TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Mads Pihl‎: Ice cruising in the Disko Bay in Greenland on July 1. Fuji X-T1 with Fuji XF 10-24mm 10mm – f/4.5 – 1/3200 – ISO 320 — at Disko Bay.

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from July 5 !

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Steven Dempsey‎: Shipwreck. Fujifilm X-T1 10-24mm

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Uwe Richter‎: X in Blue. Holocaust Memorial Berlin. X-Pro 1 & XF 18-55mm

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Ken Jacques‎: Love. Love Love, The Fuji X- Series camera. XE-2 with kit lens on this shot in Arches National Park.

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Dylan Goldby‎: Mrauk U, Rakhine State, Myanmar. Fuji x-t1, 16mm f/1.4

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XF 90mmF2: “The MUST-HAVE Companion for a Portrait Photographer ” Olafphotoblog & more Reviews!


image courtesy: olafphotoblog

XF 90mm F2 WR
: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

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So here is another one, who fell in love with the latest Fujinon lens: Olafphotoblog here! They posted a buntch of images and a list of thoughts about the XF 90mmF2 WR (I’ll share just a few points here on FujiRumors):

  • When shooting wide-open, the bokeh is creamy and pleasing to the eye.
  • Edge transitions are gorgeous and ceaseless, allowing for dreamy look.
  • The micro-contrast is nicely balanced for portraiture work.
  • The sharpness is top-notch and on a par with the XF 56mm F1.2 and XF 35mm F1.4.
  • Autofocus works much better with the latest update. We played with a face/eye detection function and found it sometimes takes a bit longer than we would like before it locks. We will write more about this in our upcoming posts.
  • With Fujifilm’s film simulations, which are tuned to photographing people (beautiful skin tones), the XF 90mm is a great fit.

Here are a few more reviews: Rico’s XF90mm First Look. / 90mm + MCEX Tubes at jasonpitcher / Fujifilm XF90mm Review at leighmiller PART ONE and PART TWO / XF 90mm Review at wimarys / Hands on review at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Review at patricemichellon /

image courtesy: patricemichellon – 100% crop

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Fujifilm will launch the first X series camera with 1” sensor in about 3 months (Anonymous Source)


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According to an anonymous source, Fuji will announce a X series camera with an 1” sensor in the next few months (around September / October). It could have a fixed zoom lens with a range similar to the one of the Fujifilm X-S1, which has a 24-624mm zoom lens.

Sounds a lot like the Fujifilm X-S2, but this is not part of the rumor.

Anyway, will we soon have the first X-series camera featuring a 1” sensor?

To be clear, the grain of salt is mandatory with every rumor I share (especially anonymous rumors). Don’t take everything as a fact, just because my rumor hit rate is of almost 90% in 2015 – btw, many of them shared by anonymous sources.

I hope I will be able to confirm it via trusted source as soon as possible, and that I can say once again: “Hey, I told you” ;) .

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter


RUMOR: XF100-400 and XF120mmF2.8 delayed! (anonymous source)


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An anonymous source told me that both, the XF100-400 and XF120mmF2.8 1:1 Macro, have been delayed.

The reason for the delay? The source said that Fuji was not fully satisfied with the IQ of the 100-400 and they want to improve it further. Also, Fuji was (and still is) very busy to satisfy the high demand on current WR lenses.

In the latest roadmap here, Fuji expected the XF100-400 to be available in March, and the XF120mm in May. The anonymous source did not share any new expected release date for now.

MESSAGE TO THIS SOURCE: Thanks for sharing. In case you decide to share more information in future anonymously via rumor box, feel free to give yourself a nick-name. If you do, please write your next message in a way I can recognize you are the same person, who shared this rumor.

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter


“X-T10 superior AF in dim light than the Sony A6000 […] X-T10 is about 90% of an X-T1 for 61% of the price.” Admiringlight Review!



USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

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Admiringlight just published its Fujifilm X-T10 review. Here an excerpt from the conclusions:

“The X-T10 is about 90% of an X-T1 for 61% of the price. […] I think the X-T10 slides ahead of the X-E2 for the role of second fiddle in the Fuji lineup, and it makes the X-E2 frankly hard to recommend at this point unless you really much prefer the rangefinder styling. The X-T1 still has desirable upgrades over the X-T10: it’s weathersealed, has an ISO dial, a much larger viewfinder, better ergonomics and a far deeper buffer for burst shooting, but those differences aside, they two X-T cameras are remarkably similar.

[…] The closest competitor is, of course, Sony’s outstanding A6000 […] I prefer the controls and general operation of the X-T10, and I feel the JPEG output and color response is superior.  The Fuji RAW files can also be pushed far harder in the shadows than those of the A6000 and still hold up.

Surprisingly, I actually think the X-T10 has better autofocus.  The A6000 has better tracking over more of the frame, and it’s the better sports camera due to the deeper buffer, but the X-T10 tracks just as well in the central zone and is superior at locking focus in dim light in single shot situations.”

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XF 90mm F2 WR
: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro
