ADOBE says: “We will improve X-TRANS detail rendering and overall edge definition.” – PS CC, LR CC and LR6 Updated


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By FR-reader EvG (Files in the Comments): “The improvement is there, it’s not a big one though. The colors get more saturated and high contrast transitions loose the white halos. Here are couple of images that I just edited yesterday before the update, and exported today again after update (those are from raw files from slrclub review of xf 10-24)

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For the first time, there is an official statement of Adobe to what belongs their X-Trans demosaicing:

We have reduced “color blur” artifacts when processing Fujifilm X-Trans raw images. In collaboration with Fujifilm, we are still investigating methods to improve fine detail rendering and overall edge definition.”

So we have already one improvement, and more will come. I guess we now also have the answer to the question FXF Member FabX, who asked: “is there any sign or news of improvements in LR6 regardnig X-trans treatment?” Yes, finally :) .

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Adobe also updated PhotoShop CC, Lightroom CC and Lightroom 6.1 with new features (but not for LR6 – no new features for the standalone version), and adds support for the Fujifilm X-T10.

Check out the lightroomjournal (CameraRaw 9.1 / Lightroomm CC and 6.1)

stay tuned,
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POLL: No In Body Image Stabilization, do you bother? :: Old Lenses For Dummies + more Top FXF threads!


shared by dontblameureyes: Indonesia


Episode 1: Why do (some) People Hate Fuji? * Mock-Up X-T10 Vs. Real X-T10 (with XF 35mmF2 WR) * X Lens wishlist & more *
Episode 2: CLASH of the FUJIS: X-PRO2 Vs. X-T2 :: X-T1 Vs. X-T10 :: 14mm Vs. 10-24 :: 16mm Vs. 23mm :: 90mm Vs. 56 APD & more
Episode 3: Which 3 primes combo is your ideal setup? :: X-PRO2 wishlist :: Be careful with thumb grips :: Sensor dust & more
Episode 4: POLL: No In Body Image Stabilization, do you bother? :: Old Lenses For Dummies + more

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General Discussion

– started by Newsphoto: “Me and my Fuji (post a photo with your Fuji)”… it’s Selfie Time… join the Party :)

– started by Patrick FR: “XF33mmF1.0 … should Fuji make it?” Yes or No?

– started by tedorland: “Image StabilizationDoes it bother anyone besides me that so many Fuji lenses lack OIS, and that NONE of the Fuji X-bodies have in-camera stabilization?” Read the answers here.

Which Tripod Would You Buy?

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Does the "Serial Number Trick" Work with your camera?

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Fuji X System

X-T1 / X-T10

– started by methodphoto: “X-T1 and Multiple ExposureRead why this is a hot topic here.

– started by rjmvandermeulen: “Wireless TTL flash with Fuji X-T1“. Is it possible? Discover more here.


– started by abjurina: “X-E2 NEEDS a new update and here’s why“… so here is why !

Fuji X Lenses

– started by eagle_friends: “Bokeh Club: A remanent of my days at the Pentax Forum Website. This thread is dedicated to posting examples of beautiful bokeh using Fuji lenses and/or cameras.A Must See for Bokeh Friends.

– started by benjaminthomson: “Not a lot of love for the 14mm“. If you love this lens, then say it here!

Adapting lenses to Fuji X

started by IKO: “Old lenses for dummies […] Feel free to recommend some lens you love or that has a strange special effect you like“. The rest of the story here.

– started by andrewlee: “Best m42 50ish mm lens?” You have the answer? Then share it here.


-started by yosemirza: “Are we going to have Firmware update for X100T just like XT1, at least the AF system?” Who knows? Discussion here.


– started by photog: “My favorite travel photo backpackRecommendations here.

– started by MildManneredMarc: “Fujifilm Strap ?” Help here.


shared by JuergenK :: Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS X Mount

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shared by DerBielefelder :: Fuji Flowers

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shared by harry-angel :: Streetphotography (open thread)

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shared by Don Pino: Landscapes with Fuji X

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shared by MatusKickaStreetphotography (open thread)

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shared by Vanquished :: landscapes with Fuji X

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shared by joergs :: modern architecture

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shared by RussFirst time astro photography

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shared by mbart ::  Landscape With Fuji X

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shared by bigbadwolflandscapes with fuji x

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shared by Casa :: Old Lenses for Dummies

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shared by dv.Fuji Flowers (Open Thread)


TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Roy Cruz‎: Fujifilm X-E1 + Samyang 12mm Gyeongju, South Korea. By Roy Cruz Photo

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from JUNE 1 !

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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David Solodar: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre,Jerusalem
Fujifilm X-E1 + Fujinon 27mm

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Gabor Nagy‎: In the mist – Streets of Nice. For more images check out my blog here:

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Eric Anderson‎: Taken in Ala Archa National Park, Kyrgyzstan, halfway up Peak Uchitel. Fuji X-E2 and the XF 14mm. and

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Thien Bui‎: The Blood Mountain (Khan Tengri). Viewed from Inychek Base Camp.

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Stockografie‎: The X100T captured this great image

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L.P.: More than eight months ago I left home for my big trip around the world. I’m still travelling, still with my Fuji X-T1, and still super happy that I’ve chosen that camera! This picture was taken during one of these fantastic sunsets on Caye Caulker, Belize. More pictures & blog:

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Declan Courell‎: XE1 18-55MM F2.8-F4. This photograph was taken outside of a friend of mines home in n Sligo Ireland. Love the contrast between the green of the field, the blue of the sky, and the lone tree

Push the READ MORE button to see More TOP LIKED images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fuji XF 90mmF2 will start shipping on June 18th (source – BHphoto)


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XF 90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

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While all the other stores expect to have the 90mm in stock in July, BHphoto says here, that they will start shipping the XF 90mmF2 as soon as June 18th.

X-pert Corner: XF 90mm First Look / First Look at the X-T10

SAVE up to $ 280

Dramatic savings on XF lenses at Cameraland.

[shoplink 36351 ebay]XF 10-24mmF4[/shoplink] – save $280
[shoplink 36302 ebay]XF 16mmF1.4 WR[/shoplink] – save $150
[shoplink 36303 ebay]XF 14mmF2.8[/shoplink] – save $250
[shoplink 36353 ebay]XF 35mmF1.4[/shoplink] – save $200

[shoplink 36351 ebay] photo 0-24_zps4cogmzir.jpg[/shoplink]



$2061 donated to KNGO thanks to X-shooters, who bought the MICHELLE OBAMA Approved X-shirts :)


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As promised, I didn’t keep a single penny for myself, and therefore Tonlé was able to make the first donation of $2061 to KNGO (XL shirts sales of June not included… a second donation will be made soon).

We are on the good road to achieve our first goal, which is to pay all teachers at KNGO a higher salary for their incredible work. The final goal remains the classroom, but for that we need to sell more X-shirts. Feel free to support the project: Small, Medium and Large are still available here.

Thank You. Thanks to those who bought an X-shirt. I hope that one day I’ll meet someone, somewhere, walking on the streets with an X-shirt… and you can be sure I’ll stop you and offer you a good beer ;)

And what about Michelle Obama?

Well, the US X-shirts are made by Tonlé, and all you have to know about this amazing workshop is packed in this short & creative video. The thing is that Michelle Obama was in Cambodia and also knows about Tonlé and its incredible work. Michelle admired the work of Tonlé (who wouldn’t?) and wrote to Rachel (founder of Tonlé) the following letter:

sorry, I took that pic with my iPhone

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