Behind the X-Gear: A talk with Fuji X Forum member & official Fujifilm X-photographer Mehrdad


Hi X-folks

Let’s take a short break from the usual rumors/news stream and focus on the real heart of the X-system, which is you.

In this “Behind the X-gear” episode, official Fuji X photographer & Fuji X Forum member Mehrdad presents himself to the X-world, talkes about his photography and shares his thoughts about the X-system… plus: he unveils what you have to do to become an official Fuji X Photographer ;) .

If you also want to have the opportunity to be interviewed & featured on FujiRumors, all you have to do is to join our Fuji X Forum Community, share your pics & thoughts there, and you might be the next one :) .

Previous Episodes: Milandro / Trenton /


Tell us something about you

Professional Photographer or Amateur or something in between?

Something in between? I am more a professional traveller who is serious in taking pictures. But I work professional as well but not for living.

What is your kind of photography? (Motives, Approach …)

My big love is landscape- and streetphotography. Due to my civil engineer education I am somehow vulnerable to architectural photography as well.

My approach depends on the genre and changes from time to time. Sometime I try at least to plan everything up to the last-minute only to realize that most things turn the other way around and sometime I just let me lead through mood, weather and the people around me.

While taking landscape photos I often just sit there and enjoining the scene by myself without pushing the trigger every second the light or scenery changes. Just soaking it in to me enjoining the beauty mother earth is offering me in that moment.

When shooting street for example I am 100% concentrated, my eyes are searching and my brain is trying to abstract what could happen the next second…all the time the camera ready in my hands near my right eye.

Where can we find more about you on the web (website, Flickr, Facebook, portfolio)

A lot of my work can be found on my website ( The more actual stuff and photostories of mine can be found on my blog ( I also do like Instagram a lot where I can be found @qimago (

What’s your favorite image taken with a Fuji?

That is a hard question. Almost every image means a lot to me. I am very bad in remembering things so every photo I take is not only a photograph of a beautiful or interesting scenery, it is a part of my memory my inner is displayed on a photograph. I can not tell you which one is my favorite but which one was the one picture where I knew Fujifilm x was a good choice.


I took this photo in New York with my very first Fujifilm x-camera, actually it was my first Fujifilm camera ever. It was in August 2011 with the X100. I bought it a few weeks before as I was looking for a small and light weighted camera beside my Canon 5D MkII. It is not because it was better quality or something like this. It was just because from this day on I realized that I now will have always a small lightweight camera with me which don’t let me down when I need the quality similar to my dslr.

Your Move to Fuji

What’s the main reason for you to own a Fuji?

The main reason why I own Fujifilm x-series cameras is their small size, their light weight and their beautiful lenses. And yes: I love the rangefinder style of design of the X100-Series and the X-PRO1.

Is there something you miss from your previous system?

Yes! Fujifilms flash system is kind of not existent. I know how to get my results. But I often don’t like it that way and especially my X-PRO1 is driving me crazy here sometimes. My previous system had nice and powerful (as powerful as system flashes could be) flashlights but Fujifilm does only offer more or less better fillflashes. Not a real system. Luckily the Fujifilm x-series are good at low light but sometimes on events I do wish my old Canon flash system back.

What’s your favorite lens?

Easy one! the XF14mm, the XF35mm and my X100T. The XF56mm is nice too. But usually comes only on jobs in to play.

What’s your favorite camera bag?

That’s like asking a women for her favorite handbag. Well, I don’t have a favorite camera bag. There are plenty of good option to choose from. I’ve tried a lot of them: from Lowepro to ThinkTank and finally ended up with a Billingham. I use the Small and the Headley Pro. But as said, that’s just “a” bag for me, and not “the” bag.

During travel I take out the insert and put it with all my lenses and bodies into my flightkit. They are perfect for me. Friends of mine ar kidding sometime telling it looks like the Queens Purse but hey: Everyone has a another taste ;)

What’s in your bag?

