miXed zone: Vertical Grip for Fuji X-E2, Aftershot 2.2.1 with improved X-Trans support, #BB Magazine and more!



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Ed Selous: “I recently spent two weeks in Nepal volunteering for a disaster response NGO, and I documented my time using my X-E1 and kit lens. I’ve produced a photo-essay to document my time, and it’s been picked up by the charity in question (hands.org) for use“. See more at eselous.exposure


Video: Summing up our Fujifilm X-T10 Review at dpreview’s youtube /

XF90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Scotland’s National Airshow (most shots taken with the 90mm) at macleancomms / Japanese Review at dc.watch (translation) / Real World Samples at dpreview / First Impressions at thephoblographer /

XF 16mm F1.4 WR

Japanese Review at dc.watch (translation) / Fuji XF 16mm f1.4 R WR by Mehrdad in German at qimago (translation) / Seen at 16mm at valeriejardin /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

Street photography with the Fuji X100T at williamlonsdale / Why I like the Fuji X100T for still life photography at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Fuji X100T… A Mighty Fine Camera at timetapestry /

Fujifilm X-T1

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Vincenzo Sagnotti: “For first time in my life I realized food photos, for a restaurant in Rome (ingredientesegreto). I used only, as the first photo shows, Fuji X-T1 + Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 + aluminium food paper to compensate warm summer natural light.” See the shots at mediaforme (translation).

Fuji X-Series, Know Your Gear at photo.rwboyer / A Walk With My New Fuji X-T1 at findingrange / FW 4.o at thistonybridge / The Red Arrows and the X-T1 at macleancomms / Fuji X-T1 Musings at xshooters / Set up your Fujifilm X-T1 for street photography at amateurphotographer / A Fuji X-T1 In Bali Kuningan Ceremonies & More at thetravelphotographer / How I Instantly, Painlessly Dropped 7 Pounds On The Mirrorless Diet! at karenhutton / Fuji X-T1 – Firmware Update v.4.0 Zone Focusing af jamesbrokenshaphotography / Lofoten Revisited at jonasjacobssonCheck out his Instagram too / Focus Pokus at jexphotography / Fuji XT-1 at the German site krolop-gerst (translation) /

Chris Dodkin just launched what is probably the world’s first magazine built on photography using the Fuji X-T1. #BB Magazine is a monthly lifestyle publication, in print and E-copy, which has exclusively used the X-T1 to generate it’s cover, editorial and advertising imagery. Content is most likely NSFW – so please bear that in mind before heading over to take a look. Take a look at the #BB magazine here.

#BB Magazine – NSFW

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other X-series cameras

Which camera will do the job? Some thoughts on the Fujifilm X30 at doncraigphoto / The (non weather sealed) X-PRO1 survives the artic at F64 youtube / Fuji X20: Searching for Edward Hopper at luminous-landscape /


X-mount lenses

XF 16-55 Vs. XF 18-55 test at fuji-xperience (translation)

XF 14mm: Zombie Apocolypse at trevhillphotograph / XF50-140: I used to be a prime guy at unsuburban / XF 60mm at leighmiller / Fujifilm X-E2 and Fujinon XF 55-200mm for vacation pictures at the North Carolina Beach at stanleyleary / I just got two new Fuji Lenses–Check and see if you can too at stanleyleary /

other lenses / Adapter / Extension Tubes

Working with the Fuji Macro Extension Tubes at massmadesoul / Metabones Nikon F to Fuji X adapters – UPDATE at fujixtras / Fuji X-E2 with Nikon 85mm ƒ/1.8 vs Nikon D750 with Nikon 28-300mm stanleyleary / The Samyang 12mm F2 Review at colinnichollsphotography /

Fuji X for Weddings

Lofoten Wedding at jonasjacobsson
Fuji X-T1 + 14, 23, 56 and 50-140 mm + X100T
Check out his Instagram too

Jpeg / RAW / Converters

Aftershot 2.2.1 now adds X-T10 / XQ2 / XQ1 / X-A2 support here … and improves X-Trans support /

a bit of everything

In Penang at flemmingbojensen / Mirrorless Magic – Interview with Fuji X Photographer Patrice Michellon at gettotallyrad / Astrophotography with the Fuji System at jasonpitcher / My Move To Mirrorless at outdoorphotographer / Posting Images on the Move with the Fujifilm App at macleancomms / Why?? another Fujifilm blog at jexphotography /


Ownuser Vertical Battery Grip for X-E2


POLL: Should I share more rumors… and the risks related to it!


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To Share or not to Share?

I’m caught in a dilemma… and maybe you can help me out with this.

As you know, recently Fujifilm announced the Infrared version of the Fuji X-T1 (specs & price here). For the first time in many years, I haven’t published anything about a new Fuji product ahead of its release. But this doesn’t mean I haven’t heard about the X-T1 IR camera. In fact I did got an anonymous hint.

