ShutterSnitch App now supports Fujifilm’s built-in WiFi


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FR-reader Trenton (thanks) shares this news with all of us. ShutterSnitch app now supports Fujifilm’s built-in WiFi. He tested it and here is his feedback:

Ok, managed to make it work. It does work, but with the current Fuji’s rendering of “PC Auto Save” it has nothing to do with wireless tethering.

Basically, once you’ve registered your iPad as a “PC Auto Save” destination, you gain the ability to transfer photos to that iPad. Not automatically, mind ya. Not “transfer as you shoot”. But by going into playback menu -> pc auto save, then you’ll have to initiate a pc auto save session… after you’ve done that, your ShutterSnitch gains the access to jpegs and RAFs on the card of the camera. You can select which ones to download and do just that.

Any button press on a camera breaks the session, so this is not a tethering. However, it saves a helluva lot of battery power by using an external access point instead of creating ad hoc network.

In short: good start, but needs a lot of Kaizen love to become a true tethering solution.”

Check out also the shuttersnicht Forum here.


TOP LIKED IMAGES: Fujirumors facebook X-shooter zone


Ata Mohammad Adnan: Zurich, Switzerland. Fuji X-E2 + 18 f/2

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First selection of the most liked images over at the Fujirumors facebook photostream in 2015… enjoy the X-shots ;)

And keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: The next selection will start from those images shared starting from January 7.

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Jason Boucher‎: “Storm Rolling In” – Duluth MN – My favorite Fuji X photograph I took in 2014. Fuji XM1 with Fujinon 35mm f1.4.

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Jorge Rimblas‎: Smile Fuji X-T1 XF56mm f1.2

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Herman Layanto‎: near Tanah Rendah, Indonesia – Komodo Island with XT-1 10-24mm.

Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

HS-V5 Tethered Shooting Software available in Japan for 17,280 yen ($ 147)


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Back in November, Fujifilm announced the Tethered Shooting Software “HS-V5 for Windows® Ver. 1.0” and said that it will be available in January. Just now a FR-reader (thanks) spotted that the software has been released in Japan . The price in Japan is of 17,280 yen ($ 147). The HS-V5 is still not listed at Fuji’s global Application Software site.

It’s rumored here that the next Version of Lightroom will add support for X-T1 tethered shooting.

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APS-C most popular sensor size, Fujifilm gains ground, M43 decreases (Camera ownership on Flickr on 2013-2014)


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The Sensor Size

The king under the sensor sizes is…  APS-C! At least If we look at the Camera ownership ranking on Flickr. There is just one Full Frame camera under the top 10 cameras, the [shoplink 13457]Canon 5D Mark III[/shoplink] (7th). All the other top ten cameras feature an APS-C sensor. The best seller is the  Canon 7D!

CSC Cameras

But let’s take a look at our little mirrorless-world. Who is the big fish in the small aquarium? As you can see in the graph above, it’s Sony. However, we X-shooters are no more a rare phenomenon on Flickr, but a quickly growing community. The M43 system is decreasing.

In 2013 and 2014, the most owned camera was the [shoplink 13887]Olympus OM-D E-M5[/shoplink]. The most popular X-series cameras are the Fujifilm X-E1 and Fujifilm X-T1.

But check out all the graphs and ranking here on Flickr, and then feel free to drop your considerations in the comments down below.

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ONLINE: New Fuji Lens Catalogue. Shows new XC OIS II lenses + Some details about upcoming XF lenses (with POLL)


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Fujifilm updated its lens catalogue (download here). It now includes the new XC 16-50 and 50-230 OIS II lenses and shows also the 16mmF1.4, 90mmF2 and 140-400mmF4-5.6 lenses.

Fuji has shown mock-ups of the 16, 90 and 140-400 in the past, and in this catalogue we can’t really see more specs about them than already known. You can get an idea of the size of these lenses compared to other Fujinons (size can change until their release, though).

FR-reader Jonavin made a list (published after the poll) with all his findings after looking at the catalogue. And I agree with Markus, who wrote an email saying: “Fuji is bringing all the right stuff. ” :-)

But tell us, of the three lenses, which is the one you are waiting for more than any other?

Between the Fujifilm X100F and X-E3, I would buy the...

View Results

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XF 16mm f/1.4
– has push-pull clutch focus
– size looks to be around XF10-24 but not as “thick”
– filter size looks like 67mm?

XF 90mm f/2
– can’t tell if it has push-pull.
– size looks to be just under the size of the XF18-135; closer to XC50-230 OIS II
– filter size looks like 62mm

XF 140-400mm
– looks like f/4-5.6
– size, it’s as tall as the XF50-140 but a lot beefier/thicker; and no doubt heavier
– filter size?  probably 82mm [86 according to FR-reader The Green Balbo] – Nano GI coating

[UDPATE: MJr posted in the comments an image of the 16mm mock-ups at Photokina (shared on Fujirumors here) compared to other lenses.]

