XF 90mmF2: “If an amateur like me can make these photos with this lens, imagine what a skilled photographer can do!”


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image credit: PhilippeVdp: “Just look how sharp the lens markings are
2 of the samples shared here at the FXF

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FXF Member PhilippeVdp was lucky enough to get his hands on a XF 90mmF2 WR lens during a Fuji event at his local camera store.

Now, he calls himself an amateur photographer (“I’ve just registered myself for a portrait / streetphotography course to learn how to take decent photo“), and when the Fuji Guy asked him if he wanted to test the XF90mmF2, he was a bit nervous:

I was so nervous in the beginning that I didn’t notice the iso 3200, exposure comp on +1… … but then I relaxed and tried city portraits. […] and after using it for 2 hours or so … I was sold and ordered one“.

He shared his story and three samples over at our New Fuji X Forum, and at the end he said:

I’m really an amateur […] but if these are the kind of photos I can make with that lens, just wonder what a skilled photographer can do with it!”

And now repeat with me: “I… don’t… need … this…. lens… must…. resist“!

Beware: to avoid GAS, you should NOT read (and see) Rico’s XF90mm First Look. For the X-T10 First Look click here.

XF 90mmF2 WR:
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EUROPE: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

About the XF90mm release: according to AmazonUS, the XF 90mmF2 WR will be released on July 11. There was a bit of confusion caused by AmazonUK, who said here, that they expected the XF 90mm to be released on June 18th. Well, they corrected it now to July 27… so it’s still a very long wait.


X-T10 AF Test with Skaters, X-T10 Owner Manual online & 2nd hand X-T10 already available in Thailand (via Japan)


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Posted also Today here: XF 90mmF2 samples & feedback: “If an amateur like me can make these photos with this lens, imagine what a skilled photographer can do!”

X-T10 AF Test

X-photographer Pilar Silvestre took photos of skaters here and bikers here using an X-T10 with the nice new AF features that will come also to X-T1 shooter via firmware update 4.0 probably on June 18 (according to this rumor). via Fujistas

Also, Photographyblog posted their X-T10 review here (gets 5 out of 5 stars).

MUST READ: Rico’s XF90mm First Look / X-T10 First Look click here.

X-T10 Owners Manual

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The X-T10 owners manual is available online. Download the English PDF version here. Choose other langauges here.

X-T10 (body + kit): USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

2nd Hand X-T10 available in Thailand (via Japan)

Fluke Laokongkit from Thailand is already selling a second hand X-T10. He said over at facebook that he bought it (with 18-55) from Japan and is now selling it for ฿30,000 ($890). Check it out here and here.

If true, this means that the X-T10 alread started shipping in Japan with the final firmware (featuring the new AF-system)

The expected release in USA and EU is June 18th.

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The X-VIRUS is spreading: Rock Star Brandon Boyd (Incubus) takes Selfie with his X-PRO1!


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The X-virus is inexorably spreading… and not only amongst the mere mortals like us. Worldwide Celebrities like Annie Leibovitz, Ara Güler, Prince Harry, Beyoncé and more have been apparently infected by the X-virus, too!

Today we have to update the “famous X-shooter” list with another popular artist: Brandon Boyd (Incubus). Check out his X-Selfie on Instagram.

I’ve opened a dedicated thread in the new Fuji X Forum with all the celebrities owning a Fuji X we have spotted so far… and if you find some other popular X-shooter, feel free to add him/her here.

take it easy, enjoy your day and see you on Monday for another hot rumor week,

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Little Good News: HS-V5 Tethered Shooting Software available in UK


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The first copies of the HS-V5 Tethered Shooting software are now available also at the Fuji Store in UK for £90. For customers who don’t have the HS-V5, “FUJIFILM Tether Shooting Plug-in” will be able to be purchased at Adobe Exchange site.

Fuji’s Tethered Shooting Plugin Debacle
(definition of FXF member craigk49)

Ok… that was the information… and now comes the frustration, as expressed by several FXF members in the tethered shooting thread launched by karinatwork.

First the HS-V5 was available only in Japan. To use the tethered shooting software with Lightroom, you need to install a plug-in. Fuji released this plug-in a few months ago, but had to take it off again in early March, because it was faulty. It took them 2 months to fix the bug and re-release it, but the HS-V5 software was still available only in Japan! Now, at least, it seems that the long-awaited software is leaving the Japanese borders.

However, since the HS-V5 works only with PC, Mac users have to wait for a dedicated Adobe Plug-in, which will be available (not for free) sometimes at the Adobe Exchange site.

A little Good News: according to FXF member craigk49 here, who spoke with a Fuji Guy, the Mac plug-in will be available “soon” on Adobe’s Exchange site.

And let me say this: the software should be free!

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Why you should get the X-T10 over the X-T1 :: 27 Differences between X-T10 and X-T1 :: 90mm on the Set of Indian Summers 2



X-T10 (body + kit)
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

FXF Member aceflibble tells you why, according to him, the X-T10 is the better choice over the X-T1.
– X-T10 and X-T1: 27 Key differences according to WexUK. Read them here.
– First thoughts on the Fuji X-T10 — possible spare body to an X-T1 at aboutphotography-tomgrill
– Video Review at eyalg youtube and Fuji X-T10 vs. Lumix LX100 Image Comparison here

XF 90mmF2 WR
USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro

– Fujifilm’s 90mm Makes a Colorful Splash on the Set of Indian Summers 2: a first look by Matt Brandon of thedigitaltrekker here.

NOTE: AmazonUK corrected the release date of the 90mm and pushed it back to July (previoulsy June)



X-T1 + 18-135 (save $400): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 + 18-55
(save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 Black Body
(save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
X-T1 Graphite (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama


XF 50-140mmF2.8 WR (save $200): AmazonUS
XF 18-135mm (save $300): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18mm
(save $179): AmazonUS
XF 60mm
(save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama

XF 23mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 56mm (save $160): AmazonUS / – (save $150) BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 56mm APD (save $100): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama /
XF 14mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 10-24mm (save $200): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 27mm (save $101): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline

XF 35mm (save $150): AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Pictureline
XF 18-55mm (save $111):AmazonUS / – (save $100BHphoto / Adorama


