Can X mount and X series lenses support a larger sensor? The Answer at johncaz!


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Can X mount and X series lenses can support a larger sensor? Johncaz investigated this question, and you can read his tests here.

From the conclusions:

I could be wrong in my assumptions, so if you know better, then please leave a comment below and enlighten me, but this difference between the Samyang and Fujinon lenses is proof enough for me that the X-mount can handle a larger sensor. I’m not sure about a full frame, but I would bet that a 1.2x crop factor sensor would be a perfect match.”

But tell me, what’s more important than the sensor size? Exactly, it’s to know how to make the best out of the camera you already own, no matter which sensor is inside! And today you can look deep into the secrets of the Fujifilm X-T1 thanks to Rico’s latest book “Fujifilm X-T1: 111 X-Pert Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Camera“!

It’s a must have… and a steal, since you can purchase it for just $12.

You can buy it also at AmazonUS, but just for Kindle and with DRM.

Download your copy now here


“X-PRO2: Smaller than X-PRO1, HVF + X-TRANS evolution” (dslrmagazine’s conclusions after talk with Fuji Manager at CP+)


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Let’s be clear… this is not really a rumor, but the conclusions of the Spanish site dslrmagazine (google translation) after having had a talk with the Fuji Manager at the CP+ in Japan. They tried to read “between the lines” of his statements, and came to the following conclusions:

1) HYBRID VIEWFINDER: The XF 35mmF2 looks a lot like the Leica Summicron-M 50mmF2 [admin: let’s just hope it won’t be that expensive!!!… even with the [shoplink 32741 ebay]terrfic price drop at cameraland right now on the 50mm Summicron APO[/shoplink], this lens is worth about 1/3 of my yearly teachers salary!!… though this version costs “just” $2,100 (discounted)]. But back to the XF 35mmF2: the compact size makes it perfect for cameras with Hybrid Viewfinder – ERGO: the X-PRO2 will feature a Hybrid Viewfinder. In the interview, the manager also said that customers demand to keep the X-PRO1 concept. DSLRmagazine thinks that this statement is another hint for an X-PRO2 with Hybrid Viewfinder.

2) MORE COMPACT: After the talk with the manager, DSLRmagazine concludes that the X-PRO2 will have the elegance and great operability of the Leica CL… it won’t be as small as the Leica CL, but smaller than the actual X-PRO1.

3) X-TRANS: It will have an evolution (not revolution) of the X-TRANS sensor.

4) Not X-PRO2 related, but the manager says that the 56 APD version isn’t really selling well. You can find a [shoplink 32731 ebay]BIG $300 price drop on the 56mmAPD at cameraland[/shoplink].

5) The X-M line is dead. Long live the X-A line!

At the end they make clear again, that these are just their suppositions after the talk with the manager. Of course, there is much more to read at dslrmagazine (google translation).

FujiRumors says: HVF is a must, X-Trans evoltutions sounds interesting… but smaller? What do you think? Should the X-PRO2 keep the X-PRO1 size or become smaller?

For Pros: Will you buy the Fujifilm GFX?

View Results

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stay tuned on FujiRumors for more X-PRO2 rumors,
facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter

P.S.: Thanks Trenton ;)

FYI, here is the rumored X-PRO2 spec list

Fujifilm X-PRO2 rumored specs list

(TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / ASwN = anonymous source with nick-name / SRP = source who was right in the past / ORS = other rumor sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + ASwN + AS)
– 24MP sensor (ASwN) – More than 16MP (ASwN)
– dual SD card slot
– coming late 2015 (TS + ASwN)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (ORS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)



miXed zone: CP+ Fuji Booth Report, Best Lightroom X-Trans workflow, XF 16-55 vs XF 18-55, Nissin i40 … and more!


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At the moment, one of the most liked images at the X-shooter facebook zone
shot taken by Stéphane Ginefuji X-T1 1/180 f5.6 200iso
check out more here

Keep up voting and sharing your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE & DESCRIBE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

Upcoming Lenses / CP+ report

Complete report from the Fujifilm booth at CP+ 2015 at grittymonkey / Upcoming Fuji Lenses – “Old School’ and very tempting at soundimageplus /


MUST READ: X-T1: Tethering with Adobe Lightroom and Fujifilm HS-V5 / Hands-on: X-T1 and Lightroom Tethered Plugin. laroquephoto /

Fujifilm X-A2

The Fujifilm X-A2 at high-ISO at Rico’s fujixsecrets (in German) – translated version /

