The Masterpiece is finished: Updated Complete Overview over ALL existing & upcoming X-mount lenses! (includes 56 lenses)


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It’s finished, FXF member quincy completed his terrific overview over all existing and upcoming X-mount lenses.

In his very clear & well structured list, you’ll find:

  • the name of ALL 56 X-mount lenses
  • links to reviews for each lens
  • link to product page for each lens
  • short comments to each lens
  • regular price in Dollar & Euro
  • specs such as number of aperture blades, close focus distance, filter thread and more
  • an updated lens chart

You rock, quincy, and I’m sure the whole X-shooter community will benefit from your interesting and useful overview.


The Verge declares X-T10 Best Mirrorless for under $1,000 + No other brand is so seriously committed to mirrorless as Fuji!


The Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II? Nope! The Sony A6000? Wrong! … It’s the Fujifilm X-T10!

The Verge just declared the Fuji X-T10 the Best Mirrorless Camera you can buy for under $1,000” They say they “really like the X-T10 for its combination of features, performance, and design […] it offers the all around best package“!

But the X-T1o get lots of love not only from The Verge.  Also dpreview loves the X-T10 more than the Sony A6000, the Nikon D5500 or the O-MD E-M10:

“The A6000, the D5500 and the O-MD E-M10 might seem more appealing or capable. […] But from my experience having shot with all of these cameras, the X-T10 is hands down the most pleasurable of the bunch to use. Fujifilm makes cameras for people who love cameras, not specs“

One more? Comparing the EOS M3 with the Fuji X-T10, even hardcore Canon shooter Steve from CanonWatch said:

“Someone looking for her first mirrorless camera may be better advised to have a look on the similar priced Fuji X-T10, if the 24MP of the EOS M3 are not a game-changer (the X-T10 has 16MP). I think no other brand is so seriously committed to mirrorless as Fuji. And they make great gear with all the features you may want on a mirrorless camera. Not to mention the lenses.”

Well, I guess I was right, when I recently called the X-T10 the most underestimated camera ever.

Fuji X-T10USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / AUS: Camerapro

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The Fujifilm X-PRO2 will come in January… 2016 ;) ! (source right in the past)


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According to a source, who was right in the past (thanks!), the Fujifilm X-PRO2 will come in January.

– – – End of the rumor – – –

There is the CES from the 6th to 9th of January. So maybe Fujifilm will show the X-PRO2 there. Or maybe there will be a separate announcement, like it was for the X-T1, which skipped the CES and was announced just a few weeks later at the end of January.

Anyway, we now have at least a first important hint, that the X-PRO2 will see the light exactly 4 years after the X-PRO1.

But this rumor makes me think… where is the Sony A7000 with its new APS-C sensor? SAR says it will come within a month. So. if the agreements between Sony and Fuji did not change, then Fuji has to wait about half a year before implementing the Sony A7000 sensor (with Fuji’s X-Trans CFA array) in the X-PRO2. In this case, the X-PRO2 could be announced in January, but not be available before mid March or mid April.

Or wait…. maybe… maybe the X-PRO2 will feature another sensor?

Take the usual grain of salt, but yes… it seems that we could pretty soon be relieved of a long wait and years of X-PRO2 rumor hunting could be over in Janaury… lucky me!

I admit I’m pretty exhausted… but with the power of the coffee I’ll keep it up with the rumor work until the end… burn out or not ;) .

Every help I can get from you out there is highly appreciated. You can send me emails at (also using a fake email) or 100% anonymously via rumor box (but please use a nick-name, so that I can eventually recognize you if you share rumors in future)

Now where did I put my coffee? I have to fire off some emails!

have a GREAT day,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter

Rumored Specs List (TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / SRP = source who was right in the past / OS = other sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 24MP sensor (AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS)
– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th (SRP)
– about the same size of current X-PRO1 (NeS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS)
– coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– delayed to 2016 (TS)
– coming in January 2016 (SRP)
– weather sealed (TS)
– Two X-PRO2 version, one 24MP APS-C and one 25-27 MP ASP-X, compatible with XF/XC lenses (OS)
– coming September / October (OS + OS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)


COOL IDEA for WEDDINGS (or any kind of Party): Set up a “Selfie” Photo Booth with Fuji X, Yongnuo speedlites + Printer!


This could be a cool idea for your next X-wedding (or any kind of party): take a Fuji X (in this case the Fuji X-E2), 2x Yongnuo YN-560 MkIV speedlites, a Manfrotto BeFree Tripod, a Canon Selphy printer (or Fuji’s little SP-1 printer) and a few more things, and set up Photo Booth, where guests can take funny photos alone and print them on the spot.

You can read all the instructions at antonionunes. At the end, how did it turn out? antonionunes says:

“It was lots of fun. Guests really got into the fun and silly self-portrait thing, and the results were hilarious. Also, in the end, the Bride and Groom had this cute book full of happy shots and warm words, which is something I’m sure they’ll treasure.

The first feedback and suggestion comes from our Forum, where Mark G says at the Fuji X Wedding Photography Chat:

If the client pays for the (mostly) outrageously expensive printing paper, it would be a great idea. That said, for photo booths, I’d prefer 1 cheap strobe… just easier than changing batteries on the hotshoe flashes.”

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Speaking of weddings: those who follow FujiRumors on facebook and twitter already know that I live in an apartment over a courtyard of a wine tavern. There are weddings almost every weekend there and I still have to see an X-shooter as an official photographer (hey… are you out there??). It’s always Canon and Nikon… but I’m confident this will change in the next wedding season with the Fujifilm X-PRO2 :) .


Fuji’s Camera Remote APP won’t run on iOS9. Fujifilm promises an update soon + REMINDER: Last Super-Bundle Deal Day


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On September 16, Apple will release iOS9 for iPhone and iPad. As many out there, I’ve also received a notification from Fujifilm, saying that Fuji Camera Remote APP will not be supported. However, Fuji is working on it and a new update will come soon.

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So this is the last day! You can get a photography bundle worth of $3,300 for just $127! Purchase the bundle via thedigitaltrekker here, and 100% of the affialiate earnings will go to the charity project On Field Media Project (OFMP), where Matt helps NGO’s around the world to tell their story through photography.

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