JUST ANNOUNCED ** Fujifilm X-T10 and XF 90mmF2 ** LIVE BLOGGING (Refresh this Page for the latest Updates)


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X-T10 Pre-order Options
available June 18 according to BH

X-T10 body: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR* / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro
X-T10 + XF 18-55: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR* / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUSCamerapro
X-T10 + XC 16-50: USA: AmazonUSBHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR* / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore /
(*) pre-order available in any moment

Fujifilm MHG-XT10 Hand Grip: BHphoto / Fujifilm BLC-XT10 Leather Case: BHphoto /

XF 90mmF2 WR Pre-order Options
available in July according to BH

XF 90mmF2 WR: USA: AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama EU: AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonFR* / WexUK / Cameraworld / PCHstore / AUS: Camerapro
(*) pre-order available in any moment


Fujifilm X-T10: Official Press Release / Product Page with samples /

Fujinon XF 90mmF2 WROfficial Press Release / Product Page with samples /

Fujifilm RAW file converter with Film Simulation support is now compatible with all X series cameras. More here. Download here.

(Please refresh this page to see the latest updates)

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Fujifilm X-T10: MUST READ: Rico’s X-pert Corner X-T10 First Lookivanjoshualoh / michaelrcruz / ephotozine / rileyjoseph / Jessops Video / BHphoto Video / BigHead Taco Video / jonasraskphotography / photographyblog / dpreview / bencherryphotos / digitalcameraworld / Fuji Guys X-T10 New Auto Focus Modes Video / Fuji Guy Billy X-T10 Unboxing and Getting Started + Fuji Guy Billy X-T10 First Look / bjornmoerman / theverge /

Fujifilm X-T10 + XF90mmF2 WR: clubsnap forum / Spanish dslrmagazine (translation) / bjornmoerman /

XF 90mmF2 WR: MUST READ: Rico’s X-pert Corner 90mm First Look / ivanjoshualoh / kevinmullinsphotography / ephotozine / fredboehli / bjornmoerman /

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Accessible and desirable!”. That’s the X-T10 according to Kai. A well featured camera, superb IQ, decent AF [admin: tested with Beta Firmware], great ergonomics, fantastic usability. The look? “There is something about it, that feels so right” […] “The only problem of the X-T10, is that it’s not the X-T1 […] it might not sing to you as much as the X-T1, but as a camera this surely will be a lot of people’s cup of tea”

Check out the whole video on youtube.

Fujinon 90mm f2 first impressions by Bert Stephani

Fuji Guy Billy X-T10 First Look

Fuji Guys X-T10 New Auto Focus Modes Video

CamerastoreTV video

BigHead Taco Video


** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-T10 and XF90mm to be announced at 01:00 AM New York Time / 06:00 AM London Time


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After 5 months of Fujifilm X-T10 rumors, I really don’t think I can leak more than I’ve done so far.

Well, there is actually still a last second rumor: the announcement time. As usual if will happen early in the morning in London, and to be precise at 06:00. So this means 01:00 AM New York Time… as always you can expect an intensive Live Blogging here on FujiRumors.

If you appreciated reading months of leaks (hopefully all correct, we will soon see), and also the other 247 articles written in 2015, then feel free Support FR and to pre-order the new Fuji gear using one of the links to US and EU stores I’ll share here at 6:00 AM London Time. Thanks in advance to those considering this kind of support… it’s your help that keeps this blog running 365 days a year.

So, I’ll now take a short rest, before the hectic Live Blogging… see you soon,
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[UPDATE] X-T10 EU Price Correction: It’s CHF (and not €) 849 for the kit. EU-countries (not all) will sell body for €699 and kit for €799!


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The rumored UK price seems to be correct. It’s listed for £at Jessops (see google)… and also WexUK

From the description: “Extremely lightweight and compact camera body Large APS 16M X-Trans CMOS II Sensor Fast EXR Processor II New AutoFocus System with 3D Tracking Stylish X-T Design with Compact … “

_ _ _

I had again a talk with the new source, who told me about the EU X-T10 Kit Price of 849… and now I have an update for you… or better, a correction to make: the price for the kit is of 849 in Switzerland (so CHF 849 and not €). The same source said that the price in some other EU countries is actually of €699 for the X-T10 body and €799 for the X-T10 kit.

However, this does not mean that the X-T10 will cost €699 in all EU countries with € currency. There will be changes. For example, the XF 16mmF1.4 costs 999 at AmazonDE. That’s €50 cheaper than the same lens at AmazonITA, where it is sold for €1,049.

I’m sorry… you might remember that when the X-T10 EU price post went online, it had some errors in it. I wrote the price for the body, but the new source actually said it was for the kit, I made the wrong dollar/euro conversion and had to correct everything later on. This can happen when you are under stress and have just 3 minutes time to write a post.

To make it now unequivocably clear, here is the rumored price list so far:


Price in some EU-countires: X-T10 body €699 / X-T10 kit €799
Probable different Price Tag some other EU-countries
Swiss Price: X-T10 Body 748 CHF (€713) – X-T10 kit 849 CHF (€810)

Coming instead from an anonymous source: UK Price: X-T10 body £499 / 16-50 kit £599 / 18-55 kit £799 / XF 90mm £699

US / Canada PRICE

The X-T10 will cost $799 in USA ($899 in Canada).
The kit with XC 16-50 lens will come for $899 (in Canada $999)
The kit with XF 18-55 it will cost $1099 in USA ($ 1,249 in Canada)
The XF90mm lens instead will cost $949 (in Canada $1099)


THE PRICE IS OUT: Fuji X-T10 for $799 / with XC 16-50 for $899 / with 18-55 lens: 1099 – XF 90mm for $949!


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So the price is out.

The X-T10 will cost $799 in USA ($899 in Canada). The kit with XC 16-50 lens will come for $899 (in Canada $999), while with the XF 18-55 it will cost $1099 in USA ($ 1,249 in Canada).

The XF90mm lens instead will cost $949 (in Canada $1099)

[UDPATE: UK PRICE] According to a new source, the price in UK should be the following: X-T10 body £499 / 16-50 kit £599 / 18-55 kit £799 / 90mm £699

What do you think is it a fair price for the X-T10 and 90mm?

Everything will be released on May 18th, so stay tuned and don’t miss anything. There will be a live blogging session here on FujiRumors. Follow us via facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter

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