IN STOCK: XF50-140mm f/2.8 available also at Adorama (just 1 left at kenmorecamera)


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And after [shoplink 30405 ebay]KenmoreCamera on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] (1 left only) now also Adorama has the XF50-140mm f/2.8 WR in stock here.

It’s also in stock, but via third party seller, at AmazonUS for normal price.

BHphotoAmazonUS / Adorama / EU: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUS: CameraPro

MUST READ: Rico’s First Look at the 50-140 f/2.8!


RUMOR: Fuji’s will drop entry level X line and step into the Action Cameras segment + NEW Patent (actioncamerarumors)


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According to actioncamerarumors here, Fujifilm decided to get rid of the non-profitable entry-level X MILC segment in order to free up resources to put into the flourishing action camera market (GoPro & Co). Actioncamerarumors says:

The Swing-cam presented at Photokina could be seen as a first foray into the action camera domain.”

If true, the next Fuji X entry-level camera (rumored to come early 2015) could also be Fuji’s last one!

Actioncamerarumros also spotted an interesting Fujifilm patent about an optical system that can shoot a telephoto and wide-angle image at the same time. It could be used in a surveillance camera as well as in an action camera.

Read the whole rumor & check out the patent here at actioncamerarumors.


XF50-140: “IQ slightly better than the Nikon 70-200” (Bjorn) + “superb micro-contrast” (Olaf) + “it thinks it’s a Prime” (Derek)


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BHphotoAmazonUS / Adorama / EU: WexUK / WexDE / PCHstore / AUS: CameraPro

MUST READ: Rico’s First Look at the 50-140 f/2.8!

The XF50-140 is optically an outstanding lens, especially when it comes to sharpness and micro-contrast. Here are some more reviews/first looks about this lens.

1) olafphotoblog: ““They’ve done it again!” The XF 50-140 is BITINGLY sharp with a crisp tonal transition and superb micro-contrast! The bokeh (out of focus area) is surprisingly smooth, given the smaller sensor size (in comparison to the FF). The only thing we could whine about is the size of the lens but if this is a trade-off to achieve top quality, I’m glad Fuji went for it.”: For the following article “ 7 Points About the XF 50-140mm” click here.

2) bjornmoerman: XF 50-140 on field review in Myanmar: “Auto-focus speed is very fast in normal lighting conditions. In very low light there is the occasional focus hunting; nothing more pronounced than on the other Fujinon glass however. […] Overall I’m very pleased with the quality of the bokeh. When shooting a very contrasty background, it can at times be a little harsh […] Sharpness: this is really where this lens shines! […] I feel the image quality of the lens is very close if not slightly better than the Nikon 70-200 2.8, while its built quality and smoothness of operation is clearly better.”

3) derekclarkphotography Fuji 50-140mm f2.8 :: It Thinks It’s A Prime: “So in conclusion: The Fujifilm 50-140mm is just outstanding! We’ve waited a while, but the wait was well worth it. I keep thinking that Fuji has peeked with the quality of their lenses, but as soon as I do, they bring out something that just blows me away!”

image courtesy: Olafphotoblog

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image courtesy: bjornmoerman


Fujifilm X-PRO2 will feature a dual SD card slot. Release second quarter 2015 (New Source)


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According to a new source (so take it with a grain of salt), the Fujifilm X-PRO2 will feature a dual SD card slot. The source also said the the release should be at the 2nd quarter 2015 (so from April to June).

I hear very different release dates (from very early 2015 to late 2015), so one more reason not to take this rumor as a fact. I hope to be able to update you soon via trusted sources… and in case there is somebody out there willing to share some more details, you know how to contact me.

Time to update the rumored specs list again.

Fujifilm X-PRO2 rumored specs list

(TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / AswN = anonymous source with nick-name / SRP = source who was right in the past, but not yet trusted / ORS = other rumor sites)

– APS-C sensor (TS + ASwN + AS)
– 24MP sensor (ASwN) – More than 16MP (AswN)
– dual SD card slot
– available early/first half of 2015/second quarter 2015 (NeS)
– tilt screen (AS)
– WiFi (AS)
– Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (ORS)
– Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)
