Fuji’s first half 2015 (rumored) X-gear roadmap: 2 new X-series cameras, 1 more lens and a new flash!


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Do you remember 2013, when Fujifilm released the X100S, X20, X-M1, X-A1, X-E2, XQ1, XF 14mm, XF 55-200mm, XF 27mm, XF 23mm, XC 50-230mm and XC 16-50mm? Well, times seem to be over, when Fujifilm frantically released X-gear after X-gear in order to build up an entire system from zero.

Maybe in 2015 we won’t see such an avalanche of new products as in 2013… but it could nevertheless be very interesting year, especially because…

… because of the Fujiflm X-PRO2. All the eyes (especially mine ;-) ) are focused on it. However, I try to keep my radar finely tuned also on the rest of possible Fuji X-gear.

So I’ve summed up rumors shared here on Fujirumors, focusing, for now, on the first half of 2015.

I did NOT include the X-PRO2 in the first half of 2015 list because, at the moment, release dates are simply too contradictory. They go from early or first half 2015 to second quarter and even to fall 2015 (at least they all say 2015 :-) ). I’ll wait for trusted sources to find out the facts and will then post an update with the release date.

And of course, you can help my rumor sleuthing by sharing your knowledge. Just contact FR at fujirumor [at] gmail [dot] com (with fake email account, if you want), or 100% anonymously via rumor box (possibly with nick-name, so that I can eventually recognize you in future).

First half 2015 rumored X-gear

I think that CP+ this year (February 12 to 15) could be way more interesting than the CES. So what could come in these first 6 months? Here is the list:

2 new X-series cameras:

  • an entry-level camera: my personal guess, X-A1/X-M1 replacement/successor (trusted source – read rumor here)

  • a fixed lens camera (Anonymous Source – read rumor here). There were rumors in the past about an X70 (read rumor here), an entry level version of the X100 series with 23mm f/2.8 lens. It was definitely in Fuji’s plans in 2013, but such plans were dropped later on (information of trusted source). I have NOT heard of a comeback of the X70 until now, but it’s the only fixed lens camera I have heard about in the past. However, it could well be a completely new camera… if the anonymous source is right, of course.

2 new lenses:

New Flash:

stay tuned on Fuji Rumors
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X-T1 body: BHphoto (save $100 + lots of freebies) / AmazonUS (save $100)
X-T1 + XF18-55: BHphoto (save $100 + lots of freebies) / AmazonUS (save $100)
X100S (save $450 – black version): BHphoto (free SD card and bag). The silver one comes for $973 at AmazonUS.
X-E1: BHphoto is offering the X-E1 + 18-55 for just $699.


XF 18-135 WR : BHphoto (save $100) / AmazonUS (save $100)
XF 56mm f/1.2
: BHphoto (save $150) / AmazonUS (save $150)
XF 23mm f/1.4: BHphoto (save $200) / AmazonUS  (save $200)
XF 14mm f/2.8: BHphoto (save $169) / AmazonUS  (save $169)
XF 35mm f/1.4: BHphoto (save $100) / AmazonUS  (save $100)
XF 60mm f/2.4: BHphoto (save $100)
XF 10-24mm: BHphoto (save $200) / AmazonUS  (save $200)
XF 55-200mm: BHphoto (save $150) / AmazonUS  (save $150)
XF 18-55mm:
BHphoto (save $70)


RUMOR UPDATE: Lightroom with X-T1 tethered support coming in February (new source via Fujifilm France)


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Just a quick rumor update:

Yesterday I told you that, according to a new source, the next version of Lightroom will support tethered shooting (for X-T1). Just a few hours ago Andrei-Sorin Blotor confirmed at the FR-facebook page here:

It is true: at Paris Photo Show in november 2014 they (Fujifilm France) show us a live demo of tethering shooting via Lightroom and they said it will be available in february 2015 . So is 100% true, i’ve saw live


[UPDATE: Product removed] Dutch store has the XF 140-400mmF4.0-5.6 for pre-order…. for the tidy sum of €2000!


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[UPDATE: the store removed the XF140-400 from their page]

Dutch store cameracompleet has, already, the XF 140-400mmF4.0-5.6 available for pre-order. You can add the lens in the winkelwagen (the cart) and place your order for the tidy sum of €2,000!

The Fujinon XF 140-400mmF4.0-5.6 is expected to be released in Winter 2015 (so in about a year from now).

Google Translated Product descritption

The Fujifilm Fujinon XF 140-400mm f / 4.0-5.6 R LM OIS lens is a serious telephoto zoom lens for X-camera system. With a range of up to 400mm, this is the zoom lens for wildlife and sports photography. It forms with the new 18-135mm a great torque which includes a very broad range.

The minimum focusing distance is 1.1 meters throughout the zoom range and lens is very fast focusing. Thanks to two linear AF motor focus the lens in 0.28 seconds. The lens is also equipped with an image stabilization system that can compensate up to 4.5 stops. A tripod bracket ensures perfect weight distribution of this lens when used on a tripod.

The Fujifilm Fujinon XF 140-400mm f / 4.0-5.6 R LM OIS lens has seven aperture blades and is made up of fourteen lens elements are divided into ten groups. There are two ED-glass elements built-in and a Super-ED lens element for the control of chromatic aberrations. Internal reflections are prevented by a special coating on all glass surfaces. The lens mount, the housing and the focus ring and zoom ring are made of metal

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Original description:

De Fujifilm Fujinon XF 140-400mm f/4.0-5.6 R LM OIS objectief is een serieus telezoomobjectief voor het X-camera systeem. Met een bereik tot 400mm is dit dé zoomlens voor natuur- en sportfotografie. Hij vormt met het nieuwe 18-135mm een geweldig koppel dat een zeer ruim bereik omvat.

De minimale focusafstand is 1,1 meter over het gehele zoombereik en het objectief is razendsnel met scherpstellen. Dankzij twee lineaire AF-motoren stelt het objectief scherp in 0,28 seconden. Het objectief is bovendien uitgerust met een beeldstabilisatiesysteem dat tot 4,5 stops kan compenseren. Een statiefbeugel zorgt voor een perfecte gewichtsverdeling van dit objectief als hij op een statief gebruikt wordt.

De Fujifilm Fujinon XF 140-400mm f/4.0-5.6 R LM OIS objectief heeft zeven diafragmalamellen en is opgebouwd uit veertien lenselementen die zijn verdeeld over tien groepen. Er zijn twee ED-glaselementen ingebouwd en één Super ED-lenselement voor het tegengaan van chromatische abberaties. Interne reflecties worden voorkomen door een speciale coating op alle glasoppervlakken. De lensmount, de behuizing en de focusring en zoomring zijn uitgevoerd in metaal. – See more at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Awww.cameracompleet.nl%2Fobjectieven%2Fzoomobjectieven%2Ffujinon-xf140-400-mm-f4-5-6-wr-ois#sthash.xO1mcpns.dpuf


RUMOR: Next Version of Lightroom will support X-T1 tethered shooting (new source). Fujifilm launches SDK


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As you migh remember, back in November, Fujifilm announced the Tethered Shooting Software “HS-V5 for Windows® Ver. 1.0”. According to Fujifilm itself, the windows software should be available as soon as this months (quote: “The HS-V5 for Windows® Ver.1.0 software will be on sale from January 2015. Pricing will be announced on launch.“)

Now, according to a new source (thanks), Adobe is right now working on the tethered shooting support for the X-T1 and will implement it in the next version of Lightroom.

The grain of salt is mandatory for now… but if true, with the next LR update both, Mac & Windows users, could be able to use tethered shooting.

And just a few hours ago, Billy of the Fuji Guys offered (via twitter) an SDK to those who would like to develop their own tethering software. Sadly, the SDK is not availble for public download (for now).

MUST READ: First Look at the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR

PRE-ORDER XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore /

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Fujifilm sells Film-factory in Europe + Graph shows how digital killed film and smartphones decimate digital cameras


MUST READ: First Look at the XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR

PRE-ORDER XF 16-55mmF2.8 WR: USA: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / EUROPE: wexUK / PCHstore /

_ _ _

Hard times for Film aficionados.

Not only Fujifilm is discontinuing their popular films like last the Fujichrome Velvia 100F 120, but they also closed important film factories. The one in Tilburg (Netherlands) was closed several years ago, and its equipment is now on sale via auction (look inside the factory and check the auctions at troostwijkauctions).

There seems to be just one last bastion for Fuji’s film: the booming world of Instax! As I told you here, Instax cameras and instax film are stable at the very top of the OVERALL AmazonUS camera & photo ranking,

Instax are winners! That’s why Fujifilm continues to develop new models. The latest one is the new INSTAX WIDE 300 camera, launched along with the X100T and graphite Fujifilm X-T1. My personal favorite is still the Instax Mini Neoclassic 90, launched about a year ago. The success of the Instax cameras pushes, at the same time, the sales of Instax Film.

The earnings from the booming Instax Business are also used for developing the X-line.

But film means also Instax SHARE Smartphone Printer SP-1. Since Christmas I’m a proud owner this little device and I have to say I love it.

However, as said, Instax Film is probably the last bastion, where film is still selling well.

Look at that:

Here is a graph (via Mirrorlessrumors) that shows the inexorable decline of film caused by the arrival of digital photography, and the ongoing decline of digital cameras due to the smartphone-selfie-era. But the interesting part is also that little red bar… curious to see how it evolves in future ;) .

Howard Curtis Smith commented this graph on facebook here and said:

“There are a couple of interesting things in this chart. Camera production while down significantly from its peak, is still ahead of 1999 which was the zenith of film camera production. There was a large run up in sales as customers purchased digital cameras in huge numbers rapidly causing market saturation. Now that the market is saturated it needs to find a new level. Sales growth of three fold over a 10 year stretch was not sustainable. Add to that the point and shoot market has been decimated by the camera phone and probably will not recover as camera phone quality is good enough for most uses and is only getting better.

The high-end DSLR market is hurting less, but still hurting as the newspaper/magazine industry is in free fall and so not replacing older equipment. The rate of improvement in DSLRs has slowed causing a slow down in customers upgrading. Mirrorless systems stand to gain share from prosumer DSLR and high-end P/S cameras, but they are still building out their lens lineups and feature sets. I would not be surprised if sales halved again before stabilizing. 4K video will probably be the next driver in the upgrade cycle.”

via petapixel via Mirrorlessrumors
