New Film style presets for Iridient Developer 3… now with CLASSIC CHROME!


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Brian from Iridient just posted new Fujifilm X-Trans (APS-C) film style presets for Iridient Developer 3! The download includes a ReadMe file with detailed instructions on installation and use.

All previous styles have been updated and Classic Chrome has now been added. These styles are now saved as Iridient Developer 3 “preset” type files with just the specific adjustments necessary for the color styles so they can be used without altering other adjustments like sharpening or noise reduction. The previous (preset pack #3) styles have also been updated to the new “preset” file type and are included as well for those that want to be able to keep the identical color rendering as the older versions.

The download is a 12MB zip file and is available here:


The World of Fuji’s Film Simulation – Episode 1


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FujifilmXworld just launched the first episode about the popular Fujfilm’s Film Simulations. It’s just an introduction and shows the graph you can see above. They say that “starting with the next episode, we will explain each “world” in depth.”

It is our belief that “the photos should never look unnatural even though one can easily see that they are composed with the color of Velvia or ASTIA.

FUJIFILM’s color reproduction designers prioritize the live action. They take photos of scenery that should not be taken in Velvia. They take photos upon customizing the setting that one would never think of. They would print these out and evaluate. People who evaluate are not the people who took the photos. In order for a fair evaluation, they would need the neutral eye for the job and they do that for every test.

This is the process of creating the world of color that are unique, but yet never fail.”

Of course, the film simulation are also part of Rico’s X-T1 book… he goes through each of them and also gives you some useful information and tips. So if you don’t want to wait for each episode, get all you have to know about the film simulations right now from Rico’s X-T1 book here.

Fujifilm’s film simulations (and overall the JPEG’s) can sometimes deliver such pleasing results, that they are not always easy to match in post processing…  not for nothing Fuji’s film simulation/JPEG’s are highly appreciated amongst photographers.

Rico also recommends to shoot RAW+JPEG and you can read why in his latest book


“Unashamedly aimed at Pros!” XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR highly recommended at Cameralabs & ePhotoZine… and more!


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XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore /

A bunch of tests about the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR has been published over the last few days. I invite you to check out all the reviews listed in this post. But it’s pretty clear: the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR is another optically outstanding Fujinon lens. Fuji spoiled us with truly amazing glass… so no surprise that X-shooters consider the Fujinon lenses the highlight of the X-system (see the poll at the bottom).

And now, have a good read:

1) Every good read begins with Rico’s First Looks…. and here is the one about the XF 16-55. If you didn’t still check it out, then make sure to click on this link.

2) 16-55mm f2.8 review at cameralabs: “Ultimately the XF 16-55mm is unashamedly aimed at pros, particularly event shooters who’ll want to pair it with the XF 40-150mm and know they’ll have a bright f2.8 aperture throughout a broad range and not need to worry about inclement weather. Suffice it to say wedding and street photographers will love it.”

3) 16-55 review at ephotozine: “Optically, this standard zoom from Fujifilm is up there with the best f/2.8 zooms available for APS-C format cameras. It is capable of delivering excellent sharpness, with low CA and distortion. More importantly, it handles well, and features such as weather sealing and the Nano-GI coatings applied to this lens ensure it is capable of holding its own amongst the best zoom lenses currently available.”

4) Fuji XF 16-55mm f/2.8 zoom — a hands-on review at aboutphotography-tomgrill: “If I were a wedding photographer depending only upon a Fuji equipment kit, I would add this lens to the mix for its high resolution and fast aperture. Same would be true if I only used a Fuji X camera for lifestyle or landscape photography.

5) Fuji XF 16-55 LM WR Review (Part 2) at adamkingphoto: “The Fuji XF 16-55 F2.8 is hands down the best standard zoom available to demanding Fuji shooters, and I would consider it essential for event shooting, outdoor exploration, and any high-performance work in the standard range.”

6) Review at thephoblographer: “Is this a great lens? Absolutely, but it’s one that we’d keep in our camera bag and relegate to special needs purposes when we really need a zoom lens.”

7) Spanish Field Test at dslrmagazine (translation).

8) 16-55 compared to 23 at soundimageplus and compared to the Sony A7 Mk II 35mm Prime here: “Completely contrary to my expectations, the Fuji / Zoom combination turned in a better looking file than the Sony at f/2.8 and ISO 200, even after the upsizing and the Sony A7 Mk II / prime combination turned in a slightly better performance than the Fuji at f/2.8 and ISO 3200. ?????”


XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore /

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Fujifilm X-PRO2 with 4K and new processor EXR III (trusted Japanese source)


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Let’s start the week with a fresh rumor update coming from our top Japanese source. The source contacted me this weekend to let us know that:

  • Fuji indeed plans to launch a 4K capable X-PRO2

  • The Fujifilm X-PRO2 will feature a new and faster processor (EXR III)

We know from Fuji engineers here that X-TRANS sensor requires a lot processing power when shooting video. The current EXR II processor apparently has some difficulties to calculate all the video-data, and this is a reason why the huge advantage of the X-Trans sensor to mitigate moiree in stills doesn’t apply to video. A new and faster EXR III processor could help to sort out this issue.

A couple of days ago I asked over at the FR-facebook page here, if you are excited about the possible 4K capability of the X-PRO2… well, maybe some of you might be surprised with what the majority of followers answered. Check it out here.

stay tuned,
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(TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / SRP = source who was right in the past / OS = other sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + AS + AS)
– 24MP sensor (AS) – More than 16MP (AS)
– dual SD card slot (NeS)
– coming late 2015 (TS + AS)
– coming September / October (OS + OS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (ORS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
– 4K video (TS + NeS)
– Faster Processor EXR III (TS)

Are you excited about 4K in the X-PRO2?

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