If you have seen our big yearly rumor roundup, you’ll have noticed that out of 85 rumors, I’ve listed 2 as wrong and 83 as correct.
And I was extremely severe to myself, as one of the wrong rumors was that I said Fujifilm would advertise the X-H2 40MP as having better low and high ISO performance.
But here is the thing:
When the X-H2 was launched, Fujifilm did not use the words “better low and high ISO performance“, but they talked about “better Signal to Noise Ratio” and “better Dynamic Range” and “wider pixel saturation” and “new base ISO 125” and more of this stuff.
That’s close, very close. But not 1:1 identical to what I said. So I decided to move it into the wrong section.
Well, it seems that our sources wanted me to start the year by being not too harsh on myself and they’ve forwarded me a slide of the internal Fujifilm training material, that said exactly that: X-H2 has “improved Low/High ISO“.
So, first and foremost huge thanks to all our sources, including the one who helped me out today. Without you, FujiRumors would be just half as fun as it is and being a Fuji shooter would be so more boring.
Also, I’d certainly I would make many more errors without you, as I would have no reliable guidance through the think jungle of fake rumors I receive every week.
Second, I will not correct my original rumor check, as at the end what matters is what Fujifilm said in public, and not the marketing material that circulates behind closed doors.
But at least you guys know that I am not following the sad trend to make up stuff for traffic. That’s not who we are and I leave these things to others.
What we share is what we trust in. And sure, even then I can be wrong sometimes. But I know I’ve tried all I can to be as accurate as possible.
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