Samyang 16mm available in June? + Rokinon 300mm f/6.3 Mirror lens


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As you know, Samyang just announced the Samyang 16mm f/2.0 X-mount (click here). According to a FR-reader from Malaysia, it will arrive in stores there at the end of June.

And more good news. At the facebook page of Rokinon here you can see the first images of the new 300mm f/6.3 mirror lens (for E-mount) and a video here. The X-mount version will follow.

Seems that Samyang is about to release a whole new range for the Fuji X-mount… and now we wait for Sigma to do the same ;)

To what belongs Sigma, I’ve read here that Sigma Corporation America said “Unfortunately Fuji did not use the Micro Four Thirds mount and doesn’t have the market share Sony does, I’m not going to say we will not make lenses for your mount but not at this time.” So, buy a Fuji X to convince Sigma :)



Fuji releases the Firmware Update Ver.1.03 for the X100S.


The X100s got a new firmware update (ver. 1.03)! You can download it here: That issues has been fixed: “The phenomenon is fixed that in rare cases a grainy image like TV fuzz could appear on LCD under a certain shooting condition.

The X100S is still sold out at Amazon US (3-4weeks delivery). It is in Stock in UK at [shoplink 12597 ebay]CameraCentre eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].


Hands-on the new Fuji XF 55-200


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image courtesy: grittymonkey

Grittymonkey published his considerations about the brand new XF 55-200 here. Among other things he says that:

“the AF performed perfectly during my first day of shooting with it! It is fast (normally fast, I am not talking here about lighting speed, but it is not slow either) and reliable (it locked where asked every time instead of the fruitless hunting I have experienced with other lenses and former versions of the firmware). […] The manual focus is again well implemented with just the right amount of turn to be made to adjust the focus. […] Racked out at 200mm and wide open, the XF55-200mm produces a pleasant bokeh, with uniformed and perfectly round circles of light, and very smooth blurred areas.

All in all, this new lens is a great addition to the XF lens lineup and I cannot wait for the ultra-wide zoom to come out in a few months. After that, I will have a complete set up to take with me whenever on travel, and my DSLR will definitely stay at home (my back already loves that idea).”

XF 55-200 pre-order: USAAdoramaBHphoto / AmazonUS / DigitalRev / Uniquephoto / Pictureline / Europe: AmazonUK / AmazonDE / PCHstore Brussel / Worldwide ebay: slidoo (available in Japan)


[UDPATE: Feedback: Silkypix + X20] Silkypix 5.0.39 with improved X-Trans support now available!


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Silkypix announced the updated program (Ver.5.0.39) for improved RAW image development of Fuji Film’s X-series on “SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro5.” here. In the release note (here) it says:

Image quality improvement of a development for photographs filmed with a digital camera which uses X-Trans CMOS sensor. The improved image processing algorithm reduces several undesirable effects (moire, etc.) but keeps high resolution of a photograph. In addition, color reproducibility of photographs filmed under specific conditions is improved.

Click here to download the latest version of Silkypix (30 days trial available).

Download, try it out and leave your feedback in the comments. And check Rico’s comparison at Flickr.

Thanks for telling me, Bille!



FR-reader Bille was so kind (he owns the X20) to sent me his findings about the new Silkypix version

[…] Files developped with the new version of SP5, camera is X20, the places are my home (portait of Grand Ma and the Dog), Paris (Fountain of Saint Michel, a little ghost flare on the left of the pix, the Beggar and its dog), Marne River near Paris (the boat).
The fujifilm X20 is a very capable camera, much better than any compact I had till now.

My foundings are:

a) the previous SP5 version with the support of the X20 had a major issue with the white balance, the green channel was over represented, correctable through the tools but this version 5.0.39 has the proper decoding, it is far easier to work and colors are  more faithful.
b) the previous version had some patterns showing in the developped image at full enlargement, pixel peeping, for the X20, these were squares of Moiré, the new version has reduced a lot this phenomenon. Still visible when pictures are taken at setting over 800 iso. But the noise reduction tool can really reduce this easily (with some loss of detail)
c) The previous version produced some ‘muddy’ contour for the X20 images, while the new version shows nicer contours, This is visible, again, at pixel peeping distance. At reasonable distance, images from the X20 thru previous SP5 looked ‘dull’.This phenomenon was clear on the images taken with the X20 sensor, less with the X100 sensor. Reason, the X20 has a smaller sensor than the X100 and the processing needs subtler algorithms.

I have developped sample raw images from the X100 downloaded at the site and with the previous version of SP5, the contours were a bit smeared. Not much. Now, with the version V5.0.39, I have more details and sharpers contours, like using a Leica CL in the old days of the FujiChrome Provia!

This version of Silkypix 5.0.39 has been a giant leap forward for the Compact X20, addressing some nasty issues. All my enquiries to ISL and the support team has been answered with a great accuracy and courtesy. This is important to mention: ISL back supports its customers and does it well.

The camera X20 has been sold since first week of April, it’s normal to discover a few bugs. But they have been addressed by Editors or Manufacturers.

I’m now a happy camper!

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** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Samyang 16mm f/2.0 X-mount to be announced soon!


An Asian Samyang retailer unveiled on Facebook the first picture and specs of the new Samyang 16mm f/2.0 lens. It will come for Fuji X  mount too. They write: “The 16mm focus length with rectilinear imaging system ensure extra wide angle of view amounting to 83.1 degrees (for Nikon version and 79.5 for Canon). The big aperture opening of F2.0 ensure photographers able to use it for low light environment like night street shooting. The weight of the lens is just about 571g, as a result this lens will be a attractive carry on for architecture and landscape shooting.

P.S.: Save this search on Slidoo to get notified when the Samyang lens will be available one Bay.

