EISA AWARDS 2015-2016 to Fujifilm X-T10 + XF 16-55… and to Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Olympus, Leica, Nikon…


There is a reason to celebrate for Fujiflm… and for Canon… and Leica, Sony, Olympus, Panasonic, Nikon…

EISA declared them the best cameras of the year! It just depends in which category, and there are quite a lot of them at the EISA Photography Award!

Last year EISA was able to distinguish between “advanced CSC” (Fuji X-T1) and “professional CSC” (Sony A7r). I could never figure out what makes one camera advanced, and the other professional.

For sure CanonWatch would not call the A7 line a PRO camera, and not even the brand new Sony A7rII. He actually even calls it the most over-hyped and over-priced camera of the year… Read why here.

At least, this year EISA decided to drop the “advanced CSC Category“. Here are a few awards:


Fujifilm X-T10

Olympus OM-D E-M5 II

Sony α7 II

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G7/G70

Leica Q

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90/V


Fujifilm Fujinon XF 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR

Sony FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS

Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40‑150mm F2.8 PRO


TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Aaron Coury‎: Got a chance to get out and catch the Milky Way on the recent new moon. XT1 and 16mm. — at Black Rock Mountain State Park.

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from August 4 !

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Shawn Moreton‎: Sunrise at Mesa Arch, in Canyonlands National Park, Utah. This is a blend of 3 bracketed images (merged in Lightroom). Silver Graphite XT1 & 16mm 1.4 lens. Beyond merging, there is no other editing done to the image

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Oren Darling‎: Fall Creek Gorge, Indiana. July, 2015. Fuji X-T1, XF 18-135mm with 10-stop neutral density filter @ 88mm, f/11, 75 seconds, ISO 500. www.orendarling.com

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Roy Cruz‎: Fujifilm X-E1 + Samyang 12mm. Busan, South Korea. By Roy Cruz Photo

Push the READ MORE button to see More TOP LIKED images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Convince me not to dump my X stuff : Great X-T1 off camera flash setup : X-T10, Used X-T1 or Keep X-E2 + more Top FXF Threads


shared by Goran:  Rural Bosnia

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Episode 9: Is the Panasonic GX8 the X-Pro2 I’ve been waiting for? :: Your least used Fuji features :: GAS Problems & more
Episode 8: Will Fujifilm Be Seduced By the “Dark” side? :: Save me from my GAS! :: My main issue with FW4 & more
Episode 7: HELP ME choose my first FUJI X : Your fantasy Fuji X features : 23 vs 27 for Street Photography & more
Episode 6: 5 Things Fuji is doing Horribly Wrong – Firmware 4.0 Feedback (and bugs?) – Share your Workflow & more
Episode 5: The New Leica Q :: Firmware 4.0 Beta :: Fuji X Wedding Photography Chat :: LR 6.1 & more
Episode 4: POLL: No In Body Image Stabilization, do you bother? :: Old Lenses For Dummies & more
Episode 3: Which 3 primes combo is your ideal setup? :: X-PRO2 wishlist :: Be careful with thumb grips :: Sensor dust & more
Episode 2: CLASH of the FUJIS: X-PRO2 Vs. X-T2 :: X-T1 Vs. X-T10 :: 14mm Vs. 10-24 :: 16mm Vs. 23mm :: 90mm Vs. 56 APD & more
Episode 1: Why do (some) People Hate Fuji? * Mock-Up X-T10 Vs. Real X-T10 (with XF 35mmF2 WR) * X Lens wishlist & more

Follow Topics: Just one of the advantages for registered Forum Members
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General Discussion

– started by peterh: “Convince me not to dump my X stuff“. Hurry up and convince peterh!

– started by erikk: “Analog rangefinder camera recommendations“. Recommendations here.

– started by abjurina: “Help Me Out Here: X-T10, USED X-T1, or Keep the X-E2“. What’s your answer?

– started by marcelo_valente: “Spain in September. My turn to ask advice on travel kit.” Any suggestion?

Fuji X System

X-T1 / X-T10

– started by mrz1342: “XT1 and XT10 difference“. You know the answer? Drop it here!

– started by Antony: “Brenizer method surprisingly easy with XT1“. Discover more here.

– started by JJUN: “FX 18-135 mm lens“… Add the 18-135 to the small X-T10, Yes or No?

Fuji X Lenses

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the [shoplink 37618 ebay]Novoflex Sniper 400mm[/shoplink]

– started by Markus_D: “Lens Advice Please: Whilst waiting for the 100-400 to arrive for the XT-1, can anyone please advise what 400mm options / capabilities are available for the XT-1 with adapters?” Advices are welcome here.

– started by Patrick FR: “Kaizen Again? Fuji X-T1 will get another Firmware update this year! (AS) – Which New Features would you like to get?” Drop your wish here.

– started by jasjb: “XF 35mm f2 … what is it waiting for?” Somebody can’t wait for it ;)

Adapting lenses to Fuji X

 – started by milandro: “Just how well do adapted lenses, originally meant for film, work on digital cameras?” The answer here.

– started by magnesi: “Voigtlander 15mm heliarShare your experience with this lens here.


– started by Koban: “Fujifilm instax Sp1 for traveling“. A must have, no doubt!

– started by Antony: “Great off camera flash setup for X-T1“. Discover more here.

– started by IKO: “Tripod for X-T1“. Your recommendation here.


shared by Kerryjapan: All Around the World

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shared by MacModus: Fuji Flowers

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shared by joshinthecity: X-Pro1 still worth buying?

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shared by Patrick FR: Silhouettes (Open Thread)

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shared by f/otographer: Old Lenses For Dummies

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shared by mbart: Boats, ships & Ocean liner (OPEN TOPIC)

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shared by dontblameureyes: Indonesia

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shared by bigbadwolfmodern architecture

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shared by Trenton Talbot: Panoramas (open thread)

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shared by StockografieMarrakesh with the X100T

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shared by dv. – Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS X Mount

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shared by Mahalarp: landscapes with fuji x

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shared by Trenton Talbot: Fuji Flowers

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shared by matt68: Fuji Flowers

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shared by DerBielefelder: Fuji Flowers

shared by SauveGV: “Fuji Flowers

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POLL: Vote your Two Must Have Fujinon Lenses for WEDDINGS!


That’s the Wedding-kit of FXF member AntonyFuji X Wedding Photography Chat

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Any X-wedding photographer out there? Then this Poll is for you:

Inspired by the X-wedding photography Chat at our Forum, I was curious to hear from you guys, which Fujinon lenses you put in your bag, when you shoot a wedding. But since I want you to suffer a bit, you can select just two Fujinon lenses in the following Poll … so think carefully about it and vote the 2 lenses you consider a Must Have!

And why not, tell us in the comments if there is a lens for weddings you still miss in the X line-up…. you know it: Fujifilm will be very interested to read what you think & vote. ;)

P.S.: Another related Forum thread: FXF member mart46 shares his experience at the FXF here, after shooting his first wedding with the Fuji system. Quote: “I had more keepers than ever before with the Canons“!

Top 2 Lenses for Travel Photography

View Results

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