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UPDATE: Fujifilm and Nikon Most Used Cameras at 2020 World Press Photo Awards

World Press Photo of the Year: Yasuyoshi Chiba (Fujifilm X-H1)
World Press Photo of the Year: Yasuyoshi Chiba (Fujifilm X-H1)

UPDATE: we posted a follow up article with corrections here.

The World Press Photo have been assigned, and looking at the cameras, who snapped an award winning photo, we see that Fujifilm wins along with Nikon.

Yasuyoshi Chuba took the World Press Photo of the Year 2020 winning image with his Fujifilm X-H1.

Spilt by type of camera, we see:

  • 9 Mirrorless cameras
  • 4 compact cameras (X100)
  • 13 DSLRs
  • 1 Drone
  • 1 Film shooter

So, we have a head to head between Fujifilm and Nikon.

Fujifilm seems to be a very popular system or photojournalists, with the X100 line leading the pack.

Thanks to the phoblographer for making the list. And check out the images at world press photo.

In the past years, the following cameras were used to take an award winning image:

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MapCamera: Fujifilm X100V Top Seller, Great X-E3/X-H1/X-Pro3 Sales and APS-C Dominates Full Frame

Just yesterday here we reported how, according to BCN ranking, Fujifilm saw, in March, a huge 115% increase in sales in Japan, while all other camera manufacturers dropped up to 50%.

Now Japanese store MapCameras published their top selling camera rankings.

Keep in mind, though, that this is not representative for overall sales.

The most reliable data we probably have about the worldwide success of various camera brands, is this report from a Techno System Reports, a major marketing research company located in Japan that sells this data at a very high price, but somehow it went public at the Japanese site toyokeizai, and FujiRumors spotted it for you and shared it here.

The data of Techno System Reports reflects the mirrorless camera sales, and it shows that Fujifilm is on the third position, just a tiny margin behind Canon, and substantially behind Sony.

With that said, if big retailers share their sales data, it might not be representative for the overall market, but it can still give an approximate indication of what the market wants.

With that said, here are the top sellers at MapCameras for March 2020.


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Fujifilm Photography in Times of COVID-19 Quarantine, the FujiRumors Lockdown Diary and the Revival of the XF 55-200

I read somewhere, that about 4 billion people are forced to stay at home now to slow down and hopefully stop the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

In my country, the stunning Dolomites in Italy, we are locked in since over 1 month now. Of course I strictly follow the rules and never leave my apartment, except to buy food 1 or 2 times a week, and to quickly bring out my old dog in the fields just under my home.

Teaching Online

I continue to teach. Just online! With live streaming lessons, videos I upload on youtube [does this qualify me as a vlogger now??? ;) ], material I send to students via email and more. I try to do my best.

But the more I do it, the more I miss it to enter a classroom, write on a blackboard, smell the chalk, but most importantly, interact with my students.

But hey, these days there are people, who live far bigger challenges than me. So no complaint here. Just a wish that everything goes back to normal soon.

Lockdown Photography

The first weeks all went into figuring out how to do this online teaching. Trying different platforms for online live lessons, adapt my material to make it online teaching fit, figure out how to reach the various students best (some have only a smartphone, no computer, no printer, etc), and more practical issues to sort out.

But now that I have some sort of workflow, I can start thinking at my lockdown photography.

In my small rented apartment, I am running out of subjects rather quickly.

What I did now, is I started to take out my Fujinon XF55-200 lens, a lens I hardly use anymore since I own the Fujinon XF18-135mm (which never stops to surprise me, as you can see here).

The goal?

Get a decent shot of the little birds flying around my balcony, and the XF55-200 is the best lens in my arsenal for that. So it gets its revival now!

So far I have failed, though, not for the limits of the gear, but because of my lack of skills. But I have time to practice, improve, and I will upload an image on my instagram if I get a decent shot.


Another thing I like to do, is to check out all our facebook groups, and see how other fellow Fujifilm X and GFX shooters deal with these lockdown days and what they shoot.

I have picked out some images and shared them below. May them motivate you (and me) to stand up, and do the best out of this situation, also photographically speaking.

COVID-19 Image Roundup

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RUMOR: Fujifilm X-E line Canceled, Game Over for Fujifilm X-E4

I have received word from our sources (thanks), that Fujifilm will drop the Fujifilm X-E line.

As you know, I am huge Fujifilm X-E line fan. I love its compactness, I love its performance, I love its form factor and its simplicity.

So this rumor hits me very strong.

However, the X-E line was always on the fence to be canceled, as sales were always low.

