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Fujifilm X100V/GFX100 Successor Rumors, X Summit September 12 & More – What’s Coming and What we Got Right and Wrong (Mid 2023 Rumor Check)

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The Rumor Check

Two times a year we take a look at all the rumors we have shared during the year for two reasons.

  • check how accurate we have been so far
  • give you an overview over all remaining rumors in one single article ranked by reliability

And now that we are half the way through 2023, it’s time to give it a check so that you can check if FujiRumors is worth your time and trust.

  • 30 rumors shared in 2023 so far (many more to come)
  • 4 rumors still to be verified
  • 24 correct rumors out of 25 verifiable rumors
  • 1 wrong rumors
  • 1 rumor out of ranking
  • 96% correct rumors

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Rumor Overview with Rating

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LEAKED: Trusted Source Unveils When Fujifilm X100V Successor Will Come

Fujifilm X100V Replacement

Amazon Prime Deal Pages

We told you yesterday that you should not expect the Fujifilm X100V replacement to come in 2023, hence it is not one of the two registered Fujifilm cameras (FF230001and FF230002).

Today we confirm it and we have received permission from sources to tell you this:

The Fujifilm X100V replacement will be announced in early 2024!

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RUMOR: No Fujifilm X100V Successor in 2023 (X200, X100VI or X100W-hatever)

Everything is Possible (almost)

FujiRumors broke the rumors:

But we also know one more thing. Fujifilm two registrations filed so far: the Fujifilm FF230001 and FF230002.

Now, assuming that one of the two will be the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement, this leaves all possible options open for the second one.

Well, not really all options. I mean, I simply can’t see a Fujifilm X-H3 or Fujifilm X-H3s coming in September, as those cameras are hardly 1 year old (or less).  And also not the Fujifilm X-T6 or Fujifilm X-S30.

But other than that, we can hope for:

  • a Fujifilm X-T5s with 26MP stacked sensor of X-H2S
  • a Fujifilm X-Pro4 maybe with some curious solutions as many hope for example a monochrome sensor
  • a Fujifilm X-E5 which is not a dead line according to Fujifilm managers
  • the long awaited Fujifilm X-T40
  • the much wished Fujifilm X80 or Fujifilm XF20
  • the revival of Fuji’s entry level cameras with the Fujifilm X-T300, Fujifilm X-A8, Fujifilm X-A30 or Fujifilm X-M2
  • less likely in my opinion the Fujifilm GFX100S successor, Fujifilm GFX50R successor or Fujifilm GFX50SII successor, as I can’t see Fuji launching two GFX cameras on the same day (they never did that in the past, but never say never)

And in fact, I asked you to vote on which camera you’d like to get on September 12 and you can see the results here.

X100V successor is NOT possible

At this point you’ve noticed something: there is no Fujifilm X100V successor (X200, X100VI, X100 whatever it will be called) in the list.


Well, because despite being one of your top wished cameras (second only to another camera), and despite fake rumors already being shared about the X100V to come on September 12, I can now tell you with 110% certainty that there will not be any Fujifilm X100V replacement coming in 2023.

Trust me on this guys. No X100V successor in 2023.

I guess Fujifilm has no hurry at all to come out with a successor, given the fact, explained by Fujifilm managers, that if the world would stop to order X100V today, it would still take them 3 months to be able to ship all X100V orders placed until yesterday.

Seen from this perspective, the biggest problem of the Fujifilm X100VI (or whatever) is the terrific success of the X100V.

Feeling Lucky?

I feel lucky and will click the links to see if the X100V is in stock” :)

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EXCLUSIVE: Date of Next Fujifilm X Summit LEAKED

X Summit Date Leaked

Thanks to our amazing sources, we have now received the date for the next Fujifilm X Summit.

But before I share it, one important disclaimer.

You know better than me at this point, Fujifilm X Summit dates are nothing 100% sure, even if it’s Fujifilm itself to tell you the date. In fact, the officially proudly announced April X Summit has been canceled and on the last day of April Fujifilm announced its cancelation.

So, I am going to share the date with you today, but I can’t 100% exclude that there will be changes. And if there will be, I will let you know.

With that said, here is the date.

According to our trusted sources, the next Fujifilm X Summit will take place on September 12.

Yes, that’s still quite far away. And yes, that makes it even more “risky” for me to share, as there is lots of time until that date and changes can happen anytime.

But if I share the date anyway with you, it means that I have good reasons to be confident about this date. A confidence that is given to me by our trusted sources.

Déjà vu Anyone?

Some of you guys might have some Déjà vu now and remember that date from somewhere.

Well, I actually have reported about that date a while back here, when thanks to our reader, who digged in the depths of the registration, we spotted the registrations for two new cameras, the FF220002 on May 26 and the FF230001 on September 12.

