2014 is (almost) Over :: Time for the BIG RUMOR CHECK-UP and to dart a glance at what will come in 2015 (X-PRO2)!


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The year is over, so it’s high time to make a big summary of the rumors shared in 2014, but especially to see what will come in 2015.

NOTE about the 2014 rumor check-up. I have made 2 lists. A “fair list” and an “unfair list“. The fair lists consist in all the rumors shared by different sources at different times, each of them could have been right or wrong. On the other hand, in the unfair list I put everything into the same pot. So, for example, all the different rumors shared over several months by various sources about the X30, will result as just 1 correct rumor. It’s not fair towards the work of my sources, but I share it out of a pre-emptive self-defense from those who want to put every into the same pot.

And now let’s start:


Here is the whole list of rumors, shared in 2014 and that might or might not become real in 2015:


X-PRO2 with APS-C sensor
No more X-PRO1S, all R&D placed into the X-PRO2
Fujifilm Flash will come in spring 2015, guide no. 50 and wireless control
– Another entry level X in early 2015!


XF 35mm MKII (As Fuji has first to complete its lens lineup, it could take a while before the 35 MKII hits the market… and Fuji can change plans in any moment regarding this lens.)  [UDPATE: A Fuji manager said in a dc.watch interview, that Fuji indeed planed a new version of the 35mm. A prototype with APD filter was tested. Apparently Fuji dropped plans for such a lens later on.] – Faster AF for the 35mm MKII (This rumor is separated from the first 35MKII rumor, as it comes from another source and was posted in another article)
35mm MKII announcement early 2015 [Could refer to the APD version (source – dc.watch interview). If I got it right, plans for such a lens were dropped. Let’s check it in early 2015] – X-PRO2 available in 2015
New Fuji flash with remote communication, HSS etc. available within late 2014 early 2015


XF 16-55mm f/2.8 WR to be announced on January 6th
Fuji Flash made with METZ, ABC grouping, off shoe TTL
X-PRO2: available around “this time next year” with more than 16MP (the rumor was shared in late August 2014 by an anonymous source with nick name)
X-PRO2 with 24MP
X-PRO2 priced about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1
X-PRO2 will feature a dual SD card slot.
Fujifilm will launch three non-interchangeable lens X-cameras within this winter… X100T, X30 and ? (winter 2014/2015)
– Sigma is looking at the X-system,
but they still have to decide which lenses produce and when to launch them (shared 1 DEZ 2014).
ORGANIC SENSOR problems to solve: too much battery drain and too much heat being generated
– Fujifilm to launch a new PRO-photographer service in 2015 like Nikon’s/Canon’s NPS/CPS!


the fair list
(83% correct rumors)


