miXed zone: X-PRO2 Babblings, Capture One 8.2 released, X30 review at DPR, Film Simulations Ep. 3: VELVIA… and more.


At the moment, one of the most liked images at the X-shooter facebook zone
shot taken by Enrique Contreras
check out more here

Keep up voting and sharing your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

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X100/S/T + TCL/WCL
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / PCHstore / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

Fujifilm X100T video review at AllAboutTheGear youtube /

X100T: Fuji X100s vs Fuji X100T (Almost) at alexanderleaman / X100T review at steves-digicams / X100S: Two Steps to Make the X100s the Best Street Camera at effeleven / How the Fuji X100 Series Changed My Photography at wexphotograhic /

Fujifilm X-T1 + Graphite X-T1
[shopcountry 21553]

Bigheadtaco with A Fuji Guy: Fujifillm X-T1 with XF 16-55mm vs X-E2 with XF 18-55mm at bigheadtaco’s youtube

Fujifilm X-T1 — The best of the X – REVIEW at Blunty – DigiDIRECT youtube / Fuji X-E2 vs Fuji X-T1: The Luxury of a Choice at mirrorlessminutes / First date with the X-T1 at creativelondonphotographer / Paris, two primes and the Fuji X-T1 at nicklasurephotography / Why I love and hate my Fujifilm X-T1 at babzowski / Behind the Lens: Square Beach (X-T1 + 14mm) at medium / A year with the Fuji X-T1 at mikecroshaw / Fuji X-T1 captures the Northern Lights in Iceland at martinspencephotography / A Little Bit of Black And White Work With The X-T1 at thewanderinglensman / Road Race with the X-T1, 23mm 1.4, 56mm 1.2 and the 50-140mm 2.8 at chrisharrisonphotography /

other X-series cameras – X30 review at dpreview

X-Transformed? Fujifilm X30 Review at dpreview / XQ2 review at photographyblog / X-E2 + 23mm Full Moon Madness at henrysmithscottage / X-E2 review at weeattogether / X30 makes it into The Top Three Super Slim Cameras at BestBuy / The aftermath of Cyclone Pam on Tanna Island, Vanuatu through the lens if fujifilm (X-E1) at tomrichardsphotography / Light and Color with the Fuji X-Pro1 at shootlighter /


X-mount lenses

Snow Sleet or Rain – No Problem Fujifilm X-T1 and XF16-55 at brandonremler / Fujinon XF16-55mm F2.8 LM R WR- a working dog worth the money at thistonybridge / Choosing between the Fuji 16-55mm, 18-135mm and 18-55mm at aboutphotography-tomgrill / Fujifilm XF 16-55mm Lens Review at gieseyproductions /Portrait series shot on the Fuji X-T1 with XF 23mm, 56mm and 50-140mm at jonasjacobsson / Fujinon XF 35mm F1.4 R Review at musicphotographer / Fujinon XF 10-24 f4 review at wimarys / Love is the Fuji 35mm 1.4 at richardwoodphotographer / Street Photography PRIME TIME in NEW YORK with the XF 23mm 1.4 at bjornmoerman / Fuji 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 Initial Impressions at photographylife / 18-135 review at slrgear / Fuji 18-135mm WR Lens Review: A very good all-in-one, weather-sealed option for the X-T1 at imaging-resource /


Capture one released version 8.2 has been released with Fujifilm X-A2 support. Check it out it here. / post-processing fuji X-trans files in the apple photos beta at tjfelicianophoto / Photo Ninja 1.2.4 review at wimarys / Iridient Developer Fujifilm X-Trans Presets at wimarys /

Switch to the X

Nikon to Fujifilm X: One Year After the Switch at ricklewisphotography /

Acessories / Flash / Adapter / Extension Tubes

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Björn: I am owning an X-E1 and have designed a custom grip via Shapeways which is a bit more affordable than the one offered by Fuji and meets my taste in terms of ergonomics more accurately because it makes the cam feel a little bit more like a DSLR. You can take a look at it here!