In that article I warned you though that usually registrations don’t actually fit with the real announcement date. I’ve checked back and here are some examples:

  • X-S20: registrations says May 26 / reality May 24
  • GFX100S: registrations says January 29 / reality January 27
  • X-T200: registrations says January 24  / reality January 23

And in 90% of the cases registrations don’t even give any date at all (or even become public only AFTER the camera has already been announced, as it was the case of the X-E4 registration).

But this time around the registration could well fit the real announcement date according to our sources.

Don’t Miss Out on the Fun

Don’t miss out on the fun ahead of the X Summit, with LOTS (!!!) of rumors to come (I promise ;)) only here on FujiRumors and, if you want, also on my YouTube channel, where not only you will get all the rumors, but often also some travel tips as I will show you around one of the most beautiful places the world has to offer.

Because new gear is nice and good. But investing in experiences and travels is just as gratifying if not more. And it’s one of the best ways to make good use of our awesome gear.

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New Firmware, Talking Velvia, New Camera Registrations, X100V Struggles, X-T5 Rise and More – Top June Articles and Videos

Here are the top 10 articles for June:

  1. New Firmware Updates for Fujifilm X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-E4 and X-S10
  2. Welcome to the World of VELVIA Film Simulation
  3. Fujifilm FF230002 Registration Found – Expect X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S30, X-T6, X-T40, X-H3, X-H3S, X80, X100VI (X200) and GFX50R Successor Rumors to Magically Appear ;)
  4. Fujifilm X100V Orders Suspended at BHphoto, Blocked in Japan and What it Could Mean for the X100V Successor
  5. The Impressive Rise of the Fujifilm X-T5 (Despite X-H2 Competition) and Popularity of X Series Camera Lines – Poll Results
  6. It’s All About the Latest and Greatest (X-T5, X-H2, X-H2S, X-S20) – Roundup
  7. WANTED: New Fujifilm X Mount Roadmap Needed (and Why)!
  8. Fujifilm GFX100 Firmware 5.00 New Features Guide Leaked
  9. Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO XF Lens “Coming Soon” – Teaser
  10. Fujifilm X-Pro4 Fantasies – Your Dreams Here!

And here are the June Youtube videos ranked by popularity. The 2nd and 4th video are from the Dolomites… they might be worth to watch just for the scenery ;).

The Future of GFX: Which Sensor Do You Want for GFX100 Replacement – VOTE NOW

Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement

Until now it always worked like this in the Fujifilm world: Fuji’s APS-C series cameras get the latest and greatest technology and then the same sensors and processors are used on Fuji’s GFX cameras.

With two differences, of course.

  • the GFX sensor is about 4 times larger than the APS-C sensor
  • the GFX sensor has a Bayer filter array instead of X-Trans

But other than that, the silicon wafer used to make these sensors is exactly the same.

This means that for example the 26MP BSI X-Trans IV sensor is the very same we find on the GFX100/S, just Sony cuts a 4 times larger part out of it for the GFX sensor, hence 102 MP.

That’s great for Fujifilm, as it saves them R&D if they can use the same platforms over several systems and, for example, simplify the transfer of their APS-C firmware into their GFX system by using the same processor and sensor technology.

And what this mean for the rumored Fujifilm GFX100 replacement?

Well, if Fujifilm will continue doing what they always do then I see 3 options.

And I say 3 options, because the Fujifilm X-S20 shows us that Fujifilm is still considering that 26MP BSI sensor part of their lineup and hence to be potentially used in future cameras.

The Best Sensor is…

The three most obvious options at this point are:

  • 102 MP non-stacked BSI sensor (same of X-S20)
  • 102 MP stacked BSI sensor (same of X-H2S)
  • 158 MP non-stacked BSI sensor (same of X-T5)

But of course, there are also other sensors that Sony has available. We reported here about:

  • 162 MP stacked BSI sensor (in GFX format)
  • 123 MP global shutter sensor (in GFX format)

Sure, a 162MP stacked medium format sensor would be extremely expensive. And as far as global shutter goes, it’s not usually Fujifilm who uses breakthrough technology for first. Those sensors come from Sony and my guess is that before we don’t get it on a Sony camera, we also won’t see it on a Fuji camera.

That’s why for now I will not include the latter two options in the survey. But if sources tell me crazy things are going to happen with the GFX100 replacement, then you can bet I will let you know first here on FujiRumors.

The Survey

And now to the survey… and the question could not be easier than this one: which sensor do you want on the Fujifilm GFX100 replacement?

Which sensor would you like on the Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement?

View Results

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Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 PRO XF Lens “Coming Soon” – Teaser

Back in early April, Viltrox published a roadmap that shows the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 XF Pro on it.

A couple of days later, FujiRumors leaked the very first images of the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 XF also compared to the Viltrox 75mm f/1.2 XF PRO.