1. Super-Bokeh lens Fujinon XF 56mm f/1.2 R APD! (for about $1400/$1500)
2. Bokeh Lens: New XF lens with super-smooth bokeh coming? (dual aperture lens / STF)
3. New X-T1 firmware: shutter speed will increase from 1/4000 to 1/32000 – better movie capabilities – faster/better AF (including phase detection on instant AF) – some other minor improvements (like new film simulation modes). Firmware updates will be released in October and December
4. Silver X-T1 at photokina
5. Multiple Announcements next week & Price: XF56mm APD lens and XF50-140 ($1500-$1600) 2.8 (shared September 5)
6. X100T: USB-charging system (+ battery charger), 7 FN buttons, bigger LCD than the X100S (1.04 dot 3-inch LCD screen) and WiFi!
7. X-T1 Graphite Silver Edition: deluxe accessories, 1/32,000 shutter speed & will cost $200 more than black X-T1! (anonymous source)
8. Fujifilm X100T first X-camera with electronic shutter (up to 1/32,000)
9. X100T no tilt screen
10. X100T same lens
11. X100T HVF: Real-Time Parallax in OVF
12. X100T with electronic overlay in OVF
13. XF 56mm f/1.2 Super-Bokeh lens
14. X-T1 new firmware update is coming (posted August 15)
15. X100T will have 16mp
16. X100T successor of X100S
17. X100T announcement September 10
18. X30 with 2/3 sensor, 12 MP, X-TRANS 2
19. X30 with 6 function buttons and view mode button
20. X30 won’t have an OVF
21. X30 EVF magnification same as X-E2, same resolution of X-T1/X-E2
22. X30 Announcement 26th of August. Quite different design compared to X20
23. X30 WiFi with remote control capability, +/-3 exposure compensation.
24. X30 with 3“ Tilt Screen
25. X30 Battery: more than 400 shots with one battery and USB-charging.
26. X30 Battery (part 2): Same battery of X100/S, the NP-95. (AS)
27. X30 lens: 28-112mm f/2-2.8 (same as X20)… but with dual ring!
28. X30 coming in summer (shared in Winter 2014)
29. “Classic Chrome“: Fuji’s new film simulation
30. XF lens deals coming tomorrow (August 10): discount on some XF lenses : : XF 27mm will drop from $449 to $299!
31. X-T1 bundle deal starting 3rd of August (with free vertical grip and spare battery)
32. XF 90mm f/2
33. XF16mm f/1.4
34. XF 18-135 coming June 16th
35. X-E2 deal
36. X-E2 firmware update with X-T1 EVF refresh rate coming soon (correct, it came a few days later)
37. TCL-X100 will be out end of May (correct. It’s available since then in Japan, now also in Europe. Still out of stock in USA)
38. TCL-X100 will cost €250 and be a bit cheaper than the WCL (correct. AmazonDE sells the silver version for €249, while the discounted WCL still costs €269)
39. TCL-X100 will cost $350/400 (correct, it costs $350 at Bhphot & Co)
40. TCL-X100 coming second half of April (correct, announced April 22)
41. Lightroom 5.4 coming next week
42. February/March lens deals with confidential Fuji document
43. With the next update, Adobe will support X-Trans film simulation
44. X30 won’t come in February/March as rumored by digicame-info
45. Image and size comparison of the 10-24 with a protype 18-135 (real image)
46. XF 16-55 and 50-140 will be weather sealed
47. X-T1 announcement in January 28th at 4:30 AM London Time
48. Improved WiFi for the X-T1
49. UHS-II SD card slot, but no double SD-card slot + 8fps with AF tracking (Fuji originally planed a dual SD-card slot. When the first X-T1 image leaked here on FR, it even looked like a dual SD-card slot, but the Japanese source said it has just a single SD-card slot)
50. X-T1 will cost $1300 / €1200
51. First images of a prototype X-T1
52. Firmware update for Zeiss will add PDAF support
53. Tilt screen for the X-T1
54. The name of the weather sealed X will be X-T1
55. X-T1 will have the best EVF on the market
56. black X100S will have a retail price of about £1000, about the same as silver version (the final retail price in UK is RRP £1099.99 for the black and £1049 for the silver version, according to wexUK. But now both are sold cheaper).
57. XF56mm announcement at January 6th
58. black X100S will be the only “new” X-camera presented at CES
59. Nissin i40: first lot of flashes available early September (the actual availability date will be various between countries, so in some countries it could come a little later). NOTE: The rumor, shared back on July 4th, was correct. Nissin itself confirmed it in September. But there was a last minute delay. Read more about at dc.watch here (translation)
60. Button Upgrade for the early produced X-T1′s with mushy buttons. (correct, at least in Japan at the moment for $75)
61. X-E2: different body colours/textures (service launched in UK)
62. Fujifilm X-T1 firmware scheduled for mid-December
63. X-E2 firmware of late 2014 won’t birng electronic shutter
64. X-E2 firmware: camera remote control firmware udpate coming for Fujifilm X-E2
65. Nissin i40 for Fuji coming to late fall (rumor shared on SEP12 here)
66. Nissin i40 shipping starts next week, but probably first in Asia (shared on NOV 12 here). Correcte, started in Hong Kong.
67. EXTENDED: Amazing X-DEALS will expire 27th of December (instead of NOV29) + XF 18-135 will be $100 off, too!
68. Silver X-T1 and Fuji X100T to be shipped in November


1. X-T1P release with 4K viewfinder in July
2. XF 18-135 announcement on Memorial Day. NOTE: I excluded the rumor of an 18-135 f/3.5-4.8, as this was a typo by Fujifilm at the CP+ (see this image), and I just reported about it.
3. XF 18-135 will come in May
3. XF 18-135 in stores in February
4. X-PRO2 with FF sensor (wrong, and corrected a few weeks later by the top trusted Japanese source)
5. X200 with 24MP, tilt screen, improved AF and wider detection area (NOTE: The 24MP, tilt screen and new lens rumor, shared 7 months before the X100T announcement, have been corrected later on by the tursted Japanese source and by a source who was right in the past). The rest has been corrected a few weeks before announcement by other sources.
6. Medium Format Fuji
7. XF 120-400 (rumor shared 8 months before it was shown at photokina… it turned out to be a 140-400… pretty close, but still wrong)
8. Sigma X-mount coming at photokina
9. X-T1 hardware improvement. A limited edition X-T1 will be available with it pre-installed but existing models could be upgraded with the money worth of new parts. (maybe the source confused it with the premium edition “graphite X-T1”)
10. B&H should receive first batch of Fujifilm X100T cameras on November 18 (wrong, shipping started on the 13th.)
11. X-E2 firmware won’t bring Classic Chrome film simulation
12. X-E1 firmware coming by the end of the year 2014 with Classic Chrome (the firmware came, but it didn’t include Classic Chrome)
13. XF 50-140 f/2.8 WR & 56mm APD shipped in December (50-140 started shipping late November in USA/EU and 56 APD in early December in EU)
14. New flashes for Fuji X are on the way, coming “later this year“, probably presented at photokina (WRONG: flashes are coming, but in Spring)

the unfair list
(74% correct rumors)

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FUJINON XF 16-55mm f/2.8 WR to be announced on January 6th (anonymous source)


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I just got a tip (thanks) from an anonymous source with nick-name, who told me that the Fujinon XF 16-55mm f/2.8 WR lens will be announced on January 6th. For now take it with the mandatory grain of salt.

