Fujifilm says NOT to use Adobe tethered shooting software/plug-in: “Data loss under certain conditions”


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There is bug with the recently announced Tethered Plugi-In for Adobe and the HS-V5 software. In fact, Fujifilm shared the information on their site here (translation), that the tethered plug-in can lead to data loss under certain conditions.

[google translated] “Phenomenon that announcement, camera USB mode configuration is connected to the computer remains of MTP of initial setting (PTP), When you start the HS-V5 or tethered shooting plug-ins, DCIM folder that has been recorded in the camera’s memory card or things that the data in the folder is lost.”

The Adobe plug-in is still not available for downlaod at Fujifilm.com. Follow FR on facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter, and I’ll let you know as soon as Fujifilm has sorted out the bug and releases the Tethered Plug-In for Adobe.

via dc.watch via fujifilm.jp

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TOP OF THE SHOTS at the X-Shooter Facebook Zone!


Sascha Schlegel‎: lappland, finnland (x100s, ISO 400, 1/1250 sek)

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from March 2!

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Nishanth Adu‎: “Rise” Saint Euastache Church, Paris Fujifilm X-T1, XF56mmF1.2 R, f/1.2, 1/1000 s

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Michael Dunphy‎: This one has remained my favorite for a long time. I was leaving Scituate Light in MA, ready to go home after shooting a bit and saw this man feeding birds. I asked if I could take his picture and he said it was fortuitous because his had just died. It was amazing being completely surrounded by so many seagulls, and at 12mm they were just about on top of me. Great memory, and I was able to share the photo with Phillip and his wife, hopefully they remember it as fondly as me.

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Matt Brandon: I always love passing Instax prints to new friends on my workshops. It’s a great way to break the ice and a real door opener. #instax #fujifilm #sp1 #rajphototrek — at Thar Desert, Rajasthan.

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David Pacaud‎: Nepal Pashupatinath with Xe1 and 18mm

Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

The 2015 IF DESIGN AWARD goes to… the Fujifilm X100T and X30 + VOTE the best looking X-series camera!


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Once again, the X-series cameras won the IF Design Award… and this time the winners are the Fujifilm X100T and Fujifilm X30 (now super-discounted at [shoplink 33047 ebay]cameraland[/shoplink] ). Read the press release here.

So what is, according to you, the sexiest X-series camera ever made? Vote the poll!

For Enthusiasts. Will You Buy the Fujifilm GFX?

View Results

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(NOTE: I’ve separated X100S from X100T because of some minor design changes. You can add up the results of the X100T and X100/S to see the results of the whole X100 line)


Fujifilm X-T10 coming late spring/early summer (source right in the past)


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Quick Fujifilm X-10 rumor update: According to a source, who was right in the past, the Fujifilm X-T10 will come in late spring/early summer.

The full rumored specs list so far is: (SRP = source right in the past / NeS = New Source)

– Name: X-T10 (SRP + NeS)
– cheaper version of the X-T1 (SPR + NeS)
– no weather sealing (SRP)
– smaller EVF (SRP)
– same sensor of X-T1 (NeS)
– coming late spring/early summer (SRP

stay tuned on FujiRumors


Fujifilm launches PRO Rental & PRO Repair Rental Service in USA: Effective March 16 in USA


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Fujifilm just officially announced a new Pro and enthusiast Rental Service & Repair Rental Service in USA, which will be effective starting from March 16 in USA.

Here is the description of the service, taken from the dedicated Fuji page at www.FujifilmProRental.com.

Try an X-Series for yourself, or get one while yours is being repaired

• Award-winning X-Series equipment rentals that can be shipped anywhere in the United States, including a customer’s destination for easier travel

• One Price Shipping in the United States (additional charges for Alaska and Hawaii apply)

• Opportunity to use familiar X-Series camera gear while a camera or lens is being repaired for uninterrupted workflow (discounted rates will apply)

• Easy return shipping with a prepaid return shipping label

• The quality and craftsmanship you expect from the premium line of Fujifilm X-Series product

via photoxels