My X100T is always with me. Even when I am going for shopping in the supermarket. And the rest depends on location/destination. Sometimes my X-PRO1 with the XF35mm and the XF14mm and quite often lately my Leica M6 with the Zeiss Biogon 25mm f2.8 zm and/or the Voigtländer Skopar 35mm f2.5 P II

Your Advice to Fuji

Which lens, that is not yet in the roadmap, would you like Fuji to make?

I would love to see a wide-angle tilt and shift lens in Fujinon quality. Yeaah! I know: Dream on! But hey, you asked!

Tell Fujifilm what’s the main thing they should still improve in the X-series system via Firmware and/or Hardware

Flash, flash, flash, flash…..ooh, and please don’t forget flaaaaaaaaaaaaash!!!! Hardware and firmware wise yes!

Decisive Questions

OVF, EVF or Display?

EVF! I love to see the photo already before pushing the trigger.
OVF I use where I have no choice: On my Leicas!

But, psssst: I still would like the OVF on the X100 and X-PRO Series…it just looks so beautiful ;)

Rangefinder style or DSLR shape?

Rangefinder! Right eye to the viewfinder, left one for the scene = Perfect!


I shoot both but mostly only use the RAW file. The jpgs are beautiful and for my family photos I almost always use the jpgs.

Curiosity & Customize you X

You most & you least used feature in Fujifilm cameras (like film simulations, build-in RAW converter, Extended DR(100-200-400), advanced filters, panorama, digital split image etc…)

The panorama function is great! I love Fujifilm x-series cameras for this feature. It comes in quite handy to get a very good result in capturing nice panoramas. Sometimes when I shoot jpgs or do know that I will use the jpg over the raw file I use the the DR 400, in special light conditions this can be the difference between gold or rubbish file ;)

Oh, and what I really love is the electronic shutter. It is so nice to photograph at f2.8 on a bright sunshine day without fearing to get a totatlly overexposed file. For the X-PRO1 one I would wish that sometimes. So I am a little envy on the X-T1 holder…..but only on this issue ;)

The least ones? Well the advanced filter I only used once. At the very first time I hold the camera in my hand to see what it is about. I can achieve these results in much better quality via post production. So definitely my least used feature.

Which functions did you place on the FN-buttons of your camera?

The down-pointing arrow buttons to move the af points, the left one for changing the exposure measurement, the right one for ISO, the upper one for enabling or disabling the preview pic. effect. I put Face detection on the FN Button near the trigger of my X100T and the ND-Filter is on the FN button with the trash symbol.

What’s Your favorite film simulation

Whenever I need to use my jpgs I prefer Astia on my X-PRO1 and Classic Chrome on the X100T

Your favorite photography quote.

If you can smell the street by looking at a photo, then you know it’s Streetphotography” Bruce Gilden

How do you became an official X-photographer? What should people aspiring to become one, do to become a Fuji embassador?

I am not sure if there is the one way to become a X-photographer. I guess at the end your photo work must convince your local Fujifilm press representative? At least that worked for me. I concentrated on my photography, working on my own style and at the end contacted my local press representative and he must have seen something in my photographs he found worth calling me a Fujifilm X-photographer. At the end it is only a word, a beautiful one ;) but only a word.

Go out and have fun shooting the stuff you like, this is the most important I guess, isn’t it?


miXed zone: Mitakon 35mmF0.95 review :: Fuji X in North Korea :: From Nikon to Fuji… and more!


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1.4x TeleConverter: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / EU: PCHstore / AmazonUK / AmazonITA /

FIRST LOOKXF 35mmF2 WR at the X-Pert Corner
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USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Fujifilm X-T10 Review in New York City’s East Village at TheCameraProject youtube / Review at photoreview / Review at imaging-resource /

XF90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

90mm Review in German at qimago (translation) / Working with the Fujifilm XF90mm brandonremler / Japanese review at (translation) / Review at amateurphotographer /