As always, I’ll be here on FR to make a live blogging about this lens: wherever on the world-wide web there is something worth to shared and known about this lens, I’ll let you know about it in real-time through the live blogging.

And of course, if you want to pre-order it, you can do it using one of the affiliate links featured here on Fujirumors. You’ll support this blog with no extra costs for you. Any help is appreciated.

stay tuned on Fuji Rumors,
facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter


“Fujifilm won’t have a booth at CES 2015! My Guess? Big Announcements in Late 2015” (DPR-moderator Chris)


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If you are going to Las Vegas for the CES, you will probably waste your time looking for the Fujifilm booth, since, according to dpr-moderator Chris (f-sunny, via dpreview) – who’s heading to Las Vegas soon -, there won’t be any Fujifilm booth at CES… just rooms for business meetings.

Chris assumes there won’t be “big announcement, because they have no booth to show it/them off. My guess would be Fuji will save their announcements for shows late in 2015, and have a Fuji booth at those locations.”

If Chris is right, then this means that Fujifilm has not that much in the pipeline for the next couple of months (the 16-55mmF2.8, the 16mmF1.4 and a rumored entry level X, which should be also the last one, according to actioncamerarumors).

The Fujifilm X-PRO2? Oh yes, this one is coming too, sooner or later in 2015 ;) .


LA GRANDE FINALE: Last X-shooter facebook TOP LIKED images of 2014!


Roy Cruz‎: “Look Up” Fuji X100S + TCL by Roy Cruz Photo

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Last selection of the most liked images over at the Fujirumors facebook photostream in the year 2014… enjoy the X-shots ;)

And keep it up, share and vote your absolute favorite X-shot… and here is how to do it:

1) SHARE: go to the Fujirumors facebook timeline and submit your favorite X-shot (and a short description) in the timeline by selecting “Photo/Video” .
2) VOTE & COMMENT: All the images will be displayed at the Fujirumors facebook photostream. You can vote & comment the images there.

NOTE: Next selection will start from those images shared starting from December 23.

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Mark Leong: I took this pic on the way to work minutes after sunrise. — at 7 Train Queens Boro Plaza.

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Robert Lowe: Mobius Arch is located in the eastern Sierra Nevada foothills below Mt. Whitney, highest peak in the continental US. This shot was taken during a full moon at midnight in May of this year with a Rokinon 8mm and XE-2, 7.5″ exposure at f/8 with a handheld orange filtered flash unit.

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Stefan Neagu: © Stefan Neagu – photographer X-T1, 23mm

Push the READ MORE button, to see more Top Liked images

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VOX POPULI: Vote your Fujifilm X Top Gear 2014 (POLL)


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Ok… it’s over. There is nothing new coming in 2014. Now it’s time for us to take our conclusions. Which Fuji product made you say “WOW”? What was the gear that excited you most? You can choose just one single product, so think about it carefully.

I prefer the X100F lens to be...

View Results

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X100S (save $450 – black version): BHphoto (free SD card and bag). The silver one comes for $934 at AmazonUS.
X-E1: It was supposed to expire on DEC 9, but it is still live: BHphoto is offering the X-E1 + 18-55 for just $699.
X-A1: You can’t enter the MILC Fuji X-world cheaper than with this offer: Adorama is selling the blue X-A1 with 16-50 & 50-230 for ridiculous $499!

(expires DEC 27)

XF 18-135 WR (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 56mm f/1.2 (save $150)
: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 23mm f/1.4 (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 14mm f/2.8 (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 35mm f/1.4 (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 60mm f/2.4 (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 10-24mm (save $200): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
XF 55-200mm (save $150): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /

(expires DEC 27)

X-T1 body (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
X-T1 + XF18-55 (save $100): BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Pictureline /
X100S (save $450 – black version): BHphoto (free SD card and bag)
X-PRO1 + 18mm (save $300)Adorama / AmazonUS
X-E1 + 18mm (save $300): Adorama / AmazonUS
X-M1 + 18mm (save $300): Adorama / AmazonUS
X-E2 + XF18-55: Adorama


– Claim up to £600/€750 Cashback on Fuji lenses and cameras
– Trade in your old DSLR to get £100/€125 off a new Fujifilm X-T1 or X-E2 Compact System Camera.
– Free XC50-230 when you buy a Fujifilm X-A1 or X-M1 with XC16-50mm kit or an X-E1 with XF18-55mm kit

Check the deals at Fuji’s site here.

Expire 11th of January


Cashback offers also in Germany, where you can save up to €150 in camera and lenses. Check out the deals at Fuji’s site here.

Expires 31th of January


Cashback in Italy, too. Buy a lens, and get back €100, buy 2 lenses and get back €300, buy 3 lenses and get back €500! Also cameras like the X-T1 and X-E2 are in offer. See the deals at Fuji’s site here.

Expires 31th of December


Buy X-T1 (black only) get 100€ cashback; one lens 100€ back, 2 lenses 250€ and 3 lenses 450€; Does not work on lenses bought with a kit.

Expires 15th of January


Up to € 500 Cashback (includes X-T1 & X-E2 + plenty of lenses). Details at https://fujifilmpromo.be

Expires 15th of January


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