The same source, who told us about the announcement of the X30 on August 26th, shared more rumors with us.
The source said that the battery of the X30 will be the one used in the X100/S (the NP-95). I’ve checked it with trusted sources, and they say that it is correct.
Now, I believe that both rumors this source shared with us (announcement 26 August + the NP-95) are correct. Sure, EVERYTHING shared until now is NOT CONFIRMED by facts… we will see if it is wrong or right after the 26th. So it is important that we take it with a GRAIN OF SALT.
MESSAGE TO THE SOURCE: in case you decide to share more rumors, you know what to say so that I can identify you in future… and thanks for sharing.
The same anonymous source said (still unconfirmed by trusted sources, so take it with a grain of salt):
1) The Fujifilm X-PRO2 will be unveiled at the photokina, but is expected to be released about “this time next year” (this means one year after Photokina 2014).
If the source is right, this means a whole year will pass between the unveiling and the shipping of the X-PRO2. Therefore I wonder if at the photokina we will really see how the 100% final X-PRO2 will be, or if the photokina will be used for a sort of X-PRO2 tech demonstration (improved hybrid viewfinder and so on), but with the final version to be announced later on.
2) Fujifilm doesn’t see the point in Full Frame and will keep the ASP-C sensor.
3) The ASP-C sensor of the Fujifilm X-PRO2 will have more MP.
This could fit with the 24MP rumor shared in the past, although the source just said “more megapixel”.
4) Price: The Fujifilm X-PRO2 will be the top of the X-line, so it will be more expensive than the X-T1. At the moment the price tag seems to be about 20% to 30% higher (than the X-T1 price)… always according to this same source.
The source shared a few more rumors that I’d like to discuss with other sources first. I’ll update you as soon as possible.
stay tuned and follow FR on facebook, google+, RSS-feed and twitter,
The rumored X30 specs list so far is: (TS= trusted source / NeS =New Source / AS = Anonymous Source / AswN = anonymous source with nick-name / SRP = source who was right in the past, but not yet trusted / ORS = other rumor sites)
X30 rumored specs list:
– Announcement 26th of August (AS)
– 2/3 sensor, 12 MP, X-TRANS 2 (TS + NeS + AS)
– EVF only (TS + NeS)
– EVF specs: 2,36mp, x0.62 magnification and 100% coverage (TS)
– Announcement“this summer” (AS – shared in Febraury 2014)
– Battery: more than 400 shots with one battery and USB-charging (AS)
– Same battery of X100/S, the NP-95. (AS)
– Lens 28-112mm f/2-2.8 with dual ring (Zoom Ring + Control Ring) (SRP + AS)
– WiFi with remote control capability, +/-3 exposure compensation. (NeS)
– 3“ Tilt Screen (AS)
– 6 functions buttons and view mode button (SRP)
– New Film Simulation “Classic Chrome” (AS)
– Quite a different design compared to X20 (AS)
X-PRO2 rumored specs list:
- APS-C sensor (TS + ASwN + AS)
- 24MP sensor (ASwN) – More than 16MP (ASwN)
- available in 2015 (ASwN) – available around “this time next year” (the rumor was shared in late August by an ASwN)
- tilt screen (AS)
- WiFi (AS)
- Non organic ASP-C X-Trans sensor (ORS)
- Announcement at the photokina 2014 (AS + ORS + ASwN)
- Price about 20% to 30% more expensive than the X-T1 (AS)