RUMOR: Fujifilm X-S20 Compatible with FAN-001 Cooling Fan (of X-H2/S)


According to our trusted sources (thanks!!) the Fujifilm X-S20 will be compatible with the FAN-001 cooling fan for the X-H2/S.

Fujifilm X-S20 Rumor Recap

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BREAKING: New Fujifilm X-App Announcement on May 24


Fujifilm X-App

It looks like a very long rumor story is going to end.

Quick recap in case you missed the previous episodes:

  • July 2022: FujiRumors shares the rumor that Fujifilm is working on a new Camera App
  • September 2022: FujiRumors leaks the name of the App, X-App
  • October 2022: FujiRumors leaks internal Fujifilm documents that show the name X-App

Well, the wait is finally over according to our trusted sources, as Fujifilm will announce the new X-App on May 24 during the Fujifilm X Summit.

And to be clear: our sources told us they will announce it on May 24. So I don’t know if it will also be available for download on the same day.

But damn, it took Fujifilm really a long time to come out with this one.

And let’s hope it will be a decent App.

I mean, Fujifilm managers recently told us they see smartphones not as an enemy, but as an ally.

Well, that’s nice and good, but in order to really make the mobile phone a true ally, you do need a solid, reliable and feature rich App. Then yes, then the smartphone becomes a useful integration to our X and GFX system.

So, let’s cross fingers that they will get it right this time. ;)

And definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors on May 24. Because one thing is 100% sure: there will be surprises (in addition to X-S20, XF8mmF3.5 and new App). And I will cover everything for you here on FujiRumors.

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Notice and Apology Regarding Supply of “FUJIFILM X-T5” Camera


Fujifilm Japan has issued an official statement, where they apologies for the shortage of Fujifilm X-T5 cameras due to demand that exceeded their expectations.

Overall, in Asia the Fujifilm X-T5 suffered a much more severe shortage then in North America or Europe. I don’t know why that is, maybe Fujifilm just prioritized these markets over the Asian ones.

Notice and apology regarding the supply of the mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM X-T5”

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

The Power of VLOG: Fujifilm X-S20 Coming with Product Priority and Background Defocus Mode


After I shared the rumor about the Fujifilm X-S20 having a dedicated VLOG icon printed on the PSAM dial, trusted sources reached out to me and informed me about some brand new “vlogging” modes that Fujifilm will introduce with the Fujifilm X-S20.

More precisely, they told me that it will have:

  • Product Priority Mode
  • Background Defocus Mode

I have not been given any further details than that, but to me it sounds like the “product priority mode” could be something like the feature we find on the Sony ZV cameras.

And if it really is something like we find it on the Sony ZV cameras, then this is how it would work.

Usually when making talking head videos, Vloggers have their camera set on face detection. This means that when they want to show a product, they have to hide their face behind the product in order to disable face detection and let the camera focus on the product itself.

Well, with this feature, at least on Sony ZV cameras, the camera recognises when a product enters the frame and focuses on it, without the need for the Vlogger to hide his face behind it.

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LEAKED PRICE for Fujifilm X-S20 and Fujinon XF 8mm f/3.5


We can now unveil the prices for the Fujifilm X-S20 and the Fujinon XF 8mm f/3.5, which will both be announced on May 24 during the Fujifilm X Summit:

  • Fujifilm X-S20: $1,299
  • Fujinon XF8mmF3.5: $799

The Fujifilm X-S10 costs $999, so with the Fujifilm X-S20 will see a 30% price increase over the X-S10.

Personally I am not surprised to see the price rising, considering inflation, the still persisting parts shortage (as Fujifilm confirmed recently here) and especially considering the improved specs the Fujifilm X-S20 will have (such as an all new processor, even better subject detection algorithm than Fujifilm’s flagship cameras, great video specs, a bigger battery and so forth).

Sure, I was hoping for a more contained price increase, but on the other hand I also trust that Fujifilm wants to give us this camera at an as affordable price they possibly can.

So if $1,299 is what they’ve set (and you can be sure about it), then probably it’s because they really can’t go much lower than that, without making more compromises in terms of specs and performance.

Fujifilm X-S20 Rumor Recap

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