Fujifilm X-T1

Testing The Weather Resistance of the X-T1 at macleancomms / Pickering Wanderings With The Fuji X-T1 by Liam Shaw at yorkplacestudios /
My Fuji vs. Olympus catch-22 at eyesuncloudedphoto / The form factor at charlenewinfred / Jonathan Grado recommends the Fuji X-T1 at fastcompany / One Month with the Fujifilm X-T1: The Mirrorless Camera That Won My Heart at 500px /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

My Fujifilm X100T or rediscovering the joy in photography at billthornhill-photography / Streets of Philadelphia. A Visual Diary. Page 24. Street. Beating Complacency. Fuji X100s at streetshooter / Fuji x100T New Frames at / An Ode to the Fuji X100s at seankellyconway / Can the Fuji X100 work as a wedding camera? at ianh / custom brass filter thread extender inverter for X100T at theevilwithoutonion instagram /


X-mount lenses

Review of the Mitakon 35mmF0.95 in Italian at instantart (translation)
[shoplink 39690 ebay]Mitakon 35mmF0.95 on ebay[/shoplink]

Spanish XF16mm test at quesabesde (translation) / XF 16-55mmF2.8 review at ehnamour / Fujinon XF 56mm APD lens review at photoreview and 10-24 review always at photoreview / 16-55 review at macleancomms / 16-55 review at the French site focus-numerique (translation) / Two of my favourite images taken with the XF 35mm f1.4 at lensedbyoliver / Samyang 135mm f/2 (part 2) at eyesuncloudedphoto /

other lenses

Converting the Helios 44M-4 to fully manual aperture at richardwoodphotographer /

Travel X / Fuji X for Weddings

North Korea (X-E2/X100T) at inabyss / Traditional Bali Wedding at gusmank & Bali Wedding at Jeeva Saba at gusmank / Whats in my camera bag! – Weddings – Part 1 at ehnamour / Eva and Peng engagement at devinkhoblog / Into The Great White Open at littlebigtravelingcamera / Colorado’s Explosion of Colours (Part II) at olafphotoblog / Wedding Photography 2015 with Fujifilm X-T1, 35mm, and 56mm lenses at markhaddenphotography / The Brady Wedding at mattmccordphotography / All the Js at dearsusan

Switch to the X

From Nikon to Fujifilm. Switching to a Mirrorless system at billthornhill-photography

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

Going “light” – Mobile Post Processing without PC! at hendriximages /

Acessories / Flash / Bags

CLASSIC with ACHOR LINK at nucisleather / Fuji X-T1 (ver 4.0) how to set up your camera for studio lights (strobes) at Adam Panek youtube / 5 Cheap Accessories for the Fujifilm X-T1 at rivalsvs / Fuji X-T1 and Nikon SB600 or SB900 with Yongnuo RF605N at Rob Smith youtube / CosySpeed Streetomatic Review: A bag that helps you use your camera more at diyphotography / Off-Camera Flash Street Photography with the Fujifilm X-Pro1 at streethunters /

a bit of everything

 photo 2016-promo_zpsdqm4k8le.png

#BB 2016 Calendar / all shot with Fuji X-T1

Fast Cars… Why Wouldn’t You Use A Fuji? at buzword / Timelapse: ELMS Scrutineering in Estoril at macleancomms / Photographing Paris – A Study of Notre Dame at ianmacdonaldphotography / Camera, Tablet, Cloud, Done! My Fujifilm Workflow at photo.stjeanm / Christelle Rall – My journey to becoming an X-Photographer at myfujifilm / Long Exposure Tutorial at sebimagery /

The winning image for single image at the 2015 Lens Culture Awards by Sagi Kortler was shot with a Fuji X-T1 and 18-135 @ 18mm


BIG Fujifilm Rumors Overview (with Reliability Rating) + 2015 Rumor Check (about 90% correct rumors)


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It’s high time to share some hard facts:

  • 544 blog posts published so far in 2015
  • 92 of these 544 articles were rumors
  • 48 were right, 7 were wrong and 37 still have to be verified
  • 87,27% correct rumors shared so far in 2015 (and it’s up to you to decide, if the 7 wrong rumors are really that grave or rather irrelevant)
  • 1000’s of “Thank you” to all those sources, who shared correct rumors with FR. :-)

About the rumor check

All the rumors shared here are different rumors, mostly from different sources, all shared at a different time about different things.