But here is the thing: in all these years I’ve tried to become more and more accurate with the rumors I share, because I do feel the responsibility towards you of what I write. Some of you even make their buying decisions based on my rumors. My careful rumor approach allowed me to have a rumor hit rate of almost 90% in 2015 (and about 85% in 2014). I know the usual trolls will say the ranking is a fake. So I invite you to go through every single rumor, check them, and then tell me your results (and I’ll be happy to publish them on FujiRumors ;) ).

And because I’d like to keep (and maybe even raise) the high rumor hit rate, I was too careful with the X-T1 IR rumor, didn’t publish it and wanted to investigate further.

Before you answer the Poll, consider this:

FAKE RUMORS: In the last 2-3 years, the number of fake rumors send anonymously via rumor box has grown a lot. This made my work very complicated. My deepest gratitude goes to those sources, who shared correct rumors and helped me to sort out the fake ones.

However, the growing number of fake rumors forced me to risk less and be more careful. Plenty of fake rumors never went online in the last 3 years… it would be a fun list to publish one day… at least the Top 20 or 50 fake rumors.

About Anonymous/New sources

And just to be clear: let me express a big Thank You to those Anonymous/New sources, who shared amazing and correct rumors with FR in the past, driven by the genuine will to help me… and there are many of them (just check the rumor section). Luckily in almost all cases I’ve also shared their rumors on FR… almost all, except the few incorrect ones and the X-T1 IR.

I know not everyone is a FR hater and wants to undermine the credibility of this site.

I really appreciate your help and will continue to share your rumors. So keep up sharing them using the rumor box (it would be VERY useful if you’d use a nick-name) or via email at fujirumor@gmail.com.

The Poll

So, the question now is, should I risk more and share more rumors coming from anonymous sources?

This would NOT mean that I’d share every anonymous rumor, since I’m aware that many fakes are send in to try to attack FujiRumors. I’d still keep a certain “rumor-filter”. But after the missed X-T1 IR rumor I’m somehow wondering if I should take more risks.

There is a part in me that says “Hey, you are FujiRumors and not FujiFacts! Risk more!”. But there is a still much stronger part in me that desires to be as accurate as possible.

I’ll think about it and make my decision soon… but I’d love to hear what you guys recommend me to do. So here is the Poll.

My Top 2 Desert Island Lenses

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thanks for your time,
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It Will Come: Rico’s Fuji X-T1 Book Ver. 2 (updated for Firmware 4) available for Pre-Order Now!



Fuji’s Kaizen: X-shooters’ joy is Rico’s sorrow ;)

Rico is working on a second edition of his very popular Fuji X-T1 book. It is now available for pre-order at Amazon here. X-shooters, who already purchased the first edition at RockyNook here, will get a special upgrade offer. More details later on here on FujiRumors… stay tuned.

And who knows if this will be the last edition… according to an anonymous source here, Fuji is already working on the X-T1 Firmware 5.


“OK Fuji… You win. I’ll shoot JPG ;-) !” Are X-shooters mainly JPEG shooters? The answer in these POLLS!


image courtesy: xuser101

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FXF member xuser101 was a RAW shooter, but since he owns a Fuji, he gravitated more and more towards the JPEG’s. Now, after a year and a half he capitulated and said “OK Fuji… You win. I’ll shoot JPG!”

Here is an excerpt of his story:

Well, after about a year and a half with the X-T1, I think I’m finally going to shoot JPG only (except for rare occasions).  Why?  I just can’t replicate (in Lightroom) the great color and tones I get straight from the camera.  I’ve tried for awhile now to tweak the Adobe provided camera profiles to my liking, but they always seem to have too much contrast and the color just isn’t quite the same. 

Adjusting white balance in Lightroom?  The X-T1 has the most accurate auto white balance I’ve seen from a camera.  I previously gave that nod to the Olympus E-M1.  So, adjusting white balance for my Fuji files isn’t as important anymore. 

Recovering highlights or lifting shadows in Lightroom?  That’s not as important anymore either because I’ve editing the in-camera settings to my liking so that I don’t have really harsh shadows or highlights.  I can tweak a little here and there as I see fit for the JPG files in Lightroom.”

Personally, I do love the flexibility of Fuji’s RAW files (and the impressive dynamic range). Shooting RAW turns out to be very handy in situation, where I don’t have much time to worry about the right in-camera settings. A graduation party at school? A teachers’ strike? Better focus on capturing the right moment and adjust the settings afterwards in post.

That being said, the colors that come out of the magic Fuji X box are also for me the main reason to try to keep as often as possible the JPEG image or to tweak the RAW file using the build-in RAW converter. And I know I’m not alone to like the Fuji Colors. In fact, as shown in this Poll, the Fuji Colors are one of the Top 3 Reasons for X-shooters to own a Fujifilm camera.

Ok, you got it… I shoot RAW+JPEG. And what do you shoot? Looking at your Fuji X Photo archieve, how many of your images are processed RAW’s or OOC JPEG’s (maybe slightly tweaked in post)?

Feel free to drop your vote and explain us your choice in the commments… and always keep in mind: Fujifilm is Reading you!!! … not kidding ;)

Top 2 Lenses for Macro Photography

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What do you prefer, a touch screen or a joystick?

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Bart Simpson should try a Fuji X series Camera ;)

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