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Fujifilm Will Announce a “Never Rumored Before” X-series Camera in 2016!

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The Next Fuji X

Just recently a reliable source broke for us the news, that Fujifilm has still something in the pipeline for this year (2016).

We all started to make our guesses. Could it be the long rumored Fujifilm X-T20 or X100F? Or maybe some new colors for existing cameras, like the dark grey (graphite?) X-Pro2 or silver X-T2? Or maybe a new lens, like the XF50mm? Some also hoped to see the Fujifilm X-E3 become real.

Well, the source just dropped me one more message via rumor box and said:

  1. it will be an X-series camera
  2. this camera has never ever been rumored (and talked about) before

This is the wonderful moment, where we all can start dreaming about the camera we desire (and let Fujifilm know about – you know that they not only read us, but even share our feedback at meetings – see here).

I wish you all a GREAT day :-)
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Fujifilm Will Announce One More Product in 2016 – (Source Right in the Past)


The amazing Fujifilm year 2016 might not be over ;)

In fact, I’ve just received a hint, from a source, right it in the past (it contacts me anonymously using a nick-name), that Fujifilm is planing one more product announcement in 2016.

The source didn’t gave any other hint.

Regarding the X-series, I don’t think anything new will hit the market already in 2016. I expect the Fujifilm X-T20, dark grey (graphite?) X-Pro2, silver X-T2, X100F, XF50mm & possible surprises to be available only in 2017. But keep in mind that the source talked of “announcements“. So it’s possible that Fujifilm decided to anticipate the announcement of a certain X-related product to late 2016.

Another possibility is the official announcement of the instax square camera, that Fujifilm just started teasing on their youtube channel (see video below). However, the official instax square site says it will hit the market in spring 2017…. a bit to early for an announcement this year I think.

If there is anyone out there, who can help me to get closer to the truth regarding this announcement (or anything else), feel free to contact me at fujirumor [at] gmail [dot] com. I guarantee you will remain 100% anonymous. But if you feel more comfortable, you can create a fake email account (which will allow me to chat with you). There is also the rumor box if you want. In this case, it would be helpful if you’d give yourself a nick-name so that I can recognize you in future.

Whatever it is… don’t miss it and follow FujiRumors on Facebook, RSS-feed and Twitter for real time notifications.

I wish you a great start in your new week

Is the Fuji X-T2 a PRO camera? :: X-Trans Lightroom Workflow eBook :: 1:1 Macro with XF90mm + Raynox 250 :: X-Pro2 Wedding with FW 2.0 (miXed zone)

Is the Fuji X-T2 Ready for Professional Photography Work at Robert Hall Photography

Fujifilm X-T2
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / Calumentphoto DE / AmazonUK / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / PCHstore / WexUK / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Rico’s X-workshop in a Luxury Villa in Thailand
only 1 space left for English / only 2 spaces left for German

XF23mmF2 WR

Fujifilm X-Pro2
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / CANADA: AmazonCA / EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / WexUK / PCHstore / AmazonITA / AmazonFR / AmazonESP / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro



XF 90mmF2 + [shoplink 50381 ebay]Raynox 250[/shoplink] = True 1:1 Macro at fuji-x-forum

X-Trans / Converters

Workflow and Settings For Processing Fuji X-Trans images in Lightroom – Updated eBook Guide at thomasfitzgeraldphotography / Fujifilm X Cameras: Understanding the ‘ISOless’ Sensor at adambonn / Darktable at thelightweightphotographer /

Travel X / Switch (or not) to the X / X Weddings


Nazli & Orhan: Honeymoon Photography in Ubud BaliNazli & Orhan: Honeymoon Photography in Ubud Bali at gusmank

Adjus & Pande: Sunrise Photography Session in Ubud, Bali at gusmank / Documentary Wedding Photography France at kevinmullinsphotography / Photographing New York City from the Top of the Rock at ianmacdonaldphotography /

a bit of everything

Dave Kai Piper X-Pert 53 Interview at fiftythreemm / A Funny Thing Happened on the way to a Lens Firmware Update at xshooters /

Discover The Mostly Used Lenses (+ Settings) by X-Shooters on Their Fujifilm X-Cameras :: Explorecams Extended Features!