Also consider that for example every single Fuji X-T10 rumor shared over half a year by different sources (the announcement date, several specs, the leaked images etc.) could have been right or wrong. That’s why they have to be listed separately.

Throwing for example all X-T10 rumors into one pot would not respect the work of several FR-sources. It probably wouldn’t even change the correct rumor hit rate at all, since we’d then have to put together also the wrong rumors, which means I’d have shared just 4 wrong rumors instead of 7.

If you don’t trust this list for whatever reason, then feel free to invest a couple of hours of your time, go through all the rumors shared in 2015 and make your own list. Then pass it to me via email. I’ll be happy to publish it on FujiRumors.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter


* 75% to 99% correct

– Fujifilm decided to go ahead and produce the XF33mmF1.0
– Fuji X-PRO2 delayed to 2016
– X-Pro2 will NOT show up at CES 2016 but later!
– X-PRo2 announcement Janaury 15, 2016
– Fuji X-PRO2 will be 4K capable
– X-PRO2 will have new processor EXR III
– Fujifilm X-PRO2 will have 1/8000 mechanical shutter speed
– The Fuji X-PRO2 will be weather sealed
– Fujifilm will launch the X70, little sister of the X100 series… with a NEW LENS!
– Fuji X-PRO2 available early 2016
– The rumored X-E2 firmware will bring a new AF-system to X-E2 cameras

– No more X-PRO1S, all R&D placed into the X-PRO2 (shared in 2014)


*50% to 74% correct

– The Fujifilm X-PRO2 will come in January 2016
– X100T successor with Newly Developed Lens!
– X-PRO2 Sync Speed faster than 1/180th
– Fujifilm is forging a MEDIUM FORMAT CAMERA
– Fuji plans a Super Fast XF 33mmF1.0, but final decision is not yet made if to produce it or not
– Fujifilm plans a Super Fast F/1.0 lens!
– Sony A7000 APS-C sensor with BSI and 24 or about 30 MP, 4K, Phase detection pixels covering the whole sensor area
No further delay on the XF100-400 (roadmap says available within March 2016)
– Fuji Flash delayed to first half of 2016
– X-PRO2 with tilt screen

– X-PRO2 with 24MP (shared in 2014)
– Fuji Flash made with METZ, ABC grouping, off shoe TTL (shared in 2014) [NOTE: As confirmed here, Fuji really planed to release it in 2015. However, the Metz insolvency changed everything. I still don’t know if this will lead also to changes in the specs].


*25% to 49% correct

– Internal Fuji roadmap shows 200mm, 8mm and 33mm. But 33mmF1.0 still not sure if Fuji will make it
– No Plans for an Instax Wide Printer at this stage
– Sigma has no Plans to make X-mount lenses. X-Market share too small
– Fujifilm considering to make an XF 60mm Mark II, once they completed the roadmap!
– Fuji X-PRO2 will have „about the same size“ of the current Fujifilm X-PRO1
– No Full Frame for Fuji X100T successor? New Source says: “Same sensor of Fuji X-PRO2”
– Kaizen Again? Fuji X-T1 will get another Firmware update this year!
– The Fujifilm X-E2 will get the NEW AF-SYSTEM by the end of this year
– Fujifilm Flash will come in spring 2015, guide no. 50 and wireless control [NOTE: As confirmed here, Fuji really planed to release it in 2015. However, the Metz insolvency changed everything. I still don’t know if this will lead also to changes in the specs].
– Fujifilm X-T2 coming pretty soon after the Fujfilm X-PRO2

– X-PRO2 priced about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (shared in 2014)
– X-PRO2 will feature a dual SD card slot (shared in 2014)
– X-PRO2 with tilt screen (shared in 2014)


