizen support. So why wait… get it, and enjoy it :)

Cover Stories

  • Bird photography with the Nikon D500 + Tamron 150-600G2 and comparing it to my X-T2 + 100-400/1.4x tc at robertdoeleman
  • An Ode to FujiFilm, Wildlife Photography Heaven, Fujifilm X-T2 Auto focus at peterdelaneyphotography
  • Challenging Lighting Situation. Sony A9, 70-200 f4 & Fujifilm X-T2, 50-140 f2.8 at Denae & Andrew Youtube

& More X-T2

Fujifilm X-T2: USABHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, Focuscamera, BestBuy CANADA: AmazonCA EUROPE: AmazonDE, Calumentphoto DE, AmazonUK, AmazonITA, AmazonFR, AmazonESP, PCHstore, WexUK AUSTRALIA: CameraPro


Fujifilm X-H1 IBIS Will NOT Have Sensor Shift Multishot Feature

Fujifilm X-T2S… No Sensor Shift Multishot

UPDATE: Fujifilm changed the name from X-T2s to X-H1. All rumored specs remain the same

Hey folks,

I have a quick update regarding the Fujifilm X-T2S, Fujifilm first camera with IBIS (in body image stabilization).

I hear it will not have the “Sensor Shift Multishot” feature, present in cameras like the Olympus OM-D E-M5 II.

What is it?

You basically press the shutter 1 time, but the camera takes multiple images by slightly moving the sensor and combining those exposures to create one high-resolution image.

With this technology, the Olympus EM-5 can take 40MP images with its 16MP sensor. Keep in mind that it works properly only if your subject stands perfectly still.

Fujifilm’s First Steps into IBIS

Recently, thanks to this interesting video by Demos Soupashis, we wondered: do we need already an X-T2S with IBIS? Wouldn’t it be better to wait a bit longer, and offer IBIS on the X-T3, which should be overall a much more upgraded product (new sensor etc)?

Well, I have to agree with some of you guys, like azbest and Didiergm, when you say here:

Engineers need time to learn & try; The first IBIS implementation might not be perfect or might not push the technology to it’s limits as these things take time

The X-T2S will be Fuji’s first step into the world of IBIS (well, actually it’s this Fujifilm camera already), and if we want a mature and top notch IBIS system on the Fujifilm X-T3, then Fujifilm has to launch it now on the X-T2S and gather experience from it, improve it, learn.

And one thing Fujifilm can not offer, at least for the start, is the sensor shift multishot technology.

Will sensor shift maybe come one day via firmware update to the X-T2S? Will it come with the X-T3? Or it simply can’t be done with (current?) X-Trans sensors? Questions, I’ll try to answer you as soon as possible.

stay tuned… more is coming :)
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X-T2S Rumor Overview

That’s it already… down below, the links to the previous Fujifilm X-T2S rumors.

  • Fujifilm X-T2S IBIS Will NOT Have Sensor Shift Multishot Feature – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS camera) Will Ship First Half of 2018… and When Will it Be Announced? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Registered TWO Cameras with Bluetooth to Come Soon… Fujifilm X-E3 and… X80 or X-T2S? – rumor here
  • Fujifilm Scrapped the Ultimate X Series Camera… Focus on Fujifilm X-T2S (IBIS Camera) – rumor here
  • Don’t Worry, Fujifilm X-T2S In Body Image Stabilization (IBIS) will Work with ALL Fujinon X-Mount Lenses – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2S will have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) – rumor here
  • Fujifilm X-T2 Successor to be Called Fujifilm X-T2S  – rumor here
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Fujifilm X-T2 Settings for Wedding Photography

andrea bagnasco fuji x-t2 weddings

Why write about Fuji X-T2 settings?

Write Your Articles Directly On FujiRumors!
Guest Post by Andrea Bagnasco – Website / Facebook / Instagram. ​

​This brief article is to share my Fuji X-T2 settings for wedding photography and I hope you’ll find it useful.

I switched from Canon to Fuji for my wedding work because I was looking for a lighter, more portable alternative to my DSLR’s that wouldn’t wear me and my back out during the marathons that have become wedding shoots. Weight was becoming a serious issue for me with my Canons and thankfully this last generation Fuji APS-C X-Trans sensor seems to perform well enough in terms of resolution, noise (lack of), latitude and high ISO capabilities to output excellent results in a light and compact package: small sensor means small lenses and all that comes with it. Also, with this last iteration Fuji X cameras have gotten a lot better in terms of controls (exposure compensation dial and focus point selection joystick above all), features (double memory slot) and software and have become great tools suitable for professional use during weddings.

What happened then is, I switched for the size and weight and got hooked by the shooting experience. These Fujis are really fun to use and – once you get used to them – they are also practical and quite functional. These cameras are very versatile and offer a lot room for customization. Depending on your style of shooting and type of photography, there’s a lot to work on as far as setting up the cameras to get them to perform in a way that is suitable to you, your work flow and the results you’re after.

My wedding photography gear

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Trusted Source Confirms: “Fujifilm Developing Ultimate APS-C X-camera. Based on X-T Design. Price Not Yet Set, but Most Expensive X”

I recently shared with you a rumor from a new source, that said Fujifilm is developing the ultimate APS-C X-Trans camera, that could cost as much as $5,000 and have some killer features also for video.

As many of you guys, I also specualted it could be some kind of video-camera like the Sony FS5, especially given the lastest announcement of Fujifilm’s new Fujinon MK cinema lenses.

But I was wrong.

In fact, here is some new information I got from a trusted source:

  • Correct: Fujifilm is working on the ultimate X-series X-Trans APS-C camera
  • Design based on X-T line (We don’t know the name yet, but it’s seems it won’t be called “X-T3“)
  • The camera is still under development, hence the camera price has not yet been set
  • The only sure thing is that the camera will be more expensive than any other X-series camera currently on the market
  • Best Fuji APS-C camera for video work

It’s a long term rumor, so everything is subject to change. But, currently, these are 100% Fujifilm plans.

However, I have to remind you, that in some cases, Fujifilm can drop plans, just like it happened with the X-Pro1s, a rumor which I earned massively shitstorm for. Well, at least Fujifilm confirmed that FR sources are awesome, by displaying a X-Pro1s prototype at the X-Pro2 launch party ;)

I don’t know what Fujifilm’s next step will be regarding this “ultimate X-series camera”, but I hope to be able to keep you updated with news about its development.

And to prevent attacks about “made up fake rumors clickbait”, I would like to quickly share the rumor hit rate of the last years. Sure, they do not proof anything, maybe just that I really try hard to be as accurate as possible for you guys.

At this point, really thanks a lot to everybody, who helps FR to achieve this accuracy. Your guide me safly to the stormy waters of fake rumors.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter

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The ultimate X should absoltutely have this killer feature: a pop-up smiley! :)

shared by Ed at our X100F facebook group here
Can someone give me a reason to buy the x100f over this? I mean this one plays music! I’m pretty sure this has the max f stop of 1.0. “

Fujifilm Working on the Ultimate $5,000+ APS-C X-Trans X-series Camera (also for Video) ** Grain Of Salt

Hey guys,

You might remember how recently a Fujifilm Manager saidwhen we announce our new telephoto prime [in 2018] we also need a higher performance body”.

What did he mean with “higher performance body“? The X-T3? Or maybe something completely different?

I’m not sure now… but I can tell you what I’m recently hearing.

Keep in mind… these are the first steps into a potentially very exciting rumor journey, but it’s just a fragile whisper at this stage, so please do NOT take this as a fact. I could follow a wrong hint, or maybe there is some truth in it…

Here is the thing:

I got some hints that Fujifilm is working on the ultimate X-series camera. It should be a camera that will top everything we know from Fujifilm so far in the APS-C world and it could also have some more cinema-centric aspects, that would make it the perfect companion for the newly announced MK18-55mm T2.9 and MK50-135mm T2.9.

I don’t know if the Manager quote above was refering to this camera, or “simply” to the X-T3. I’m still working on this.

However, one anonymous source shared some more details, telling me it should cost “around $5k” (or even more) and be still an X-Trans camera. (thanks for sharing… and I will investigate further the other details you sent me).

So guys, just follow FR, and let’s see how deep the rabbit whole really goes :-)

And of course, in case someone out there could help, please contact me at or using the rumor box (with nickname if possible).

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and Twitter

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