Jumping In: Or How I learned to stop nitpicking and love Fuji (Guest Post by Jason Lee)


Jumping In: Or How I learned to stop nitpicking and love Fuji. Guest Post by Jason Lee.

It is not an exaggeration when I say Fuji cameras have changed my life. But I have a confession to make. I was once a loyal Canon shooter. Before you dismiss this post as yet another Canon to Fuji success story, I feel I should explain a little bit of my back story.

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Fuji X-T1 Graphite, 56mm f/1.2 at f/1.4

Numbers have always been important to me. As such, I was born in the year 1990, at 6:30 AM on August 15th. The era of 90s music, punk haircuts, and the dSLR. Good numbers right? Some numbers that didn’t sit well with me were: 3 months premature, 1.5 lbs., and 53 days in the intensive care unit. I had arrived too early and those numbers weren’t so good. Doctors diagnosed me with a condition known as cerebral palsy, essentially a form of brain damage. According to them, I would never walk and would probably show signs of mental retardation as I aged.

Let him take it easy,” they told my parents. “He’s going to have a tough life.”

Needless to say, my parents were having none of that. Around age five or six, I managed to take my first steps and it’s been a roller coaster ever since. Growing up was a struggle, as I switched to 6 different schools before the 4th grade, trying to fit in while being mercilessly teased for the way I walked.

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Fuji X-E2, 35mm f/1.4 at f/4.0

Enter photography. It changed my introverted demeanor and forced me to go outside my shell and interact with others. Despite the stigma from my gait, slowly but surely, I was able to express myself through art. I received my first dSLR at the age of 20, and from then on I was hooked. I would take pictures of everything and anything, from lawn chairs and coffee cups to random cats.

There was only one problem. I wasn’t happy with it. My Canon 7D was extremely bulky and difficult to carry around, and not only that, it was APS-C! Full Frame was where it was at!

You can’t take good pictures with APSC! I naively thought.

I pined for full frame and waited and waited for the opportunity to “upgrade.” When I eventually managed to get my hands of a 5D Mark III, I waited for the magic to happen. And waited. And waited. And waited.

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Fuji X-T1 Graphite, 35mm f/1.4 at f/2

Why aren’t I happy with this? Why do I hate going outside and shooting? Why is that random car honking at me?

My photography had hit a rut, my 5D lay on the shelf gathering dust, and I contemplated quitting the art that gave me so much opportunity just a few years back.

Fujifilm to the rescue.

I knew the moment I picked up my first Fuji camera, the x100s, that I was experiencing something groundbreaking. The controls, the handling, the portability, just the sheer fun that occurred as I took pictures was a game changer for me. Not only was the handling of the Fuji easier for me, who had to shoot with one hand and a cane, I was also able to be nondescript and not draw (more) attention to myself. Each time I had thoughts of coming back to full frame, I would pull up my Fuji files in post and smile. After a temporary lapse dabbling with the Sony RX1-R, I sold it and committed to Fuji full time (currently own an X-T1 Graphite edition and the 56mm f/1.2 and 35mm f/1.4), and have never been happier.

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Fuji X-E2, 35mm f/1.4 at f/2.2

There’s something about the Fuji system that speaks to me, over the more clinical and computerized Sony and Canon. It just has a heart that matches my shooting style. I like to shoot using primes so I can get into the midst of the action, and the Fuji’s portability, user friendliness, and non-invasive appearance really lends itself well to that. Sure, it may not have the ability for the shallowest depth of field, nor the highest megapixel count, but when it comes to delivering beautiful images, it has never let me down. Sometimes, the moment calls for putting the numbers aside and taking chances.

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Fuji X-E2, 35mm f/1.4 at f/2.0

And with that said, I’m about to embark on a journey and take a chance of my own, essentially with just Fuji X camera. At the urging of some of my photographer friends and family in the Bay Area, I’ve decided to make a photobook documenting my time in San Francisco. It is to be a testament of man’s ability to overcome the obstacles in life, even with the help of the littlest things (or camera!) I’ve recently hit my minimum goal, but would love to blow it out of the park so I can add more pages and share more of my story to the well.

You can find the Kickstarter link here. There is a video as well (filmed right when I was in between Fuji and Canon that explains more of my journey (and you can see how I walk!). I’m grateful for all your support and encouragement.

I’m 24 now, and four years after starting my photographic journey, I have to credit the Fuji system for pushing me out of my comfort zone and giving me the confidence to go out there and capture my dreams. It is not a perfect system by any means, but it’s MY system, and it’s one I have no regrets making the jump into.

Are you ready to take the plunge?