Now, in a new article covering the X-S20, Viltrox has once again teased the Viltrox 27mm f/1.2 Pro on their blog with the indication “coming soon”.

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New Firmware Beats New Gear :: New Fujifilm Camera Registered for September :: XApp is Out :: Top on YouTube & More – Top May Posts

Here are the top 10 most read articles in May.

However, I have excluded all the X-S20 rumors from the list, as at this point it’s not a problem if you missed them, since the real thing is now out and you can get all the details and specs at the dedicated pages.

Interestingly, despite all the rumors and new gear, the most read article was about the new firmware updates, which shows that sometimes we want to get improved what we already have rather than new gear.

  1. New Firmware for 13 Fujifilm X/GFX Cameras: Huge Autofocus Boost for X-T5/X-H2, ISO on Command Dial of X-H2/S, XApp Support and More
  2. Two New Fujifilm Cameras Registered to be Launched Separately – May 26 and September 12 According to FCC
  3. Fujifilm X-T4 Discontinued (in Addition to X-Pro3, X-E4, X-T30II, GFX50R, GFX100)
  4. Fujifilm CEO Teiichi Goto: “We Have Found a New Gold Mine in the Photography Business”
  5. The 3 Biggest Fujifilm X Summit Disappointments
  6. New Fujifilm X App Available Now for iOS and Android
  7. TAMRON 11-20mm f/2.8 Announced: Compact, Lightweight Ultra Wide-Angle zoom lens for FUJIFILM X-mount APS-C
  8. LEAKED IMAGES of Five Yongnuo Autofocus Fujifilm X Mount Lenses Coming (including 11mm f/2.8 and 50mm f/1.8)
  9. ANNOUNCED: Voigtländer ULTRON 27mm f/2 for Fujifilm X Mount
  10. Is This Really All We Will Get? – FUJIFILM CAMERA ROADMAP 2023

May was also my most active month on YouTube so far.

In this case we will include also the rumor related videos, simply because  many of them are filmed while I was out on several locations around my home and you might enjoy to watch a bit of the Dolomites, the Road of Wine and so forth.


The Impressive Rise of the Fujifilm X-T5 (Despite X-H2 Competition) and Popularity of X Series Camera Lines – Poll Results

Recently I asked you which Fujifilm X camera you own.

The goal of the survey was to find out how popular the newest 5th generation X series cameras have become among the FujiRumors community.

The results surprised. And not because the Fujifilm X-T5 sold well. That was to expect. But because despite being launched just a few months ago, the Fujifilm X-T5 is already the most owned Fujifilm X series camera among this community.

And more impressively: this is the first time that any Fujifilm X-T camera has some serious internal competition in the higher end Fujifilm segment thanks to the Fujifilm X-H2. But despite this stiff internal competition, the X-T5 made it to the top as your most owned camera in just a few months.

Speaking of X-H2, it is 7th in the ranking, showing the huge popularity of the 40MP X-Trans V sensor.

In the battle X-H2S and X-H2, the X-H2S wins and grabs the 6th spot, but with only a few votes of advantage.

The first non-XT camera in the ranking is the Fujifilm X100V on the 5th spot, slightly ahead of the X-H2S. The next rangefinder camera is the X-Pro2 on the 9th spot

NOTE: The popularity of camera (lines) on FujiRumors is not indicative for the overall popularity on the worldwide market.

Top 10 Cameras

  1. X-T5
  2. X-T3
  3. X-T4
  4. X-T2
  5. X100V
  6. X-H2S
  7. X-H2
  8. X-T1
  9. X-Pro2
  10. X-H1

Popularity of Camera Lines

  • X-T* line = 38%
  • X-H line = 14%
  • X100 line = 11%
  • X-E line = 11%
  • X-Pro line = 9%
  • X-T** line = 7%
  • X-S line = 4% (X-S20 missing from survey)
  • all other X series cameras Fujifilm ever made = 6%

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The Latest

Fujifilm X RAW Studio and X Acquire Software Updates

Fujifilm has released software updates for Fujifilm X RAW Studio and X Acquire. All details down below.

Fujifilm X RAW Studio:  ver.1.19.0 for Mac /  ver.1.19.0 for Windows
The software update Ver.1.19.0 incorporates the following issue:

  1. Applicable model for the “FUJIFILM X RAW STUDIO” is added.
    Applicable model : FUJIFILM X-S20

Fujifilm X Acquire: ver.1.27.0 for Mac / ver.1.25.0 for Windows
The software update Ver.1.25.0 incorporates the following issue:

  1. The compatibility of tethered shooting with FUJIFILM X-S20 is added.
    The additional function below can be used.
    Backup/restore of camera setting for tethered shooting.
    Tethered shooting via USB or Wi-Fi.
  2. Other minor bugs have been fixed [only for the Windows version]

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