RUMOR: New Firmware with Improved AutoFocus for X-T1 coming in May (New Source)!


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According to a new source, there will be a new firmware coming soon for the X-T1, which will improve the AF-performance. When exactly will it come? The source says that it could come as early as next month and that at the moment the release is set for Monday, 11th of May.

Firmware releases are very tricky, as postponements are possible in any moment (remember X100 firmware update).

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TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Boris Koller‎: Grytetippen, Senja, Norway. X100s, WCL, 1/800 sec., f10, ASA 800, from Raw

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from April 19!

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Michael Steverson. Interludes I. Kolay Market – Kolkata. Fujifilm X-T1 – XF14F2.8R. This essay shot with the X-T1 and various Fujinon lenses… See more here…

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Uriel Gonzalez‎: Bonsai Rock in Lake Tahoe – Drove right past it, couldn’t find it at first but when I did, had to climb down a steep hill and made it right before sunset. X-T1 XF23mmF1.4 8.5sec f16 ISO 200 9 stop ND filter. Enjoy! @ugnzlz

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António Jorge Nunes‎: ‘White Dog on Blue’. Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães, Portugal. Fuji X-T1 + XF 50-140mm F2.8. F2.8 . 1/60 . ISO 800

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Yavuz Arkun‎: Abraham’s Pool in Urfa, Turkey

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Marco Bozzato‎: Buona Pasqua a tutti/Happy Easter to all. Fuji X100T

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Der Lichtklicker: “Framed Sunset” X-T1 + XF60mm

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Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm X-T10 to be announced in May (SRP) – POLL: How Much Should it Cost?


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PRE-ORDER XF 16mmF1.4 WR: USABHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / PCHstore
Rico’s FIRST LOOK at the XF 16mmF1.4 (German Version)

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A source, who was right in the past (thanks), confirms this rumor: Fuji will announce an new X-camera in May. According to the source, it will be long rumored Fujifilm X-T10 (first rumor about this camera shared on January 12).

Will it be a winner? I guess much depends on the price. The regular price of the X-T1 is of $1300 (but you can find Super Deals on the X-T1). So what would be the right price for this rumored X-T10?

The Most Underestimated Fujifilm Lens is? (max. 2 selections)

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SUPER DEALS: X-T1 + 18-135 (save $400) at BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / PicturelineXF 18-135 (save $300) at BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline

HOT BODY DEALS: X-T1 Black Body (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaX-T1 Graphite Body (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaX-E2 + 18-55 (save $100): BHphoto

HOT LENS DEALS: XF 50-140mmF2.8 WR (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama  – XF 18mm (save $200):  AmazonUSXF 60mm (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 23mm (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 56mm (save $160): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 56mm APD (save $150): BHphotoAmazonUS / AdoramaXF 14mm (save $117): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 10-24mm (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaXF 27mm (save $50): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 35mm (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaXF 18-55mm (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaXF 55-200mm (save $102): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

Here is the rumored specs list (SRP = source right in the past / NeS = New Source)

– Name: X-T10 (SRP + NeS)
– cheaper version of the X-T1 (SPR + NeS)
– announcement in May (SRP)
– no weather sealing (SRP)
– smaller EVF (SRP)
– same sensor of X-T1 (NeS)
– coming late spring/early summer (SRP)
– SLR form factor (SRP)
– available in black and silver for the same price (SRP)

stay tuned,
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FUJI X-SHIRTS available here in USA and here in Europe & CO.
Learn more about the
100% Fair Trade Charity X-shirts here.


X-PRO2 with bigger sensor ( ≈ 1.3x crop), compatible with existing lenses (New Source – Grain Of Salt)


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The rumor comes from a new source, so take the mandatory grain of salt… especially since I haven’t heard about it from any of my trusted sources until now.

The source confirms what dc.home forum member joofei said here: there will be an X-PRO2 with a bigger sensor. It will have more or less a 1.3x crop factor and all the existing Fujinon lenses will be compatible with it.

Reminder: joofei said there will be two X-PRO2 versions: one with 24MP APS-C sensor and one with 25-27MP APS-X sensor.

After the previous APS-X rumor, FR-reader Axel did a little measuring and put different sensor sizes into the X-mount.

„There is room for more sensor w/o pushing the corners too far out. They can probably go up by 2 mm w/o trouble and with a change in aspect ratio they can go up by 3mm in each dimension – with a square format 22-24mm can be achieved. 21 mm fits right now but 24mm would probably be near the limit and show up in the corners with some lenses. The cool thing is that with a small up-scaling they have a bigger sensor AND 100% 4K video in a near APS-c size sensor by cropping. It has to be faster to dump the unused pixels instead of dealing with scaling.“

SUPER DEALS: X-T1 + 18-135 (save $400) at BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / PicturelineXF 18-135 (save $300) at BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline

HOT BODY DEALS: X-T1 Black Body (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaX-T1 Graphite Body (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaX-E2 + 18-55 (save $100): BHphoto

HOT LENS DEALS: XF 50-140mmF2.8 WR (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama  – XF 18mm (save $200):  AmazonUSXF 60mm (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 23mm (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 56mm (save $160): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 56mm APD (save $150): BHphotoAmazonUS / AdoramaXF 14mm (save $117): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 10-24mm (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaXF 27mm (save $50): BHphoto / AmazonUSXF 35mm (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaXF 18-55mm (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / AdoramaXF 55-200mm (save $102): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama

PRE-ORDER XF 16mmF1.4 WR: USABHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / PCHstore
Rico’s FIRST LOOK at the XF 16mmF1.4 (German Version)

(TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / SRP = source who was right in the past / OS = other sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 24MP sensor (AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS)
– coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– coming September / October (OS + OS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– X-PRO2 version with about 1.3 crop factor compared to FF  (NeS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)
– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th

FUJI X-SHIRTS available here in USA and here in Europe & CO.
Learn more about the 100% Fair Trade Charity X-shirts here.


Trusted Source says: A New X-camera will be Announced in May!


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According to a trusted source, Fuji will announce a new X-camera in May. The source didn’t specify if it will be one with intercheangeable lenses or a fixed lens camera.

What camera could it be? Maybe the long rumored X-T10? It is expected to be available in late spring/early summer, so an announcement in mid/late May (available in late June) could be a plausible option. But it could be also a completely different model.

I’ll work on it as soon as I’m at home this evening. Of course, any help from sources out there is highly appreciated.

OOT: Those who purchased a Tonlé X-shirt (You’re Great!) now have the chance to win a $75 voucher simply by posting a picture on Instagram showing your X-shirt with the name of the Tonlé member who made it within April 24. See how at the bottom of this post! The 100% Charity Fair Trade Fuji X-shirts are available here in USA and here in Europe & CO.

stay tuned & Follow FR on facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter

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