-Jason Lee

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Fuji X-E2, 56mm f/1.2 at f/2


miXed zone: Kashmir & Istanbul Workshops :: Combo Actus & Fuji-X :: Adobe & X-Trans :: Morgen Spurlock & X-PRO1 :: & more


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Kashmir Workshop

Join Fujifilm X-Photographer Matt Brandon as he leads a small group of photographers through the narrow streets of ancient Srinagar, Kashmir, India on the Kashmir Valley Photo Trek and Workshop for 2015. Matt lived in Kashmir for 13 year with his family. Every summer for years, he lead treks and tours in the Valley of Kashmir so very few photographers know the area like he does. Join Matt for 12 days of photographic bliss: you will be staying on houseboats on the historic Dal Lake and will be treated like royalty. You’ll not only visit the bustling city of Srinagar: participants will also spend several night camping in the Indian Himalaya among nomadic shepherds. For more info on the trek itself check this post out. This really is a once-in-a-life-time opportunity. For more information and registration visit HERE.

Istanbul Workshop & more

Rico is also offering several workshops. The next ones will be Fuji X Secrets Weekend at the 30./31 May in Schwabach / Nürnberg (GER) and you can also participate at the Fuji X Secrets Istanbul Foto Workshop (from 30 April to 5 May) in the fascinating city of Istanbul.

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Is Morgen Spurlock (director of “Super Size Me“) also an X-shooter? In the promo for his new show “Inside Man”, we can see him with an X-Pro1. However, as Andrew (who spotted it, thanks) said: “I wonder if a set designer just wanted a cool prop though.” Check out the promo image here.

XF 50-140
BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK  / PCHstore /

MUST READ: First Look at the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR / Fujifilm 50-140 Review at expat-photographer / Review at ephoto.sk (translation) / Spanish Review at dslrmagazine (translation) / 1 Month with the Fujifilm XF 50-140mm f2.8: additional thoughts along the road at grittymonkey /

XF 56mm f/1.2 APD
USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / DigitalRev EUROPE: AmazonUK / PCHstore / WexUK  / DigitalRev AUSTRALIA: CameraPro / DigitalRev

MUST READ: Rico’s X-pert corner comparison XF 56 vs XF 56 APD / Fujifilm 56mm f/1.2R APD lens review: A serious portrait prime for serious bokeh at imaging-resource / First Impressions and Samples at dot.asahi (translation) / Review at dc.watch (translation) /

X100/S/T + TCL/WCL

BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: WexUK  / PCHstore / AUSTRALIA: CameraPro

– Two (amazing) hours in Monument Valley at olafphotoblog / Why I Choose To Travel With Fujifilm X100T Mirrorless Camera On Trans-Siberian Railway Adventure at wazariwazir / Fuji X100T and X-T1: Choosing the right camera for street photography at macfilos / Infrared on the Fuji x100s and x100t at sebimagery / The X100T Christmas at laroquephoto / The X100T: a review in five pieces at laroquephoto / Fuji X100T and VSCO Cam Philippines part 1 at jakubpuchalski / Fujifilm X100T Full Review with X100s Comparison at mirrorlessons / Fuji X100T Shooter’s Report Part I: A classic street shooter hits the streets of Manhattan at imaging-resource / Review at decisiveshot / Why I will probably not buy an X100T at macfilos / Fuji X100T – First Look at photofocus / Fuji X100T Top Features at the Fuji Guys youtube channel (not made by Billy) at youtube /


My Fuji X100s and My 45 Year Old Canon QL17 ~ Photography Gone Full Circle at thomaslcollins / Manek Chowk, Ahmedabad – video shot entirely with the X100S (youtube) /


– Fuji WCL-X100 and Ricoh GR at mingart / Photos, life and people. Fuji X100T and TCL-X100 teleconverter test at alessandromichelazzi / Fujifilm X100T and TCL-X100 teleconversion lens at larsauthen /

Fujifilm X-T1 + Graphite X-T1
[shopcountry 21553]

– A Scottish road trip at thebigpicturegallery / Playing with the Fuji X-T1 at mirrorlessjourney / The Film SLR Lookalikes – Fuji X-T1 + 18-135mm Zoom. Sony A7s Nikon 28-200mm Zoom, Olympus OM-D E-M10 Nikon 100mm F/2.8 – Three Days Of Shooting at soundimageplus / Fuji X-T1 Review – does size matter? at maxmilne / Street Photography – London at photoponica / X-T1 review at richardwoodphotographer / Long Exposures on Derwent Water with the Fuji X-T1 at astannard / Comparing apple to pears (X-T1 vs X-PRO1) at daveyoungfotografia / X-T1 review at mariusmasalar / How to use the Fujifilm X-T1 at Tony Northrup’s youtube / Canon vs Fuji: All work and no play make Sara a dull girl at saralando /

other X-series cameras

– Hands-on with Fujifilm’s new X-A2 at dpreview / X-E1 Paris – 11 janvier 2015 at Arnaud Lebret Flickr / Fujifilm X-E2’s Six Inches Behind The Viewfinder at stanleyleary / Daffodils in January? Fuji X-A1 in action at soundimageplus / Thinking and Shooting Cinematically with Fujifilm X-E2 at stanleyleary / FUJI X-A1 XF 35mm f/1.4 Lens – HDR Panoramas at soundimageplus / X30 Top Features at the Fuji Guys youtube channel /


X-mount lenses

– Fujinon XF 56 MM F/1,2 R review at the Spanish site fuji-xperience (English version) / Fuji XF 14mm f2.8 R review at lightpriority / Choosing the Zeiss Touit 32mm over the Fuji XF 35mm at eyebeamimages / FUJI XT-1 & 56mm 1.2 – An Incredible First Day at caveiraphotography / 18mm review at colinnichollsphotography / Fujinon XF 10-24mm f/4 R OIS – Review / Test Report at photozone /

other lenses / Adapter

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Madoka 180 Available For Fujifilm X Mount at ephotozine / Zhongyi Optics (ZY Optics) also released a new M42-Fuji X Lens Turbo Adapter (ver II). More at www.zyoptics.net / Cambo ACTUS mini view camera for Fuji X-mount (see cambo.com) /

RAW-conversion / processing / Jpeg

– Classic Chrome vs Kodachrome at thedowntowncreative / RAW and lossy DNG at johncaz / FUJI X – X-Trans or Bayer CMOS Sensor? The Adobe Camera raw issue. at soundimageplus /

Acessories / Flash / Extension Tubes

– Cactus V6 Tranceiver and RF60 Wireless Flash with the Fujifilm X-T1 at peterlangfelder / Macro Photography with Fuji 16mm Extension Tube at miksmedia / Review: Fujifilm 11mm Extension Tube MCEX-11 at admiringlight /

a bit of everything

– GAS, or how I got over it with the help of Fuji X at stockografie / Fuji X-Series Images: How Big Will They Print? at macleancomms / The fast compact normal conundrum at mingthein / Window Light portraits ~ A complete guide at prophotonut / Chasing the Wind – Les Voiles de St Tropez at fujixsystem / timelapse film entirely on Fuji X cameras at vimeo / When love breaks down: Why I sold my mirrorless camera at inmybag / Fuji’s Film sim’s & adjustable tones at johncaz / Fujifilm Fights Ebola And Gives You Great Skin at strategyzer / A Mirrorless Wedding – Four cameras, three systems, two photographers and one happy couple at mirrorlessons / AF+MF Mode Update on X-Pro1 and X-T1 at macleancomms /

X-shooter Facebook Contest

Keep up sharing and voting your absolute favorite X-shot for the next Top Liked X-shooter fabook images.

1) SHARE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.


[UDPATE: rumor confirmed] Lensbaby lenses for X-Mount coming this Spring (new source)


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the Lensbaby Control Freak

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A new source just told us, that Lensbaby lenses with X-Mount are coming out this Spring.

Here are the Lensbaby optics currently avaialble:

Lensbaby Muse (50mm)
Lensbaby Control Freak (50mm)
Lensbaby Composer (50mm)
Lensbaby Composer Pro (35mm)
Lensbaby Composer Composer with Tilt Transformer
Lensbaby Scout 12mm Fisheye

Lensbaby said on their Forum that they are working on a Fuji X version. They say that “it won’t be available until Springtime 2015

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Lensbaby creates a blurred effect around the focus spot

(image taken with Lensbaby Composer PRO)

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FAST LENSES: Mitakon 42.5mmF1.2 Samples at photographyblog + IBELUX 40mmF0.85 REVIEW at Riflessifotografici


Ibelux 40mm f/0.85 Review at riflessifotografici in English (Italian)

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Maybe you remember that, back in October, I told you that due to a production issue, ZY optics decided to postpone the release of the Fuji X mount 42.5mm f/1.2. Well, it seems that the lens is ready, and we can now enjoy the first samples at photographyblog here.

Please note that the aperture data at photographyblog always says “f/0“. That’s becuase X-cameras can’t “communicate” with this lens. The aperture and the distance & depth of field indicators in the EVF/LCD won’t work. It’s a pity that photographyblog didn’t take manually note of the aperture for each shot and added the information later on their images.

Who did take note manually for each shot of the aperture, is riflessifotografici. But they reviewed worlds fastest lens for mirrorless cameras, the IBELUX 40mmF0.85. You can check out the their review at riflessifotografici (Italian version)  . I also wrote a much more humble review of the Ibelux (part1part2)

The price of the Ibelux is dropping at BHphoto.

And btw, Fuji’s fastest lens, the XF 56mmF1.2, is still available $150 off here.


CP+ Event Overview to download: Fuji Speech on FEB13 about “X-T1 Real Time Viewfinder”


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Are you one of those considering to visit the CP+ in Japan from February 12 to 15? Then download the Event Overview here. Fujifilm will give a speech on February 13th (from 16:00 to 16:45) about the Fujifilm X-T1’s “Real Time Viewfinder”.

And for those who can’t go there, FujiRumors will be your “Real Time Window” to the CP+, with constant news updates coming from the CP+.

stay tuned on Fuji Rumors,
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