“Being 30 years old in the world”: Meet & share people’s life with the X-T1… now a Kickstarter Project!


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Back in February 2015, Stephane Domingues (being30yo.com) shared his project with the FujiRumors community: he travels around the world to meet, interview and photograph (with his X-T1) people from 29 to 35 years. The purpose of the project is to decode what being a 30 year-old in different countries in the world means.

Well, Stephane decided to bring it to the next level, and launched Kickstarter campaign.

The goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to fund the creation of a beautiful hardcover book to share these amazing stories with you. The book will feature 30 portraits from 30 countries and YOU, kickstarter backers will choose the portraits that will be featured on the book.

Feel free to check out and eventually support his Kickstarter campaign here.


Message to Anonymous source with Nick-Name


Fellow FR-readers, this message is not for you, but for an anomyous source with nick-name, who just contacted me via rumor box and asked some questions. Since I do not know, how to reply to the source, I’ll do it via Fujirumors. Thanks for your understanding.

And now the answers:

  1. Yes, it’s absolutely enough if you use the same nickname. Some of my very best trusted sources do exclusively contact me anonymously and use a nick-name. I don’t need more than a nick-name to know it’s from the same source.
  2. I’ll only share what you allow me to share. If you want me to keep things confidential, I’ll not tell a word until I have your expressed and clear permission. But please note: as soon as I get the same information for example from a trusted source, and this trusted source gives me the permission to share it, then it will be very hard for me to still keep it secret. It therefore could be useful if you’d contact me via email (also using a fake email account, if you feel more comfortable), so that I can drop you an email as soon as somebody else confirms your rumor. You would be the first to know it, we could talk about it and we could organize, together, the leak.

Important: please specify in the rumors you share, what can be published on FujiRumors and what not.

And last but not least, thank you :-)


POLL: The Fuji X Future: Medium Format, Full Frame or stick with APS-C? Vote Now!


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*Fujifilm Reads You!
Click HERE to see the original FujiRumors Poll, that Fujfiilm used in an official presentation to the Press

APS-C line-up is (almost) complete

If you take a look at the eXcellent Overview over ALL existing and upcoming Fuji X mount lenses here, then you’ll see that with about 70 X-mount lenses available (or soon to come), we can not really talk of a lacking X-mount lens system.

Moreover, if the rumored lenses in Fuji’s roadmap will ever become true, then most of the needs of us X-shooters will be covered. At that point, the APS-C line-up can be considered almost complete.

The Poll

So the big question now is: once Fujifilm completed its APS-C line-up, should they offer a Full Frame sensor or a Medium Format sensor system in addition to its APS-C line-up? Or maybe none of the two and just stick with APS-C?

What would be the better choice for Fujifilm? Feel free to vote the Poll and drop your comment down below.

– – – POLL: Medium Format Fuji: Top 7 questions – – –

stay tuned on FujiRumors,
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Dual SD-Card slot for the Fujifilm X-Pro2! (anonymous source) – with POLL


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I’ve already shared it last year from a new source, and now an anonymous source (thanks) says it too: the Fujifilm X-Pro2 will feature a dual SD-Card slot.

No confirmation from trusted source so far.

As you might remember, the Fuji X-T1 was planed to have 2 SD-Card slots, too. However, Fuji changed plans (as so often), sealed one SD-Card slot, and decided to go for a single SD-card slot with support for ultra-fast UHS-II SD-Card.

I’d love to see a Fuji X-Pro2 with dual UHS-II SD-card slot. But if you should decide between just one of these two feature, which one would you prefer?

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X-Pro2 Rumored Specs List (TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / SRP = source who was right in the past / OS = other sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS)
coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– delayed to 2016 (TS)
– Coming after CES (TS)
– Announcement on 15th Janaury 2016 (TS)
– weather sealed (TS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)

– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th (SRP)
– coming in January 2016 (SRP)

– 24MP sensor (AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– about the same size of current X-PRO1 (NeS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS + AS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– Two X-PRO2 version, one 24MP APS-C and one 25-27 MP APS-X, compatible with XF/XC lenses (NeS + OS)

coming September / October (OS + OS)
– Non organic APS-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)


TESTED: Third Party Fuji Batteries? “Inflated capacity values. Some batteries almost Fraud!”… and the Winner is…?


There are many cheap alternatives to the original Fujifilm NP-W126 battery… but which one is the best between the following ones?

Photoprimus, 1300 mAh
Extreme Wolf, 1250 mAh
Patona, 1100 mAh
Synergy Digital, 1500 mAh
ChiliPower, 1350 mAh
Original Fujifilm, 1260 mAh

The French site tirages-pro tested them all, and their conclusion is (google translated):

In general, the announced capacity values ​​are fetched and widely inflated. More than 30% error, some almost fall announced capacities of fraud.

In batteries tested, only Patona branded batteries and original batteries Fuji stand out and respect the advertised capacity.

So, the choice is simple. Either we research the best capacity/price and only Patona tested batteries meet this criterion. Either the capacity is favored without looking at the price and in this case, the Fuji batteries are the right option.”

Patona batteries: AmazonUS (for X100 series) / AmazonDE / AmazonUK (for X100 series) / AmazonITA / AmazonFRA / AmazonESP

You might be missing the Wasabi 1400 mAh batteries and the Watson 1120 mAh battery in this list. These batteries are very popular in America, but are not sold in Europe, at least not under this name. I believe (but please correct me if I’m wrong) that Wasabi and Patona are made by the same manufacturer, so the quality of the product should be the same. [UPDATE: You can find Wasabi batteries also in Europe]

Of course there are even more batteries on the market. Feel free to share your experience in the comments. I’m very happy with my Patona’s.