*1% to 24% correct

– XF100-400 and XF120mmF2.8 delayed!
– X-PRO2 with bigger sensor ( ≈ 1.3x crop), compatible with existing lenses
– Fuji working on bigger sensor camera. Some XF lenses already able to cover bigger sensor!
– Fujifilm will launch the first X series camera with 1” sensor in about 3 months. Fixed lens super-zoom with range similar to X-S1
– Next generation of X-Trans sensor will be made by Toshiba [NOTE: I never believed it, and never planed to publish it, but since the famous joofei shared it here, I decided to share it. We now know that everything joofei shared so far is wrong.] – Fujifilm X-PRO2 coming “late 2015“ [NOTE: This early rumor (shared on Janaury 13) was probably correct at the time of sharing, but will turn out to be wrong due changed plans at Fuji. Unless I find an official statment from Fujifilm about the delay, I’ll consider it a wrong rumor anyway.]

Push the READ MORE button for the 2015 Rumor Check

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Trusted source says there will be KAIZEN Love for Fujifilm X-E2… with a new AF-system + X-E2 Rumor Recap


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_ _ _

So let this be our FujiRumors Firmware Day!

After the announcement of the firmware update for all X-series cameras and the XF 50-140mm here, and telling you why you should still keep faith, that the video button on the X-T1 will become a Function button here, it’s high time to answer to all those X-E2 shooters, worried that the Kaizen Love for their camera is over.

Let’s start with a little X-E2 rumor-recap, and then share the new rumor-entry:

  • After the announcement of X-T1 FW 4.0, Fujifilm France answered to X-E2 shooters on May 25, that there will be a Firmare update also for X-E2 – READ HERE
  • Sources told to FujiRumors on June 3, that this firmware update will come in about 6 months – READ HERE
  • On June 18, a new source told us it will indeed come by the end of this year, and bring the new AF-system – READ HERE
  • Finally, Fujifilm itself confirmed on July 24: the X-E2 firmware will come by the end of the year. They did not mention which features it will bring, though – READ HERE

And right now we have a new rumor, coming from trusted source:

  • A new Firmware update for X-E2 will come, that will bring a new AF-system to X-E2 cameras

With multiple confirmation from Fujfilm itself and now also from trusted source, I guess we can have high hopes that an X-E2 Kaizen firmware will see the light within 2015. But keep in mind: the Firmware will only be released, once it’s bug-free. This means delays can always happen, even in the last second… just remember what happened with the Firmware of the original X100.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook and Twitter

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“Where is the Video-Function Button for Fuji X-T1?” :: About X-T1 Firmware 4.10, and why you should still keep faith :)


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You might or might not remember, that already back in early August, I’ve spread rumors saying that, after the amazing FW 4.0, the Kaizen Love for the X-T1 was not over. In fact, I got a hint that another Firmware is right now in the works, maybe to be named Firmware 5.0.

And I have elements to trust this rumor. There should indeed be more Kaizen love for the X-T1. What I’m trying to find out at the moment is which changes/features it will bring and when exactly it will be released. And I’m also trying to find some fellow X-tester willing to share the Beta-Firmware-file with all of us :) .

So what I think is this: the customizable Video Button will come. It will be one of the features of Firmware 5.0 (if Fuji will number it 5.0). In my eyes, the source just mixed up things a bit. It knew about the new FN-button via Firmware, but confused FW 4.10 with 5.0.

Sure, Firmware 5.0 will tell if I’m right with my assumption. And if I am, then also the second part of the rumor this source shared, the new rumored lens roadmap, could still be correct. If not, then sorry guys. I’ll try to fix it and give you a more reliable rumor about the next Fuji lens roadmap.

However, even if the source is right, and just mixed up FW 4.10 with FW 5.0, fact is that I told you that FW 4.10 will bring the customizable video button. This is why I’ll move it right in the “wrong rumors” section of my big rumor overview. I’m merciless with myself. So this rumor will join the other few wrong rumors, like the Adobe tethering update, that I said will come in August, but came 3 days too early, on July 29. Wrong is wrong!