In fact, already after the Fujifilm X-E2s failure, Fujifilm considered dropping the line altogether. Which is why back in 2016 I wrote straight out of my heart a “love letter to the unborn X-E3“, followed by almost 200 comments of you guys, supporting me.

My hope was that the love letter (and you feedback) would help Fujifilm to continue to believe in this line, and it seems it worked, as Fujifilm managers said half a year later, they are “aware of the many X-E3 requests.”

So we got it, the Fujifilm X-E3 came, and of course I bought it, along with the XF27mm f/2.8, the perfect lens for this camera.

But here we are again. And this time it looks really like the dead-end street for the Fujifilm X-E line.

Maybe many of you will agree with Fuji’s decision. Maybe you will think Fujifilm has to simplify and streamline its line-up. And maybe it “rationally” makes sense to drop the X-E line.

But as a huge X-E line lover myself, I can’t look at this rumor rationally, and I am just disappointed about it.

Let us know in the survey below, if you think it makes sense to drop the X-E line. Who knows if we can change Fuji’s mind again.

NOTE: the Fujifilm X-E3 is already discontinued, but as of now you can still find it in stock.

And the X-H line?

Is the X-H line also dead?

Well, as FujiRumors always told you, at no point in time, Fujifilm was considering to drop the X-H line. Those rumors were always fake, as the Fujifilm X-H2 was always on the roadmap, and now Fujifilm confirmed it themselves for the second time.

Should Fujifilm Drop the X-E line?

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EXCLUSIVE: Fujifilm X100V will Cost $1,399 (plus Message to Source)

According to our sources, the Fujifilm X100V will see a slight price increase over the Fujifilm X100F.

The rumored price tag is of $1,399.

Stay on FujiRumors for the live streaming on 3PM New York time. It will all happen here, on

To the source: about the X100V weather sealing. Yes, you told me about. But when you told me, I checked with sources, and some told me that the camera alone is not weather sealed (and now I understand why). This is why I could not share, as I got conflicting reports. But thanks for pushing me to investigate this point further. I just was not fast enough to figure out the whole truth, so I didn’t share. But I consider you reliable for sure :). If you want to talk more directly, to exchange such (and much more) information in private, my email is

Fujifilm X Summit Today 3 PM New York Time: What we Expect, What Not and We Hope

On February 4, at 3PM New York time, there will be the Fujifilm X Summit in London.

Of course there will be a live stream here on FujiRumors at:

  • NEW YORK – 3 PM of February 4
  • BERLIN – 9 PM of February 4

So what can we expect, what not, and what are our hopes? Let’s go through it:


We will definitely see the Fujifilm X100V coming. The first Fujifilm X100V leaked image is already out, and so are the full X100V specs, which for your convenience we have compared side by side with Fujfiilm X100F.


According to our sources, the final announcement, with full specs and pre-orders, for the Fujifilm X-T4 will be on February 26.

I don’t know, though, if there will be some sort of “Fujifilm X-T4 development announcement“, as it happened with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 back at the second Fujfiilm X Summit. So they could show us a Fujifilm X-T4 prototype, but don’t disclose any of the specs. That’s always a possibility.

Also, we don’t expect any Fujifilm GFX camera, as there will be none coming in 2020.


Exactly one year after the first Fujifilm X summit in Dubai, where Fujifilm officially asked us which X lenses we want next in this survey, I think it would be high time to give us also a new roadmap. But I don’t know if there will be one. Or if they will wait for the Fujifilm X-T4 announcement to disclose it to the world.

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Fujifilm X100V Product Catalogue and Additional Images Leaked

Nokishita leaked the the Fujifilm X100V product catalogue (the original is Japanese, but you can see the machine translated version above or access the it on dropbox here).

Here is what we see:

Cool thing: despite the tilt screen, the screen fits totally flat to the body when tilted in.

The Fujifilm X100V will be announced today, during the Fujifilm X summit live stream at 3PM New York time.

We made the complete Fujifilm X100V with the Fujifilm X100F specs comparison already in this article.

Top X100 Community: Fujifilm X100 facebook group

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via nokishita

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Fujifilm X100V Leaked Image Shows New 23mm f/2 MK II Lens

Nokishita just leaked the Fujifilm X100V image on their twitter page here.

Notice the new Fujinon 23mm f/2 MK II lens, which FujiRumors leaked a while back.

So far they leaked only the front. For the backside, check out the FujiRumors leaked image here (and below). That image shows the tilt screen.

The Fujfiilm X100V will be announced on February 4, during the Fujifilm X summit live stream at 3PM New York time.

FujiRumors did compare the Fujfiilm X100V with the Fujifilm X100F specs already in this article.

Top X100 Community: Fujifilm X100 facebook group

X100V or X100F - Which one looks better?

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