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X-Gear Explored

We have reported about first back in July here. The sites, that collectes information from Flickr, 500px and other popular Photo Sharing Sites, told us which are the Top 5 used brands on those platforms (and Fujifilm was – and still is – in the Top 5).

Well, explorecams has extended its features, and you can now see also which lenses are used mostly on which X-series camera.

Just type in the camera you want (for example Fujifilm X-Pro2 or Fujifilm X-T2), and explorecams will give you a nice graphic with the top 5 lenses used for each camera. In case of the X-Pro2 and X-T2, it’s not really surprising to see that the X-Pro2 is mostly used with primes (XF35mmF2 WR is first), whereas the X-T2 mostly with zoom lenses (10-24 is first). Just scroll down, and you’ll see the ranking of every used lens (Fujinon and third party) in combination with your selected X-series camera.

Moreover, you’ll also get an insight on the most popular settings used, such as ISO value, Shutter speed, metering mode, aperture, focal length and more!

Have fun with and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments down below.

via fujistas

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and Twitter

Fujifilm GFX Listed for Sale for $8,500 (with lens) at Vietnamese Fuji Premium Reseller :: POLL: How Much Would you Pay for the GFX?


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Fujifilm GFX – Price

Official Vietnamese Fujifilm Premium Reseller (with Fujifilm Showroom) Phú Quang Camera has the Fujifilm GFX with GF 63mm listed for sale for 189.900.000 VND ($8,500 – €7,700) here. They also say it will ship in February 2017. – thanks to the FR-reader for the link :)

Now, I don’t think that, at this stage, Fujifilm has set a 100% final price on the GFX. The camera is still in development and Fujifilm can change the supposed price tag anytime until its launch. And as indicated by dpreview here and by Swiss Fujifilm Managers here, the camera is more likely to hit the market in Spring (early spring according to the Swiss Manager)

At the moment, the only official statement Fujifilm made is that the Fujifilm GFX will cost “way under $10,000 (exlcuding tax)“.

Well, let’s grab this occasion to launch a survey. Sure, we all want it as cheap as possible, but the poll is about how much you would spend ** maximum ** on the Fujifilm GFX + 63mm. What’s your uppermost investment limit?

Fujifilm GFX facebook Group

Articles shared earliert today on FujiRumors:

  • Nissin working a Firmware to support X-T2/Pro2 – click here
  • Well done and useful Video of Fujifilm to Explain the Fuji X-T2 AF-C Custom settings – click here
  • X-deals starting on October 15 in Europe – click here

For the Fujifilm GFX + GF 63mm lens I'd pay a ** maximum ** of...

View Results

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Nissin: New Firmware for HSS on X-T2/Pro2 Coming “at a Later Date” + Air 1 Commander in November ** HSS with Cactus Beta Firmware (VIDEO)


If you follow FujiRumors regulary, you’ll know that the Nissin i60 is in stock since mid September. You can find the Nissin i60 at Adorama, AmazonUS and BHphoto.

One of the issues, though, is that with the X-T2 (and the X-Pro2 FW 2.0) Fujifilm introduced new flash protocols (read also Fujifilm & Flash, The State of The Art here). This means that flashes like the Nissin i60 need firmware udpates in order to work properly.

Well, apparently Nissin is working on it. If I got the google translated version right, Nissin just said in an official press release to the Nissin i60 launch in Japan here (via, that they are working on a firmware udpate, in order to unlock the HSS feature.

“[google translated] Regarding the for Fujifilm, with FP flash (high-speed synchro) non-compliant at the moment, is scheduled to correspond by firmware updates at a later date.

In addition, NAS commander “Air 1” Fuji Photo Film for Four for the Thirds, is expected to release November.

Regarding the Nissin i40, FR-reader Fujica explains that “you will need to send your flash to the distributor for the update as the i40 does not have a USB port.”

As shared here on FujiRumors back in September here, Cactus is also working on a new firmware and you just have to drop them an email to get access to the Beta Firmware. ZedProMedia did it, and shared his feedback on his youtube channel here.

