[UDPATE] FIRST IMAGES of ALL the unreleased lenses in the roadmap… and shows a Weather Resitant XF 120mmF2.8… with OIS


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FujiXseriesJapan shared the first images of the 120mmF2.8 1:1 Macro (with OIS, focus-limiter and also WR!), XF 100-400,  XF 35mmF2, XF 16mmF1.4, XF 90mmF2 and 1.4 Teleconverter.

– XF 16mmF1.4 : WR & Clutch mechanism – filter 67mm
– XF 35mmF2 : WR – filter 43mm
– XF 90mmF2 : no WR (???) & no OIS  – filter 62mm [admin: Fuji Guy Greg said it will be weather sealed] – XF 120mmF2.8 macro : focus-limiter, WR & OIS (!!!) – filter 62mm
– XF 100-400 : can’t read any information
– teleconverter : shape is limitating for using with most X-lenses (not a surprise)

Ealier today I already shared some new pics of the 90mmF2 and 16mmF1.4 WR, along with a new (and better) lens roadmap. Check it out here.

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iamge courtesy: fujifilm-blog & FujiXseriesJapan


NEW IMAGES of XF 90mmF2 & XF 16mmF1.4 WR + NEW ROADMAP with BETTER VIEW of when lenses are coming!


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NEW XF 90mmF2 & XF 16mmF1.4

FujiXworld published a new image of the XF90mmF2… no markings on the lens, but we know from Fuji Guy Greg himself that it is going to be weather sealed. And as Markus noticed “it appears Fuji has greatly reduced the diameter of this lens compared to what was shown at the Photokina.”.

They also show a new image of the XF 16mmF1.4, and this time we can clearly read the “WR”& Nano GI coating markings :)

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Just 2 days ago, Fujifilm published a new roadmap. But there was a bit of confusion, because Fujifilm ordered the lenses from left to right according to their focal length, and not their estimated release time… making the time indication much more vague.

Well, now in the roadmap at the bottom of this post, you can see the lenses ordered more clearly, this means with the horizontal position showing the release time.

So we can see that:

XF 16mmF1.4 & XF 90mmF2 should come in the first half of 2015
– XF 35mmF2 somewhere around next fall (right in time for the X-PRO2??)
– XF 100-400 early 2016
– XF 120mmF2.8 1:1 Macro around spring 2016

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DELAY: Release of the Metz Mecablitz 26AF-1 for FUJIFILM pushed back to April 20 !


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About a month ago I told you about the Metz Flash for Fuji, and as you can see from the screenshot in this post, BHphoto expected it to be available early February. But the release has been apparently pushed back, since BHphoto now expects to have it available in April 20!

I remind you that, this spring, also a new Fuji flash will be released (trusted sources). To know more about it, just check out the FR-rumor section.

thx, Craig


Hurry Up !!! LAST SPACE LEFT for the “Istanbul eXpedition” with Fuji-X-Guru Rico Pfirstinger


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The Time to hesitate is over. There is right now just one space left to join Rico’s X-workshop in Istanbul. Check out the details and claim the last free space for you at the Fuji X Secrets Istanbul Foto Workshop (from 30 April to 5 May).

Rico offers also a Fuji X Secrets Weekend Wrokshop at the 30./31 May in Schwabach / Nürnberg (GER) and a workshop dedicated to the X30 here (1 space left).

PLEASE NOTE that all the workshops are in GERMAN!

For those who can’t join the privileged “Istanbul eXpedtion“, a good option to learn more about the X-system are definitely Rico’s books. His latest book, “The Fujifilm X-T1, 111 eXpert Tips” will be available soon.

111 X-Pert Tips


Affinity Photo, the Photoshop Alternative? Test now the BETA version for FREE (Mac)!


It’s called Affinity Photo and its beta version has just been released (and you can test it for free, if you own a MAC!). The Promo Video at Vimeo looks definitely promising. Is this the real alternative to the Adobe’s Creative Cloud?

For now, the X-series RAF’s supported are (according to the Affinity Forum): Fuji X-Pro1, Fuji X-S1, Fuji X100, Fuji X100S, Fuji X10, Fuji X20, Fuji X-E1 and Fuji XF1

The question for Fuji X-shooters is: how does it handle the X-Trans files? So, if you own a Mac, just download it for free and let us know what you think about.

POSTED EARLIER TODAY: New Fuji roadmap, First image of the XF 35mmF2 WR lens, XF16mmF1.4 + 90mmF2 WR lens will be weather sealed too.

via petapixel via creativebloq.
