Fujifilm X-T2 coming pretty soon after the Fujfilm X-PRO2 (source right in the past)


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A source, who was right in the past, told us that the X-T2 will be announced from 2 to 4 months after the X-PRO2. Remember, the X-PRO2 announcement could be in late 2015 (according to this rumor).

It all looks like we are going to have an epic battle: X-PRO2 Vs. X-T2, Rangefinder Vs. DSLR-shape, HVF Vs. EVF…

FXF discussion: If the X-PRO2 and X-T2 were both released tomorrow, which one would you go for?


Travel-X This Summer… and a few things you should Put in Your Bag – Battery Charger Adapter, Photo Books & more!


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I can feel it…

I feel the lightness, I feel the happiness, I feel the promise of endless possibilities and more time (finally!!) to go out and shoot… or in short: School Is Almost Over, Holidays are Near (ok, apart from FujiRumors, that, don’t worry, will run non stop as always, wherever I’ll be ;) .)

Ok, time to organize my travel and to think what I should not miss to bring with me. Of course, my X-T1 and a few lenses (not more than 3!).

But what else could I need?

I’ve checked out the various topics on our New Fuji X Forum, and found some interesting stuff, good for travels, that I would like to share also on FujiRumors.

shared by FXF Member Prabbit

Why take that cable on holidays? Let’s get rid of it. FXF Member Prabbit bought this little cool Adapter for $6.25!

For other solutions, check out this thread at the FXF!

shared by FXF Member FearTheXNoob

FearTheXNoob asked for some photography Books to read on vacation. The FXF community recommended, among the others:

Dan Winters – Road to Seeing
Zack Arias – Photography Q&A: Real Questions. Real Answers
Bruce Barnbaum – The art of photography
Ansel Adam’s – The Negative
Galen Rowell’s – Mountain Light: In Search of the Dynamic Landscape or Inner Game of Outdoor Photography

For more book recomandations, visit this FXF thread… and feel free to drop your own tips.

shared by FXF Member photog

Just a few recommendations, starting from the one of FXF Member photog:

Lowepro Photo Hatchback 22L AW
MindShift Rotation
Urban Approach 15 Mirrorless Backpack

More nice bags in this FXF thread here.

shared by FXF Member Mike B

FXF Member Mike B asked: “Has anyone had experience with gear to allow the use of an X-T1 underwater?” The suggestions came in, from the Ewa Marine DB bag to the Meikon 40m/130ft Underwater Waterproof Camera Housing for X-T1! More suggestions in this FXF thread.

shared by FXF Member Koban

I can’t recommend the little Fujifilm SP-1 Printer enough! There is dedicated thread at the FXF about it, with some feedback of X-shooters, who used it in their travels… a MUST HAVE!


RUMOR: Fuji X Flash delayed because of Metz insolvency! (New Source)


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Flash Photography with the Fuji X system?
It can be done, but more flash-options are needed!

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I’ve just received an email from a new source, with a bad news. And I’m afraid it’s true!

The source said that, during a Fuji event in Canada, a Fuji Guy told him that the long expected (and urgently needed) flash will be delayed, hence not come this spring as told us last year by a trusted source.

So was the trusted source wrong? No, it wasn’t. It’s just another case of a rumor shared too early. Fuji’s plan really was to launch this flash (rumored to be made by Metz) in spring, but the insolvency of Metz has changed everything…. the release of the flash has been pushed back.

I have no information about the fact if Fuji will continue to cooperate with Metz or if they are looking for a new partner, altough there are hints that they are looking at companies like Sunpak (see Sunpack Flash on Amazon).

stay tuned,
Fuji X Forum, Facebook, Google+, RSS-feed and Twitter


XF 100-400 Aperture Range now from 4.5 to 5.6? – POLL: Better Slower & Smaller (and cheaper) or Bigger & Faster?


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[shoplink 36240 ebay]XF 16mmF1.4 WR[/shoplink] – save $150

XF 100-400 Recap:

July 2014: Fujifilm releases a new roadmap, showing a super tele-photo zoom lens coming in late 2015.
Photokina, September 2014: Fujifilm shows XF 140-400 mock-up with an aperture range that goes from F4 to F5.6.
February 2015: Fujifilm updates the roadmap and now shows an XF 100-400 coming in early 2016… no aperture range indication on the roadmap
CP+, February 2015: a journalist of ValueTechTV says that the XF 100-400 release was delayed, because Fuji decided to change the aperture range at the wide end and make it slower and smaller.
– The latest roadmap shared by FR-reader Stalkdog here, shows that Fuji will release the XF 100-400 in March 2016.

Now, FR-reader aki noted, that the roadmap shows an XF 100-400 that is 4.5 at the wide and 5.6 at the long end, confirming what the journalist at ValueTech said.

Well, since we now have the unequivocal evidence that FujiFilm reads FujiRumors, we can let them know what we think about the XF 100-400 aperture. Is it better not to care about the size (since it will be big anyway) and make a F4 constant zoom out of it? Or should Fuji try to contain its size (and price) by making it slower (F4.5-5.6)? Or maybe just keep the aperture range they displayed at Photokina (F4 to F5.6 – at that time the lens was planed as 140-400)?

Your thoughts are appreciated and keep in mind: Fujifilm is watching you ;)

My Favorite Fuji camera line is...

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Fujifilm shows one of the FujiRumors Polls to the Press

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Fujifilm X-T10 AutoFocus Tracking Test Shots (taken wide open at 2.8 with the 50-140mm at 140mm)


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Rico just posted his X-T10 AF Tracking Samples on Flickr. The samples are taken wide open (F2.8) with the XF 50-140 zoomed out all the way at 140mm.

Read Rico’s Full First Look at the X-T10. And in order to avoid GAS, please do NOT read & see his XF90mm First Look.

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X-T10 (body + kit options): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

XF 90mmF2 WR: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