Full dpreview Interview with Fujifilm Manager T. Iida :: Fujifilm GFX will Hit the Market in Spring!


dpreview just pubished the full interview with well known Fujifilm Manager Toshihisa Iida. They talked about the Fujifilm GFX. Among the others T. Iida says here:

  • APS-C is more speed, more portability – that’s our X-series. And our medium-format is for ultimate image quality.
  • Fujifilm GFX: The challenge is how to get the light hit the sensor evenly – in the center and also at the corners. In order to achieve that we customized the microlenses . […] Also we optimized the silicon process. We spent a lot of time and resources on this kind of customization.
  • The challenges [of recording 4K Video] for every manufacturer are power and heat. And there are two ways minimize their impact. One way is to make the camera bigger. The second way is to make the video file smaller, by recording video from a cropped area of the frame. We think that it’s important to pursue the ultimate in quality, so on the X-T2 for example we tried to minimize the crop factor. Some manufacturers are offering crops of 1.5 X or 1.7X. This doesn’t help photographers at all.
  • We designed these new lenses to be future-proof. The potential resolution of these new lenses is much higher than 50MP. Our benchmark is 4700 line pairs. So the lenses can resolve at least 100MP.
  • Probably, in 2 years time, the size of the mirrorless market will exceed the market for DSLRs, globally.
  • The smartphone is not the enemy, it’s a complement to a camera. And how to enable connectivity between a smart device and our cameras is very important. We will focus on making it faster, smoother.

You can read this and much more in the dpreview interview here. They also gave us a more precise idea of when the GFX will hit the market. According to dpreview it will be spring (so late March/April at earliest)

Fujifilm GFX Facebook Group

Special deal for FR-readers
Save 20% on Damiens Books “Portraits” and/or “The Fujifilm X-series guide”. Use code “ilex” at checkout
Go to


20% Discount on Damien Lovegrove’s eBooks “Portraits” & “The Fujifilm X System Guide” for FR-Readers


Over the past two years, Damien Lovegrove has worked on his book “Portraits”, where he shares everything he knows about photographing people. 356 pages, 50,000 words and over 300 pictures. Quite some great stuff in there ;)

Damien also put together a 92 pages strong and useful “Fujifilm X System Guide” for Portrait Photographers. He covers all Fujifilm cameras and lenses (including the X-T2). After years of work with X cameras, Damien also established a personal way of working and he will share with you his camera settings and the reasoning behind them.

And now the good news: FujiRumors and Damien Lovegrove have teamed up to offer you a special deal on Damien’s books: for the entire month of October, you can get his books with a 20% discount, using the code “ilex” at checkout. Go to to check out the books.

The discount code is valid for each book separately and also if you purchase them as a bundle.

have a good read :)

DOWNLOAD NOW ** Fujifilm X-Pro2 Firmware 2.00 ** Fujinon Lens Updates ** Fujifilm X-Pro1 Firmware 3.70!


Fujifilm just released several firmware updates

  • X-Pro2: The long-awaited X-Pro2 Firmware 2.00 is out. It brings overall 20 improvements (including a new AF-algorithm for faster and more accurate AF). And actually there are more than 20 improvements, but Fujifilm didn’t mention them… however, you’ll probably know more about the “secret improvements” on FujiRumors ;)
  • Lenses: Many Fujinon lenses got a Firmware udpate too (14mm / 16mm / 18mm / 23mmF1.4 / 27mm / 35mmF1.4 / 60mm / 10-24mm / 16-55mm / 18-55mm / 18-135mm / XC16-50mmII). As rumored, less chromatic aberration for the XF16-55mmF2.8. Check out the full lens update list here.
  • X-Pro1: And quite amazing… after all these years, even the Fujifilm X-Pro1 gets a nice little new Firmware.

See the all available firmware updates and download them at the Fuji support page here.

… and just a curiosity… any other European awake now at 3:00 AM, or it’s just me? ;)

happy download,
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Push READ MORE to read the 20 X-Pro2 Improvements

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

BREAKING :: Full Details of Fujifilm X-Pro2 Firmware Update 2.00 LEAKED – Available October 6!


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Fuji X-Pro2 FW 2.00

Look at what I’ve found ;). The press release of the upcoming Firmware 2.00 update for Fujifilm X-Pro2. Just as rumored previously here, it will come October 6. Fujifilm will remove the site quickly, but it will be google.cached anyway. In the meantime, check it out at the official Fujifilm page. And of course I’ve copied and pasted everything, so nothing gets lost… you’re welcome ;)

Firmware version 2.00 update will provide a total of twenty improvements to the X-Pro2.


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **