GAME OVER for the ZEISS TOUIT lenses? No More Touits this year… and maybe not even in 2016!


When the Zeiss Touit lenses for Fuji X were launched back in spring 2013, the Fujinon lens choice was still very limited. X-shooters needed more lens options, and the new X-mount Zeiss glass could have been a great addition… however…

… there was one major deal-breaker: the Zeiss Touit were offered in focal lengths very close to the already existing Fujinon 35 and 14mm. Also, the Fujinon’s were cheaper (at the launch, the Touit 12mm cost $1,250 and the Touit 32 came for $900) and probably even superior… all you have to know is written in Rico’s excellent Fujinon Vs Zeiss Touit Comparison.

The X-mount Touits sold extremely bad. The inevitable price drops followed. At the moment, the X-Zeiss Glass is in offer at AmazonUS, BHphoto and Adorama.

But it seems that also the E-mount was not a best seller. In fact, according to SonyAlphaRumors, Zeiss decided not to make any new Zeiss Touit lenses in 2015 and maybe not even in 2016… and I wonder if they will ever make new ones!

Do you own a Touit lens? Would you recommend them to fellow X-shooters?

Here are the 3 Zeiss Touit lenses.

Zeiss Touit 50mmF2.8 1:1 Macro (price $999): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
Zeiss Touit 32mmF1.8 (price $499): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama
Zeiss Touit 12mmF2.8 (price $699): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama


We Have The Proof ! Fujifilm Reads FujiRumors Every Day and confirms: X-E2 FW in OCT/NOV + X-T1 4.0 on June 22!


Fujifilm shows one of the FujiRumors Polls to the Press

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In case you wonder if Fujifilm cares of the opinion of FujiRumors and FXF readers, well, here is the evidence that they do read us and care about our opinion.

Look at what joshuakhoo published just now: he recently participated at a Fuji event, where the company displayed one of our polls to the press (see image above). Pretty cool :)

Oh, do take a look at the last slide. That came from, on why people buy Fujifilm. Patrick, they read your website everyday too!

So FujiRumors is the place to let Fuji know what we think… and also our new Fuji X Forum here.

But there is more to read at joshuakhoo. On the rumor front, the Fujifilm Manager confirmed the Firmware rumors shared here on FujiRumors:

For the X-E2, he is quoted to say that it will be ready around Oct to Nov 2015 time frame and asked the users to be patient as they are short of resources to develop the firmware. As for the X-T1 firmware 4.0 upgrade, he says it will be released on the 22nd of June 2015.

He did not want to answer a question on medium format camera rumour though.

Take note: Fujifilm did NOT deny the Medium Format Rumor ;) .

At the event, Fuji presented their newly released gear and gave some figures about the market shares in Asia… which are really encouraging (the green line is Fuji’s Marketshare) – see image at the bottom of this post.

Full Report at joshuakhoo


FR-readers requested to split X-Trans sensor and Fuji Colors. It makes sense, since the much appreciated Fuji Colors do not depend (exclusively) on the X-Trans sensor. So here it is, the updated poll. Feel free to vote it… and since Fujifilm likes our polls and feedback, I’ve added a few more.

Fujifilm X-E3 without Tilt Screen... dealbreaker?

View Results

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Between an X-Pro2 and X-E3 I'd buy...

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Fujifilm's Ultimate Fujifilm X-series camera should...

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Between the X-T20 and the X-E3, I'd buy the...

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Which is the Most Underestimated Fujifilm Camera? (max. 2 selections)

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For Amateurs. Will You Buy the Fujifilm GFX?

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I predict the Fujifilm GFX will be...

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Imagine You Don't Own a Fujifilm camera, and You Would Get one for Free (3 lenses included)... which One Would you Take?

View Results

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miXed zone: X-Trans Rocks :: 100-400, 35mmF2, 120mmF2.8 pictures and impressions, Travel X… and more!


At the moment, one of the most liked images at the X-shooter facebook zone
In the mist – Streets of Nice :: shot taken by Gabor Nagy‎
check out more here

Keep up voting and sharing your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

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Fujinon XF 35mm 2.0, XF 100-400mm and XF 120 2.8 Macro Overview at the Spanish site fuji-xperience (translation)

Christian Nönken said over here at the FR-facebook page: “The rear cap on the 14mm makes all the difference in this image.”

USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Rico’s X-T10 First Look / What Should You Expect When You Use The X-T10? at FujiAUS / First Impressions of the New AF system (on X-T10) at the Spanish site Fujistas (translation) / X-T10 review at mirrorlessons / First Shots Lab Shots at imaging-resource /

XF90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

Rico’s XF90mm First Look.

XF 16mm F1.4 WR
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / PCHstore

Discovering Tasmania with the FujiFilm XT-1 and Fujinon XF16 F1.4 R WR Lens at caveiraphotography

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

Fuji’s Sweet 16 at miksmedia / Fuji X100T camera Hands-on review at aboutphotography-tomgrill / The Fujilmfilm X100T: A God’s Camera at brooksreview / The Myth of More (Not Just Another Fuji X100T Review) at petapixel / X100T Review at epicmirrorless / The Fuji X100S, 10 Pictures Out Of Context at photo.rwboyer / First day on the job for my Fuji X100T at aboutphotography-tomgrill /

Fujifilm X-T1 + Graphite X-T1

My Move to Mirrorless and the Fujifilm X-T1 at Anthony Morganti youtube / 40M Camera Underwater Housing Waterproof Case For Fujifilm X-T1 at Rack Yan youtube channel / Ein Tag in Zierikzee mit der Fujifilm X-T1 at bjoernwunderlich (translation) / Fuji XT-1, The Low Down at photo.rwboyer / First shots with the Fuji X-T1 and the Lee Big Stopper at musicphotographer  / Fuji X-T1 settings at prophotonut /

other X-series cameras

Is the Fuji X-Pro1 still relevant? at eyebeamimages / X-E1: Rotterdam’s Legacy at / Why I kept my Fuji X Pro-1 at instylephotographyblog /


X-mount lenses

What’s the favorite X lens of… read who picked which lens in Spanish here at fuji-Xperience (translation) / Photo Pro Review of the 16-55mm WR Fuji lens at ideasandimages / An “All-Day-Lens” – My experience with the XF16-55mm at drawwithlight / Close Focus Without a Macro Lens at macleancomms / A month with Fujinon XF 50-140mm F2.8 zoom lens at jeffseltzerphotography /

Travel X

Best Of 8 months on the road with the X-T1 at creativeway / Backpacking around the world with a Fuji X-T1 at thientravelography500px / X-PLR, My Travels at vopoku / Thien is backpacking around the world and shares his shots (taken with X-T1) on facebook here /

Switch to the X

The Indonesian lifestyle online magazine called Manual Jakarta ( switched to Fuji (not completely yet). Here are the links to some articles that use X-Camera (X-T1 in particular): 1. A Session with Studio Dasar: Istiqlal Mosque. 2. From Farm to Table With Potato Head. 3. Preview To G’Day Mate (Portrait Photos) 4. Just Around The Yellow Korner. 5. BART, The Bartender Up ABove. 6. The Way it Plays in The Folks. 7. A Session with Studio Dasar: Studi-o Cahaya. 8. Ombe Kofie: Affable Friend in The North 9. But First, Let Me Grab a Coffee. All of the photos are taken with either XF35mm, XF56mm or XF10-24mm.


Capture One 8.3 releases… first look at thomasfitzgeraldphotography / Processing X-Trans with Photo Ninja at fotozones /

Acessories / Flash / Adapter / Extension Tubes

Godox V850 manual Li-ion flash: a perfect manual flash for my Fujifilm X-cameras at morethanwords / X-T1 Accessories at johncaz /

a bit of everything – X-Trans Rocks

X-Trans ROCKS!!! at ivanjoshualoh / My 2.5 Years With Fujifilm X-Series Cameras And Lenses at bradleyhanson / Fuji X-Ploits; Black and White at thewanderinglensman part 1 & part 2 / Behold: A Fuji Instax Camera with a Vintage 4×5 Lens at petapixel / robvisual and his fuji at robvisualfuji / Adventures with the Fuji X System… and maybe a Nikon image or two at xshooters / A guide to perfect panoramas using nodal shift at prophotonut / How wedding photography has changed over the last 16 years and what all photographers can learn from it at inmybag / The 5 Best Cheap Lenses for Fujifilm X Series Cameras at thephoblographer / Long Exposure Photography with the Fujifilm X-T1 and X-E2 at wimarys /

According to the Spanish site Fujistas, the latest Android ver. 5.1 fixes the connectivity problems with Fujfilm Apps.


Which 3 primes combo is your ideal setup? :: X-PRO2 wishlist :: Be careful with thumb grips :: Sensor dust & more top FXF threads!


shared by Photolographer :: Street Photography (Open Thread)

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At the FXF, we are happy to share our discussions with everyone, registered users or not. You are All Welcome. But feel free to discover the Full Potential of the New Fuji X Forum and join the community.

By registering, you will be able to comment, like & share images, make your questions, drop personal messages to other members and also subscribe to those threads you’re interested in and receive a practical email notification when someone posts something in your selected threads.

Feel free to join… and just in case, here is an initial tutorial: „How to post to the Fuji X Forum

Follow Topics: Just one of the advantages for registered Forum Members

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Here it is, the next round of the Top Hot Topics shared over at the Fuji-X-Forum!  You can read all the discussions here. Thanks to all for participating :)

General Discussion

– started by x-tc: “IQ of Zooms vs Primes“. 3… 2… 1… Fight… ehm, discuss ;)!

– started by Patrick FR: “Famous X-shooters: From Beyonce to Prince Harry“… The list is getting longer.

Fuji X System

X-T1 / X-T10

– started by Xcalibur: “AF in low light“… help Xcalibur to get rid of his D800 and D600 for weddings and share your feedback here.

– started by Ultrasonic: “X-T1 sensor and dust“. Read some practical tips here.

– started by Patrick FR: “X-T1 Vs. X-T10… weather sealing, gimmick or must have“. Share your thoughts here.


– started by oblomov: “My wish list for the successor of the X-Pro1!!” And the dreaming starts again.

X-E1/X-E2 – Firmware

– started by deepesh007: “Have Fuji ditched old x series Xe 1 and x pro 1 no sign of any updates???” Join this thread here.

Fuji X Lenses

– started by xherion: “Which 3 primes combo is your ideal setup“. Drop your dream combo here.

– started by PhilippeVdp: “Testing the 90mm in the street“. This lens is STUNNING!

– started by dv.: “Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS X Mount“. All you need to know about it here.

– started by marcelo_valente: “8mm fisheye or 12mm? – Fisheye or Non Fisheye?Help Marcelo to find an answer to his dilemma here.

– started by Aswald: “XF56 APD F1.2 for Free“. Discover more here.

X100S/T and why not… X100Z

– started by rpkphoto: “X100Z”… discover what’s behind the “Z” here.

– started by Erez:”What do you think about the decision to stop releasing any further FW updates for the X100S?” Some say it’s a good move, some say it’s a mistake. Read more here.


– started by FabX: “Lightroom 6 improvements?” Follow this thread here.


– started by Miker: “How to trigger my Nikon SB-900 flashes”. At the end all worked flawlessly…  read more here.

– started by Newsphoto: “Be careful with thumb grips.” Ouch!


shared by thienstravelography ::  Landscape With Fuji X

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 shared by dv. – New York

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shared by citral :: The animal far side gallery (Open Thread)

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shared by derLade :: Seascape

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shared by StockografieStreetphotography (Open Thread)

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shared by Begi NabaraBlack And White (Open Thread)

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shared by flysurferRico’s OOC Jpegs
XF 90mmF2 WR

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shared by Adam Woodhouse :: Brids

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shared by Patrick FR :: StreetPhotography (Open Thread)


“Fuji keeps cranking out great lenses, and this lens is simply optically stellar”: admiringlight XF16mmF1.4 review!

[shoplink 36067 ebay] photo 16nm_zpsowq5w8mq.jpg[/shoplink]

The last ones sold quickly, but now Camerland is offering again a limited number of [shoplink 36067 ebay]XF 16mmF1.4 WR with a $100 rebate[/shoplink]

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It’s just a boring Fujinon Glass… so get ready once again for the usual a long list of Pros and a very short Cons list also in the latest Admiringlight review. From the conclusions:

Fuji keeps cranking out great lenses, and the 16mm f/1.4 is one of their finest. It brings the sharpness and low distortion of the 14mm f/2.8 and combines it with the great wide aperture performance of the 56mm f/1.2, while keeping almost all lens aberrations at a minimum. The lens is simply optically stellar. The only shooters who should pause a bit are those who are looking to use this lens for astrophotography, as it does show some notable coma. However, for almost all other shooting scenarios, it’s really hard to improve on this lens.”

French Review at k-pture (translation) / Review at thephoblographer / Samples at matthewhartphotography /

Beware: to avoid GAS, you should NOT read (and see) Rico’s XF90mm First Look. For the X-T10 First Look click here.

XF 16mm F1.4 WR
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / PCHstore
