Inspiring X-shots: TOP LIKED X-Shooter facebook images!


Chanchan Pugin‎: Fujifilm X100s – f/8 – 1/400 – 400 ISO Location: Auckland, New Zealand JPEG SOOC. Only crop and upside down in Snapseed for mobile.

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Here are the most liked images of the Fujirumors facebook photostream… and keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from Februray 18!

Enjoy the X-shots ;)

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Eric Anderson: A photo from the Issyk-Ata resort near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Photo taken with a Fuji X-E2 and the Fuji 14mm wide angle lens

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George Grisancich: X-T1, 18-135mm — at Zenkoji Temple

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Danyel Suryana‎: Right on Time

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Berkan Atakan‎: Fuji X100, f/11, 1/42s, ISO 1000. Cappadocia, Turkey.

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Stéphane Giner: fuji x-t1 1/180 f5.6 200iso

Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

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“100% market share growth, focus on high end & new pro camera in 2015”! (Fuji Middle East Manager Kawamura)


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Full article at khaleejtimes

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It seems that, after the big success of the Fujifilm X-T1, the company is starting to look very optimistic into the future. At least if we listen at Yuta Kawamura (Marketing Boss at Fujifilm Middle East).

In fact, this year he expects a 100% grow of market share in Middle East (from 8% in 2014 up to 15% in 2015).

Fuji ME-Marketing-Boss Yuta Kawamura also says that the biggest market for Fujifilm is Japan, followed by USA, China and Europe. Middle East and Africa close the ranking. The goal of Fujifilm Middle East is to sell 25,000 cameras in 2015!

He also says that, in the ME-region, Fujifilm is ranked 3rd after Sony and Samsung (in the Pro-camera segment).

So how will they achieve this 100% growth in just one year? Kawamura says:

“We will continue to concentrate on high-end models as they are more profitable compared to compact cameras. […] Fujifilm will soon launch another good quality professional camera in 2015

In other words: Fujifilm X-PRO2 ;)

Thanks to the anonymous reader for the link he spotted at fujifilmME facebook via khaleejtimes

X-T1 BOOK DOWNLOAD … it works now ;)

Just released: Rico’s new X-T1 book. You can buy it also at AmazonUS, but just for Kindle and with DRM.

Download your copy now here



FIRST (rumored) SPECS of the FUJIFILM X-T10 – No weather sealing & smaller EVF !


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Well, it seems that we are following the right hint with the Fujifilm X-T10.

In fact, another source, who was right in the past (SRP) confirmed that Fuji will indeed release the Fujifilm X-T10… and we now have the first specs shared by this source:

– no weathear sealing
– smaller EVF

So the full rumored specs list so far is: (SRP = source right in the past / NeS = New Source)

– Name: X-T10 (SRP + NeS)
– cheaper version of the X-T1 (SPR + NeS)
– no weather sealing (SRP)
– smaller EVF (SRP)

stay tuned on FujiRumors

X-T1 BOOK DOWNLOAD … it works now ;)

Just released: Rico’s new X-T1 book. (Kindle, ePub, PDF version included… all DRM-FREE!). You can buy it also at AmazonUS, but just for Kindle and with DRM.

Download your copy now here


The story of a broken X-T1 (not mine ;-) ) & a satisfied Fuji Bangkok X-shooter!


A couple of days ago I shared on facebook an image showing a broken X-T1. Well, this time it’s not mine (in case you missed it, here is the story of how I broke my X-E2). The only similarty to my X-T1 is the missing sync terminal cover.

This time the broken X-series camera is the one of Chris Conaway (check out his Flickr), an X-shooter from Thailand. Here is how he broke it and his experience with the Fuji Service.

Fuji Bangkok Satisfied Customer by Chris


I’d like to tell a small story of how Fuji repaired my completely smashed X-T1 .

My X-T1 fell of a motorbike travelling at high speed, I wasn’t wearing my wrist strap :-( It has my beloved 35mm lens on too !!

Once I picked up the carnage the camera was dead, no signs of survival. Body was in ok shape but the insides must have gone, only the LCD was shattered, but after removing the lens the rear element dropped out ! and the glass over the sensor was smashed, shutter was hanging down and the EVF was dead, no power to the camera.

I took it to Fuji and they said Labor was free but I had to pay for the parts. I had the camera for almost 1 year (I brought it last March). I was dreading a huge bill and Fuji did say they will tell me how much it would cost and I could decide if I wanted to repair the bod, the lens or both.

They came back to me a few weeks later after the holidays and said the body would cost 500gbp and the lens 300gbp. Well, I can buy the lens for almost a little bit more new so i just said to them to repair the body.

A few days later I had a call saying the repair had been finished! “Wow that’s fast”, I thought. How could they repair and test all is working 100% in that short time, maybe they just gave me a new camera !! :-)

I had to wait for payday until I could go pick up the camera. I got to Fuji repair center and handed me the bubbled wrapped camera, the lens was attached to it and they had given me the old broken parts back too, which I thought was cool, Well, I don’t know for sure but it looks like they gave me a new camera and just replaced my old battery flap with the serial number on, or the whole base. The camera looks like new and I even got the new clicky buttons, latest firmware was installed and everything was default on first turn on, change the date etc !!

Result………….. they even fixed my lens !

check out Chris’ Flickr here

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“Being 30 years old in the world”: A journey around the world with the X-T1 to meet & share people’s life!


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guest post by Stephane Domingues (


My name is Stephane Domingues from Paris (France) and I have been reading your blog for years and, today, I hope I can contribute to it! I would like to share with you a project on which I am currently working on with my Fujifilm X-T1: “Being 30 years old in the world”: Is it the same thing to be a 30 YO in France, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Peru or Australia?

In June 2014, my wife (Anne Hangouet, 30yo) and I (Stephane Domingues, 30yo) started, a 14 months round the world trip throughout the 5 continents.

Idea behind the project

Travelling around the world has always been one of my dreams… but I did not want to just travel… I needed a purpose… I think that the 30s are a very important age in my society (France) and I wanted to know how people, that are around my age, live across the world.

Our purpose is to decode what being a 30 year-old in different countries in the world means. Trying to understand common and specific features of one single generation around the world.

What are the similarities in our generation? How do nationality, culture, living environment… Define our own identity? How do we live as a 30-YO? What is everyday life made of? What are our values? How do we analyze our past?

What are the major striking events in our lives and in our societies? What vision do we have of the future? What are our hopes and our fears?

And to reach that purpose, we meet random human beings… aged between 29 and 35 years old and share a slice of their life…

Every portrait is made of 2 sections:

–       Interview that includes topics such as Past, Future, Striking Events, 30’s
–       Photographs: Portraits, Everyday life, Home, Eating, Important Objects,, Favorite spot, Work…

Here is the link to my website and all the portraits published so far:
And here is an example of a portrait.

Why switch to Fuji

I used to have a Nikon D300s, but I wanted to change it for 2 main reasons :

1) Weight and size
2) Too “impressive” for people, not as intimate I would say

So I looked at the options… I did not want to compromise on quality of pics and lenses…

I contemplated 3 options : Fuji, Olympus, and Sony.

Sony was ruled out pretty quickly because they don’t have enough lenses…

Choice was harder with Oly…

But here are the 3 main reasons why I choose the Fujifilm X-T1 (with 18-55mm, 23mm, 56mm and 55-200mm)

1) Quality of lenses and focal lengths were perfect for my project : I really enjoy the 56mm and the 23mm, fast and sharp
2) IQ
3) I have always worked with 2/3 format and don’t really like 4/3

I have to admit that I am more than satisfied with this amazing camera and these amazing lenses!

Don’t hesitate to contact me for any question using the contact form on my website,


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