Is this the first image of a prototype X-PRO2, shared by Fuji X photographer Max de Martino?


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UDPATE: THE TRUTH: It’s an April’s fool Trick. The guys behind this funny joke told me yesterday that they’d appreciate the support of FujiHumors… and I hate to be the spoilsport ;) .

X-PRO2 Leaked?

I share it as I’ve received it via twitter here… the image was shared by Max De Martino, an official Fuji X Photographer over at his website It shows a (pretty blurred) image of what could be the Fujifilm X-PRO2. We can read:

A friend of mine (we will call him Mr. Ma Ni), from Japan, sent me this stolen picture of the new Fuji X-Pro2. The quality is not good, but it looks to be a working prototype.

Some specifications he say could be true, he received from a man at Fujifilm:

  • 4k Video
  • Sensor 10% bigger than the previous one, so that you can use the “old” lenses, with a crop factor of 1.2x
  • Processor EXR IV
  • Dual Sd
  • 27 Mpx
  • Magnesium and anticorodal alloy
  • Hibryd viewfinder (as X100T, but with X-T1 dimensions)
  • LCD that twist & tilt
  • Radio TTL control of Fuji, Profoto and Nicephoto flash
  • Radio (manual) control of Nikon and Canon speedlights, with an optional adapter
  • Customizable versions they called “Sakana” with lizard, iguana and shark skin.
  • Chanel Limited Edition: shark skin white colored with black details, in a limited edition of 31 pieces, as the first Chanel boutique, in Paris, Rue Cambon 31.


[UPDATE] NEW FIRMWARE UPDATES for the Fujifilm X-T1 (ver. 3.10) and Fujifilm X100T (ver. 1.10) + Improved OIS for ZOOM LENSES!


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[UDPATE: First Reports at the FujiRumors facebook page say that the X-T1 AF has become faster in low light. Placebo or did you noticed this improvement, too?]

[UPDATE II: Admiringlight comparison NEW Vs. OLD OIS versions. From the conclusions: “Overall, the firmware updates for the Fuji zoom lenses appear to provide some benefit in all cases. These can range from fairly minor improvements, in the case of the 55-200mm, to a nice increase in sharpness for the 18-55mm, and a dramatic improvement with the 10-24mm.”]

[UPDATE III: Please DO NOT follow Fuji’s firmware update instructions… see with your own eyes!]


A new firmware update for the X-T1 and X100T (ver. 1.10) has just been released. Also, most zoom lenses will now profit from improved OIS.


X-T1 firmware update: 1. Improvement of the flash function when “MECHANICAL+ELECTRONIC” is selected. 2. Improvement of the Wi-Fi function when “FUJIFILM PC AutoSave” is used. 3. Improvement of the display for the “USB MODE” in the SET-UP menu.


X100T firmware update: 1. Addition of the messages when “COVERSION LENS” setting is changed in the FUNCTION (Fn) SETTING 2. Improvement of flash function when “MECHANICAL+ELECTRONIC” is selected. 3. Improvement of the viewfinder display. 4. Improvement of Focus Peaking display in the electronic viewfinder under a dark environment for easy focus setting.


Also, the OIS has been improved for the following lenses (download link): XF 10-24, XF 18-55, XF 18-135 and XF 55-200.

Happy Download :)


Fujifilm X-PRO2 vs. Fujifilm X-T2 :: The Battle Of The Flagships :: Make Your Choice & Vote The Poll!


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We could call it also HVF vs EVF or Rangefinder vs DSLR style: it’s the decision between the Fujifilm X-PRO2 and Fuji X-T2.


Now, in order to be able to answer today’s poll, we will assume that the Fuji X-T2 will have the same specs (*), as the rumored X-PRO2 specs: 24MP X-Trans sensor, EXR III processor, same AF-performance, tilt screen, 4K…


The main differences between the Fuji X-T2 and Fujifilm X-PRO2 would remain the HVF vs EVF, Rangefinder vs DSLR-style and some controls/ergonomics (like no ISO-dial on the X-PRO2, better grip on the X-T2 etc.)… and the price, of course. Due the Hybrid Viewfinder, I think it’s reasonable to assume that the Fuji X-PRO2 will be more expensive than the Fuji X-T2.

So here it is, the battel of Fuji’s future flagship cameras… and I’m really curious to see which one you’d pick up between X-PRO2 and X-T2. Personally I have a preference, but I’ll drop it down later in the comments ;)

Imagine You Don't Own a Fujifilm camera, and You Would Get one for Free (3 lenses included)... which One Would you Take?

View Results

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*At the moment I have NO rumors about the Fujifilm X-T2


SAMYANG will soon launch a New 100mm F2.8 Macro Lens for Fuji-X


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Mirrorlessrumors spotted a this teaser at the Samyang Facebook Page.

With immense focus and unparalleled features, #Samyangoptics will introduce the latest product. Stay tuned

According to Mirrorlessrumors it will be a 100mm Macro Lens, available for all mirrorless system cameras, including Fuji X. [UPDATE: a source told me it will be F2.8]

At the moment, Fujifilm is offering one Macro lens, the XF60mmF2.4 (discounted until March 31 at BHphoto (Best Price), AmazonUS  and Adorama). In future (2016) Fujifilm will launch the XF 120mmF2.8 1:1 Macro. It should have OIS, focus limiter and probably be weather sealed.


[UDPATE: 3.0.1 update released ]New versions of the Fujifilm X-Trans film style presets for Iridient Developer 3 are now available!


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[UPDATE: The Iridient Developer 3.0.1 update is now available! A Fujifilm specific fix is included for Extreme Highlight Recovery with X-trans cameras when using DR200% and DR400% modes. Also includes some improvements to the new v3 Luminance noise reduction methods and v3 Color noise reduction can now also be applied prior to monochrome conversion which can lower overall noise levels for monochrome, particularly when using some monochrome conversion methods such as the RGB mixers. Iridient Developer 3.0.1 can now be downloaded here:]

Brian has just posted improved Fujifilm X-Trans film style presets for Iridient Developer 3. These latest versions include improved results particularly at the extreme (dark shadows, bright highlights) ends of the tonal range. With the Vivid preset in particular dark shadows should be much improved and all color styles should show better results in bright highlight gradations and color saturation. The monochrome presets remain the same as in the previous versions.

The presets are now available also for the compact X-Trans models as well (XQ2, X30, XQ1 and X20).

The downloads include a ReadMe text file with detailed instructions on installation and use.

Film Style Preset Pack 5 for APS-C models (X100T, X-T1, X-E2, X-M1, X100S, X-E1 and X-Pro1) (9.6MB zip file) can be downloaded here:

and Film Style Preset Pack 1 for compact models (XQ2, X30, XQ1 and X20) (9.8MB zip file) here:

REMINDER: You can get the Fair Trade Fuji X-shirts here in USA and here in Europe & CO.