PRE-ORDER XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore /

MUST READ: First Look at the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR / Fuji 16-55mm f/2.8 vs 18-55mm f/2.8-4 at admiringlight / Another Afternoon with Rachel Bowler & the XF 16-55mm at ideasandimages / Fuji XF 16-55mm f/2.8 R LM WR Lens Review at planopora / Review at wimarys / Spanish Review at dslrmagazine (translation) / Fujinon XF 16-55mm F/2.8 | Initial Thoughts at slrlounge / The Fuji XF 16-55 LM WR (Part 1) at adamkingphoto / Fuji XF16-55mm 1:2.8 R LM WR Part 1 at leighmiller / Real World Samples at dpreview / Samples at photographyblog / Atmospheric photography at Witley Court in Worcestershire (shot with 16-55) at dcphotographic /

XF 50-140
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE:WexUK / PCHstore /

Review at 1000wordpics /

Gilles Baribeau: “I just wanted to share the result I got with my X-T1 and XF50-140mmm combo at sports and action photography… The engineering department at Laval University was hosting one of the SAE Baja competition this weekend. It was a great! The full set:, Gilles Baribeau

XF 56mm f/1.2 APD
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / DigitalRev EUROPE: AmazonUK / PCHstore / WexUK / DigitalRev AUSTRALIA: CameraPro / DigitalRev

MUST READ: Rico’s X-pert corner comparison XF 56 vs XF 56 APD / Review at photographyblog / Fujifilm’s Fifty-Sixes Compared! The APD Effect… at mikemander / 56 APD Review at bigheadtaco / Samples (56 APD vs 56) at dcdv.zol / Side by Side Comparison: XF56mm F1.2 R Lens vs XF56mm F1.2 R APD Lens at Fuji Australia / Fujifilm Completes the F2.8 Lineup! 16-55mm F2.8 WR Lens Review at bokeh-monster /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK / PCHstore / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

23, the T and me, part 3 – A challenging day with the x100T at photogenykstudios / Fuji Colors with the Fuji X100T at alessandromichelazzi / Why I Chose Small Compact Camera Like Fujifilm X100T at wazariwazir / Less is often MORE at hendriximages / Test at the German site pctipp / review at newcamera /


Leica T (Typ 701) And Fuji X100s Comparisons at soundimageplus / Florida with the X100S at mjrussellphotography / Business Trip to Dubai at simonburgessphotography / MY 2014 Review | London Documentary Wedding Photographer at vopoku / Playing with a Fuji X100s at Eatology at rkhmn / Swiss Travels with the X100 at thebigpicturegallery / London – Columbia Road Market at simonburgessphotography / The Poor Mans Leica, FUJI X100S at getprismatic /


Photographing London with a X100s and a TCL-x100 at Henrysmithscottage / 87 Pitti Uomo Firenze / Photos, life and people. Fuji X100T and TCL-X100 teleconverter test at alessandromichelazzi /

Fujifilm X-T1 + Graphite X-T1
[shopcountry 21553]

Vienna on the street with Sony A7R and Fuji X-T1 at glyons / X-T1 goes medieval at johncaz / Macro product photography with the Fujifilm X-T1 at dan-taylor / Photographing Pope Francis with the Fujifilm X series at mirrorlessons / Back Out With the Fuji at mattwilkinsonphotography / Short review at mkaz / Fuji X-T1 video mode settings, test and overview at Lukas Gisbert-mora youtube / Fujifilm X-T1 – Mini Review at photofocus / Indianapolis Children’s Museum at feddestudios / The Digital Contact Sheet :: Episode 6 at derekclarkphotography / The Fujifilm X-T1; My Likes and Dislikes After a Couple of Months of Heavy Use at thewanderinglensman / Fujifilm One Year On… at gnasherseye / To Africa with the Fuji X-T1 at davidduchemin /

other X-series cameras

Fuji Guys – Fujifilm XQ2 – Top Features at youtube / Faces of India at exposure / A walk around my hometown with the Fuji X-Pro1 at tcrphotography / X-E2 + 27mm: Athens: a week after the elections at robertlorenzmeyer / X-E1, 2 years of mirrorless shooting at lichtscheu / X-E2: South Pacific Sojourn – To Zoom or Not To Zoom at findingrange / X-E2+X-PRO1 cocktail session at wilsonchiew.exposure /


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XF 35mm review at fuji-Xperience (translation)

X-mount lenses

XF 35mm review in Spanish at fuji-Xperience (translation) / XF 23mmF1.4 at 1000wordpics / Fujifilm Fujinon 27mm f2.8 Review at peeceestudio / Zeiss Touit 32mm f1.8 T* Review at peeceestudio / 55-200 review at slrgear / What Fujinon XF Lens Should I Buy? 2nd Edition part 2 at youtube / Fujinon 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS Review at peeceestudio / Fuji 18mm f2 review – A little piece of magic at photogenykstudios / Fujinon 10-24mm f/4 OIS Review at peeceestudio / The Fuji X-T1 with Fujinon lenses at ianmacdonaldphotography / 1.2 Point of View: Fuji XF 56mm First Impression at rivalsvs / FUJIFILM FUJINON XF 27 Mm F/2.8 Pancake Lens + LEICA T And Some Amazing Bokeh at soundimageplus / 14mm review at camerastuffreview / French XF 18mm review at k-pture / Fujinon 60mm f/2.4 Macro Review at peeceestudio / German Testbericht: Fuji X-T1 mit Fujinon XF 23 mm at kwerfeldein /

other lenses

Das Carl Zeiss Distagon 35mm f1.4 zm at qimago (translation) / Mitakon 35mm F0.95 Review at fujixman / Rikenon 55mm f/1.2 review at jonasraskphotography /

RAW-conversion / processing / Jpeg

The Very Best X-Trans Lightroom Workflow at hendriximages / Does Lightroom now do a better job converting X-Trans files? at thewanderinglensman / Fujifilm X-T1 Raw Files edited in Lightroom 5.7.1, Photo Ninja and Topaz Detail 3; What Is The Visual Difference? at thewanderinglensman / Fuji X Raw editing – How to get the jpeg look at finn-b / Supplement to the X-trans RAW conversion article at eyesuncloudedphoto /

Switch to the X

What Makes Someone Jump Ship? at mirrorlessminutes /

Acessories / Flash / Extension Tubes

5 Tricks to improve the battery life of your X-series camera at the Spanish site fuji-xperience (translation) / Fuji X-E1 and X-E2 L Bracket Grip with Leather at andrewnewson / Nissin i40 flash for Fuji at johncaz / Gariz Leather Half-Case for Fujifilm X-E1/X-E2 Review at photographylife / Fujifilm Macro Tubes MCEX-11 & MCEX-16 at derekclarkphotography / Fujifilm MCEX-11 review at the French site k-pture / Fuji’s new extension tubes: To infinity and beyond at macfilos /


RUMOR: Downspec’d Fujifilm X-T1 to be called… X-T10 (NeS + SRP)


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Back on the 12th of January I shared the rumor about a cheaper version of the X-T1. When I spread the rumor, some of you speculated that it could be called X-T10. Well, seems you were right, at least according to a New Source (NeS) and a Source who was right in the past (SRP).

So, Fujifilm X-T10… this could be the name of this downspec’d X-T1… and it sounds like this camera that is going to compete directly with the Olympus EM-10.

But tell me, are you excited by the idea of a cheaper version of the X-T1?

And now go, my fellow X-shooter and spread the word (+ quote the source ;) ).

facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter

P.S.: For those who don’t won’t a cheaper version of the X-T1, but a cheaper X-T1, check out the X-T1 deals below!


[shoplink 32660 ebay]eBayUS seller 6ave[/shoplink] is right now selling a limited number (8) new X-T1 bodies [shoplink 32660 ebay]for just $1,090![/shoplink]! You save $209… that’s a much better deal than on the current official Fujifilm X-T1 price drop. Check out the deal [shoplink 32660 ebay]here[/shoplink].

Also [shoplink 32661 ebay]Samy’s Camera[/shoplink] is selling a limited number of X-T1 bodies with a $200 price drop. These are Open Box Items, in excellent conditions, though. To know more about this deal [shoplink 32661 ebay]click here[/shoplink]



X-T1 + 18-135 WR (save $200 – price $1699): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /

X-T1 + 18-55 (save $100 – price $1599): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
X-T1 Black Body (save $100 – price $1199): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
X-T1 Graphite Body (save $100 – price $1399): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /

X-E2 Body (save $100 – price $699): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
X-E2 + 18-55 (save $100 – price $999): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /

X30 (save $100 – price $499): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XQ1 (save $100 – price $299): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama


XF 18-135mm (save $200 – price $699): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 18mm
(save $200 – price $399): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 60mm (save $200 – price $449): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /

XF 23mm (save $150 – price $749): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 56mm (save $150 – price $849): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 14mm (save $150 – price $749): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 10-24mm (save $150 – price $849): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 27mm (save $150 – price $299): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /

XF 35mm (save $100 – price $499): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 18-55mm (save $100 – price $599): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
XF 55-200mm (save $100 – price $599): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama /
