The New Leica Q :: Firmware 4.0 Beta :: Fuji X Wedding Photography Chat :: LR 6.1 & more Top FXF threads!


shared by drtech: Going North – Swedish Wilderness

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Episode 1: Why do (some) People Hate Fuji? * Mock-Up X-T10 Vs. Real X-T10 (with XF 35mmF2 WR) * X Lens wishlist & more *
Episode 2: CLASH of the FUJIS: X-PRO2 Vs. X-T2 :: X-T1 Vs. X-T10 :: 14mm Vs. 10-24 :: 16mm Vs. 23mm :: 90mm Vs. 56 APD & more
Episode 3: Which 3 primes combo is your ideal setup? :: X-PRO2 wishlist :: Be careful with thumb grips :: Sensor dust & more
Episode 4: POLL: No In Body Image Stabilization, do you bother? :: Old Lenses For Dummies + more
Episode 5: The New Leica Q :: Firmware 4.0 Beta :: Fuji X Wedding Photography Chat :: LR 6.1 & more! Top FXF threads

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General Discussion

– started by Patrick FR: “X-T1 Fimrware 4.0 – BETA“. Read the FXF feedback here.

– started by joshinthecity: “The new Leica Q“. Your thoughts?

– started by abjurina: “Fuji X Wedding Photography Chat“… tips and gear preferences from wedding photographer to wedding photographer.

Fuji X System

X-T1 / X-T10

– started by MintMark: “X-T10 JPEG Size… 150% larger?” More here.

– started by Burb: “X-T1 hyperfocal distance” … or when rule of thumbs are wrong.


started by malteser: “My problem with Spot metering…” C’mon Fuji!!!

Fuji X Lenses

– started by Aswald: “Love Your Fujifilm Lenses? Keep Away From DUST!” Are Fuji Lenses Dust Magnets?

– started by ssobers: “Sistine Chapel to Tuscany, what would be your 2 lens line up?” Plenty of suggestions here… and also a tip on how to skip the infinite queue for the Sistine Chapel ;)

– started by JLing: “Fujinon xf 14mm , 16mm or samyang 12mm” Can you answer JLings’s biggest questions? Then do it here!

Adapting lenses to Fuji X

– started by rezzo:  “Looking for a lens to get ‘real’ 35mm“… No Fujinon allowed ;)

med by Aswald: “Canon FD – X Mount Adapters“. Fotodiox, Fotasy, Metabones, Novoflex?… Any ideas which adapter is “better”? Then say it here.


– started by BarwickGreen: “Lightroom 6.1“… did the new Lightroom really improved the X-TRANS demosaicing? And how does it perfom compared to older LR versions, RawTherapee, Capture One, Aftershot Pro… RAW files to download. Discover more here.


– started by strabist: “What are your experiences, good or bad, with third-party / off-brand batteries?” Excellent (and cheap) options to the original batteries here.


– started by dontblameureyes: “Indonesia“… A just Stunning Collection of images.

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shared by Mahalarp: “Landscapes with Fuji X

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shared by Tom H.: Portraiture work, running topic

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shared by Ted Clutter: Landscapes with Fuji

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shared by joergs :: black & white (open thread)

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shared by JuergenK: Seascape

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shared by Enzio: Fuji Flowers

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shared by Mahalarp: Autumn Floating in Arashiyama, Kyoto

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shared by joergs: Black and White (open thread)

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shared by mbart ::  Landscape With Fuji X


RUMOR COMEBACK: Fujifilm will launch the X70, little sister of the X100 series… with a NEW LENS! (TRUSTED SOURCE)


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Do you remember the rumor of September 2013, where I wrote: “Fuji will launch a cheaper and smaller X100S without viewfinder, smaller body and 23mm f/2.8 lens. The name could be X70.” ?

Well, I knew the rumor was right at the time of sharing, but Fujifilm has dropped plans on it later on.. and so I had to live with the usual S*itstorm on FR ;).

But we could have a comback now, at least according to our trusted Japanese source. The source said that this time Fujifilm decided to go ahead an make it. Our source did not specify the specs, but it did say that there will be a New Lens.

Looks like the X100 series is going to get a little sister… and the Ricoh GR a serious competitor!

If the Japanese source is (once again) correct, then it shows how rumors can be right at the time of sharing, then wrong, and then eventually right again, according to the continuously changing plans at the Fuji HQ. This drives me nuts… but that’s my problem ;-) .

That’s it… feel free to tell us your dream lens for this little camera… and there is a first poll about the X70, too.

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VIDEO: Fuji Guys X-T10 TOP FEATURES – Fujifilm X-T10 now IN STOCK also in GER, FRA, UK


This time it’s a matter for the boss: Fuji Guy Billy will show you the X-T10 TOP FEATURES (including the new AF-system) in this videoRico’s X-T10 First Look

The X-T10 is available in USA since June 18 at AmazonUS, BHphoto & Adorama. It’s now in stock also AmazonDE, AmazonFR and AmazonUK (XC kit only)

Related FXF threads
Long travel combo advice – X-T10 or X-T1?
X-T1 or X-T10

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Full FW 4.0 Feedback at the FXF

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So the source was right (thanks). The countdown has to start again, the Fuji X-T1 FW 4.0 will come on June 29 – I guess at usual at around 5AM London Time – Midnight in NY (if there are no last second delays ;) !)

Here are the features you will get:

(1) New AF system with Zone and Wide/Tracking modes for effortless capture of moving subjects
(2) Improvement of AF accuracy
(3) Eye Detection AF
(4) Auto Macro mode
(5) AF improvement in the Movie mode
(6) Improved Shutter Speed Dial operation
(7) Exposure Compensation control in Manual.
(8) Finer lines on the framing grid enhances visibility
(9) Name of Silent mode changed to avoid confusion

About Nr. 9: I made a proposal at the FXF, to rename “Sound & Flash OFF” to “Sound & FLash”. It just would be clearer, what do you think?

On June 29, you’ll be able to download here. Full details about new FW here.

Full Report with Feedback about the BETA version of the Firmware can be checked out in this FXF thread.

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DELAY: Fuji X-T1 Firmware 4.0 coming June 29! (Trusted Source) – [UDPATE]


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When I first shared the rumor with the date of the Firmware 4.0 release, I knew that it was a risk, since Fuji will probably change it once they get their feedback about bugs and potential improvements.

So here we are again, with another delay… In fact, a trusted source told me that the (amazing) X-T1 Firmware 4.0 has been pushed back for a few more days to June 29! As usual, I expect it to come at about 6:00 AM London Time (midnight in New York).

To see what it is capable of, just check out this thread (including my own tracking tests).

Those who already installed the BETA, remind the following tips when you use the new AF-system for tracking:

1) For AF-tracking with CL or CH (focus between each shot), you have to use Mechanical Shutter (MS) only. It doesn’t work with MS+ES (electronic shutter) enabled
2) Turn Off face detection to enable PDAF
3) High Performance Mode ON

UDPATE: by FR-reader Tomáš Tuček: “An editor of the Czech website announced the firmware in an article today in the morning, with a link to the official firmware site of Fujifilm. As we wondered where the new firmware is, he wrote in the evening that Fujifilm CZ sent a corrected info with the date of 29th (someone mistook the Mondays). The conversation, in Czech (google translated)

stay tuned,
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