Lensbaby announced Velvet 56mm F1.6 1:2 Macro Portrait Lens. Available for Fuji X in May!


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Lensbaby announced the new Velvet 56mm F1.6 1:2 Macro Manual Focus Portrait Lens. It will be available for Fuji X-mount in May for US$499 (src-techradar). More Lensbaby lenses for Fuji X will come this spring… just check out this rumor here.

Here some specs:

  • f/1.6-16
  • 1:2 Macro
  • 56mm
  • 62mm filter
  • Focuses from 5″ from front element to infinity
  • Metal lens hood included with Velvet 56 lenses for mirrorless cameras only
  • Dimensions (DSLR) 86mm at infinity to 112mm at Macro, 71.96mm diameter
  • Dimensions (mirrorless without hood) 94mm Infinity to 120mm at Macro
  • Weight ~400 grams

Fujifilm X-PRO2 will have 1/8000 mechanical shutter speed (trusted source)


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Hi all

I hope you had a great Easter break.

Let’s start this week with a very fresh rumor brought to you by our top trusted Japanese source, who dropped me an email a few hours ago, with a rumor that I guess will make some X-shooters out there pretty happy.

The source says, that the Fujifilm X-PRO2 will have a mechanical shutter (MS) speed that goes up to 1/8000 of a second.

That’s it…. now feel free to spread the word… and if possible quote FR as the original source ;) .

And here is the updated X-PRO2 specs list.

(TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / SRP = source who was right in the past / OS = other sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 24MP sensor (AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– 1/8000 of a second mechanical shutter speed (TS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS)
– coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– coming September / October (OS + OS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (OS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)
– smaller than X-PRO1 (OS)
– Sync Speed faster than 1/180th



TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Andy Straw‎: Angry swan. X-T1 + Samyang 8mm fisheye. 1/800th @ f/8, ISO 800. — at The Wolseley Centre.

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from March 30!

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Bernhard Sedlmaier: 10 days old and soooo cute. Shot with X-T1 and 35mm @ 1,4

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Massimo Piana: Chioggia. X-E2. XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R. 125 sec. Aperturef/14. ISO 200

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Enrique Contreras: Picture of my daugther, for a baby voting contest. Shot with an X-E1 XF18-55. (20mm 1/60 f5.0 ISO 3200)

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Fernando Quintino Estevão‎: Porto Moniz, Madeira. Fuji X T1, XF16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR, Lee Big Stopper, Lee ND Grad 0,3 and 0,6 Filters, Bilora Twister Pro Mini tripod

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Francis Jay Orbizo: fujifilm xpro1. 56mm f1.2 shot at 1.4. 1/500 sec

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Naret Visesvongsa‎: One fine evening at Nai Torn Beach Phuket, Thailand. Fuji XT1, 14mm F2.8, .8 Sec F 16. Sigh Ray Graduate 4 Stop Filter. Convert from RAW in Iridient Developer 3 with final retouch in PS.

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Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

AWARDED: GS X-T1, X100T & X30 win RedDot Design Award + WANTED: Fuji X-T1 Most Wanted Camera at dpreview


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The Red Dot design award is one of the world’s three leading design awards (along with iF design award and IDEA Design Award). This year, companies from 56 countries submitted almost 5,000 products to the Red Dot Jury. 81 of them won the prestigious “Red Dot: Best Of The Best” award, while 122 products got an “Honourable Mention”.

This year, the Red Dot Jury awarded the Graphite Silver X-T1, the X100T and the X30. The official announcement can be read at the Japanese Fuji site here.

Of the three Red Dot Design winners, which is the one you prefer?

The Most Underestimated Fujifilm Camera is? (max. 2 selections)

View Results

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As you might know, dpreview forum members can fill in a wish list of the gear they would like to own. At the top of the Most Wanted ILC Camera ranking we find the Fujifilm X-T1.

Half of the ranking is occupied by Mirrorless Cameras (Olympus E-M1 & the Sony A7 series). Also the Medium Format Pentax 645Z makes it into the wish list.

Oh… and Happy Easter :)

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miXed Zone: AF-performance with FW 3.10, about Kaizen, Fuji Interview, X-Trans + C1… and Max Angeloni’s “holy” Fuji work!


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If you are in Rome in these holy Easter days, don’t miss to check out Max Angeloni’s exhibition about the Way of the Cross in one of the arguably most important baroque churches worldwide, the Basilica di Sant’Andrea della Valle (the exhibition ends on the 8th of April.)

X-Photographer Max Angeloni used exclusively Fuji X gear for this important assignment: the Fujifilm X-T1 and three lenses (23mm, 35mm and 56mm… and two 180 Watt lights).

If you can’t go to Rome, take a look at his work at riflessifotografici (translation).

NEW FIRMWARE 3.10 for X-T1

AF performance with the new firmware at johncaz: “My quick and dirty testing shows that there is an overall small and bearable noticeable boost in AF performance with all three lenses so it’s not a placebo effect.” /


X-mount lenses

A very nice ‘in the field’ 50-140 review in pictures at chrisharrisonphotography / Matt Brandon took the 50-140 mm out for a real workout in Komodo, Indonesia and came back with some crazy sharp images of dragons. See them at thedigitaltrekker  / Fuji 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR Fujinon Lens – Is This The Best Fuji X Lens Ever? at soundimageplus / Fujifilm XF56mm F1.2 APD Lens Aperture Range at brandonremler /

FujiFilmUK just launched a Series of short 1 minute video presentations of the Fujinon lenses. Check out the videos about the 23mm, 60mm, 56mm, XF 55-200, XF 35mm, XF 27mm, XF 18mm, XF 18-135, XF 18-55, XF 10-24 and XF 14mm. See all the FujiUK videos here.

other lenses / Adapter / Extension Tubes

Speedbooster Ultra OM-FX Unboxing at FujiOM’s youtube channel / Samyang 12mm F2 NCS CS with Fujifilm X-T1 at dslrmagazine (translation) /


I’m really enjoying the combination of Fuji X-Trans + Capture One at thomasfitzgeraldphotography /


Clip cap battery protection frame designed for Fujifilm NP-W126. See more at vimeo / Sasurai Camera Straps made in Japan… here are the leather straps. Check out their store for other options /


Crying Wolf… and about Fuji’s Kaizen at olafphotoblog + The Kaizen Contention: Final Thought at olafphotoblog /


There is an interview with Fujifilm Japan’s Kunio Aoyama and Hiroto Nakata at mirrorlessons. Here some excerpts (FYI, here are the interviews with Mr. Iida Toshihisa & Makoto Oishi):

– NEW LENSES: “We are trying to understand where the lack of coverage is. For example, tilt-shift lenses or fisheye lenses or extreme telephoto lenses. […] Maybe when we announce the next generation of cameras, we can announce the next roadmap.”

– ORGANIC SENSOR: “We are continuing to develop the sensor. […] The organic sensor itself is designed not only for cameras but also for other applications. So originally the technology and development is not for digital cameras. […] We are trying to figure out if the sensor is best for cameras, video or other hardware products. We are still studying and developing the package.

Make sure to check out the whole interview at mirrorlessons… and just a little note about the Organic Sensor. A Fuji Guy said to bigheadtaco at youtube (minute 13:00) that there are some challenges in the production the organic sensor, but ones these issues are fixed “we are going to see an entire new page of sensor technology!”

The Problem with the organic sensor? As shared in this rumor, it could be due to too much battery drain and heat production..