Our 10 Favourite Fujifilm X100T Accessories at mirrorlessons / First Impression: Lensmate Fujifilm X100T Thumbrest at rivalsvs / Lee Filters on my Fujifilm X100T at darcymoore / Problems using LEE filters on Fuji lenses at finn-b / Fujifilm Extension Tubes for the X Series at brandonremler / New X-E2 and X-E1 half case at Nucis Leather /

a bit of everything – X-PRO2 Babblings & Film Simulation VELVIA

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The World of Film Simulation episode #3 VELVIA at fujifilmXworld /

Babblings About Fuji X-Pro2 at olafphotoblog / Chris Weston CP+ 2015 stage talkshow on youtube / What does a pro look for in a photoshoot at jccrafford / Street Photography with the X series at fujilove & Panorama Photography Meets the Fuji X Series at fujilove / 8 tricks to dominate the visual power in your photos at the Spanish site fuji-Xperience (translation) / Interview With… Kevin Mullins at X100C / Luna: “I think. X-Pro1 brass edition is very cool. Painted of Gundam Marker Gold color. Flickr” / Aurora, Fuji, Sony and Fish-Eye at miksmedia / The Death of Kaizen? A Change in Fujifilm’s Update Strategy at henrysmithscottage / The Best Mirrorless Cameras According to 30 Expert Photography Bloggers at mirrorlessons /

A little bit of fun

The mirrorless Party 2015 at camerastoreTV


dpreview X100T review: “Still nothing else on the market offering same combination of IQ and shooting experience”


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Silver Award for the X100T at dpreview. You can read the whole review here or jump to the conclusions here. Overall they say:

“The X100T is an excellent photographic tool that’s engaging to use and capable of beautiful images. Its autofocus is starting to show its age, and its unusual X-Trans sensor’s benefits are hard to discern in an era of 24 and 28MP rivals. But there’s currently nothing to touch it in terms of the size/price/image quality balance it offers and the style with which it does so.”

100% Fair Trade X-shirts just launched. 100% of the profits will go to charity. You can get the X-shirts here in USA and here in Europe & CO.

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NEW eXclusive Fair-Trade Fuji X-shirts on FujiRumors! 100% of the Profits go to FREE EDUCATION for Cambodian Kids!


My fellow X-shooters,

Today I’m happy to launch the fair Trade Fuji X-shirts.

These T-shirts are proudly made in Cambodia by Fair Trade & Zero Waste fashion label Tonlé and designed by Papernoise. 100% of the profits will be devolved to KNGO, an NGO that gives Cambodian kids access to free education.

For now I’ll anticipate just one thing: with the money raised, KNGO could employ more teachers, build a New Classroom and include more children into its free education program!


TONLÉ: The T-shirts are made by Tonlé, a workshop in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), that produces clothes 100% out of recycled fabrics and pays its workers a salary most Cambodians can only dream of.

There is a short & creative video presentation of Tonlé down below… make sure to check it out!


KNGO: 100% of the profits will go to KNGO, an NGO created by Mr. Saveth for his community at the Bospo Village (Cambodia), which today gives access to free education to hundreds of kids (please read more about it down below).

As anticipated above, the goal is to include more children into KNGO’s free education program… and to reach it, we need the support from X-shooters worldwide!


US-residents can buy the Tonlé X-shirts for $29.95 (Free Shipping) at the dedicated fujirumors/shop page (only PayPal accepted). There are 4 sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Just a limited number of X-shirts is available.

The Tonlé X-shirts will be offered with FREE SHIPPING in USA only.

But also Europe & all other countries outside USA are VERY IMPORTANT for the success of this campaign… and here is why!

Thanks a lot for your time,


Here is a quick great video presenation of Tonlé. Please check out their website www.tonledesign.com and visit them on facebook and twitter.

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I’m Mr. Saveth, director of Khmer New Generation Organization (KNGO).

We aim to provide free, supplementary education, without restriction, to children within Bospo Village, Cambodia.

Over seven years of activity, KNGO has made free education accessible to thousands of kids, at the moment we have 450 students, from 6 to 20 years old. They attend our free English and Khmer supplementary classes from Monday to Friday.

But this is not enough to cover the need of our community. There are 350 more children hoping to get access to the free education we provide, but at the moment we do not have enough teachers and classrooms to accept all 800 children.

We would like to expand our project and make free education accessible for all children in Bospo Village. To reach this goal, we rely completely on donations of volunteers.

The money that you spend in purchasing these T-shirts could help us to get closer to our goal by raising the salary for our teachers, employing more teachers and building a new classroom.

Any support is greatly appreciated and if you are interested to know more, please visit our website www.kngocambodia.org or our facebook page www.facebook.com/kngovolunteer

Lea hoeuy,

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OPEN LETTER TO FUJIFILM: About the “Kaizen Light”, the X100S and the “David Hobby Firmware” with Classic Chrome


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Dear Fujifilm

Today I write you in the name of (probably) many X-shooters following FujiRumors, and especially those who own an X100S and would like a new firmware update. But first let me say this:

(or why we love Fuji)

When it comes to firmware udpates, we X-shooters are probably complaining at a level all other camera brand owners frankly envy us (and I know it from the guys at 43rumors, SonyAlphaRumors and CanonWatch in our regular meetings, that they are jealous about how Fujifilm listens to its customers and delivers amazing firmware updates).

Over the years you did an amazing job in keeping our cameras up to date with the latest features. That’s something no other brand offered with such a consistency and dedication (huge X100 update after 3 years, X-PRO1/E1 focus peaking, X-E2 EVF frame rate like X-T1, X-T1 Electronic Shutter… and there would be A LOT MORE to put into this list.)

So, Fujifilm, I don’t say it for captatio benevolentiae, but I really Thank You for all the effort you’ve put into all those new firmware updates.

(or why updating older X-cameras with New Features is NOT Good)

It is also clear to me that, with the rapidly growing number of X-cameras, the costs to keep them all updated with the latest new features would be unsustainable, unless you cut your resources destined to the development of new camera technology and redirect them to update the XQ1, X-A1, X-M1, X100, XF1, X-E1, X-PRO1, X20 and all the other X-series cameras with new features.

But given how fiercely contested the CSC market is, it’s wise to put most of your R&D into new camera technology for the Fujifilm X-PRO2, rather than spend your time, money and manpower in figuring out how to bring the electronic shutter on the X-M1.

Therefore I personally understand if you start to look forward and (apart bug fixes) stop introducing new firmware features to older cameras and focus on FW-updates for newer and successful ones… let’s call it a Kaizen Light approach ;) .

(or why you should update the X100S)

That being said, there is one thing I really do not get, and it’s about a firmware for the X100S… a pretty successful X-camera that would still deserve a bit of Kaizen love.

Here is the thing: a new X100S firmware already exists and it was used by David Hobby to test Classic Chrome on his X100S. Hobby himself said: “I have played with the new Classic Chrome film simulation on an X100S that had been altered to include it.”

So I think it should not be that difficult anymore to release a firmware update that allows all X100S shooters to add this new film simulation to their camera… just as you did with the X-E2 and with David Hobby’s X100S.

I know the X100T is fresh on the market and you don’t want to endanger its sales. But the X100T offers so many other improvements over the X100S (30 improvements listed in Rico’s X100T first look, starting from the ERF & WiFi), that a simple Classic Chrome update would for sure not make the X100T sales collapse, since there would be still 29 improvements left… or 28, if you’d add to the firmware also the electronic shutter or the intervalometer ;) .

So, dear Fujfilm, it would be really great if you could make the “David Hobby-Firmware” available for download.

(or how you could possibly still update also older cameras)

And what about this: maybe you could work on a huge X100S firmware update (with Classic Chrome, Intervalometer, Customizable Quick Menu, Electronic Shutter, more reliable Battery Level Indicator, PDAF support in Instant-AF, Spot Metering AF frame coupling etc.), and make us pay a few bucks for the work? Please think about it. I’ll add a poll about it down below.

So, thank you Fujifilm for (hopefully) reading this letter. If you have any statement or reply to make on it, please don’t hesitate to contact me at fujirumor [at] gmail [dot] com. I’d be happy to post your answer here on FujiRumors.


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TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Holly Geeslin‎: Taken last week before sunrise on a foggy morning. X-E1, 18mm (18-55), f9, ISO 200, 30 seconds

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from March 16!

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Adam Holston‎: Winter camping in WV. Fuji XT1 Rokinon 8mm Fisheye. 30 sec, F4, ISO 200

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Dustin Scholl‎: The Big Dipper over Fajardo , Puerto Rico

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Yeap Chin Meng‎: Lost in our time. Shot on Fuji X-E1 with Fujinon 18-55. Check out more in http://mengyeap.blogspot.com

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Zurab Burduli

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Leigh Spigelman

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Wolfgang Spekner‎: Selfportrait on the way up to Zirbitzkogel in Austria. Fujifilm X-E1 with XF 18-55/2.8-4 OIS

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Jim McEachern: The Pack is hungry…. — in Mulgrave-et-Derry, Quebec.

Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

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