Fujifilm FF230001 Camera Registration Found: Fujifilm X-S20 and Fujifilm GFX100 Replacement?


Fujifilm has registered a new camera with the codename FF230001, as spotted by the Japanese website Asobinet.

So at this point we have two registered and yet unannounced cameras

FujiRumors has so far rumored two cameras coming in 2023:

I can’t say with certainty that the codename stands for those two cameras, because it could be also another camera.

These codenames could also indicate other cameras.

But one thing I can say with 100% certainty: I am aware of Fujifilm X-Pro4 and Fujifilm GFX50R replacement rumors, but those are 100% fake clickbait rumors.

We remind you that Fujifilm has an announcement on May 24. It will be a very interesting day for us Fujifilm shooters :).


  • Codename: FF230001
    Frequency: 5725-5850MHz 5150-5350MHz 2400-2483.5MHz
    Validity period: 2025-12-31
    Issue date: 2023-01-13
  • Codename: FF220002
    Frequency: 5725-5850MHz 5150-5350MHz 2400-2483.5MHz
    Validity period: 2025-12-31
    Issue date: 2023-02-03


DPReview Tests DxO DeepPRIME XD for Fujifilm X-Trans Files: “Make it Your Default Option for High-ISO Shots”


We recently reported about a comparison made between Canon R5 and Fujifilm X-H2, and we saw that the new DxO PureRAW 3 brings sensible benefits to the sharpness of the X-Trans files, whereas the same software does not really boost sharpness on the Canon R5 with Bayer sensor.

That’s why the reviewer ended up highly recommending to add PureRAW 3 to your Lightroom editing workflow in order to get best results.

In that article, I also told you that you should definitely try out the very new DeepPrime XD X-Trans support for Fujifilm X-Trans files, which is superior to the until now available regular DeepPrime.

Well, if you didn’t test it, then DPReview did that for you.

They call the new DeepPRIME XD support a win for Fujifilm X-series shooters and recommend it to make it your default option for high-ISO shots.

From my testing, the arrival of DeepPRIME XD for X-Trans looks to be a win for Fujifilm X-series shooters, just as it is for those on other platforms. Although it isn’t always going to be your best bet, it performs better than the alternatives frequently enough that if you’ve the time required for its processing, it’s worth making your default option for high-ISO shots.

It’s also worth noting that even when it struggles with things like text, you usually have to be looking at the image very closely to spot the defects. Viewed from a more typical distance, a DeepPRIME XD shot is going to create the impression of more detail and crispness, even if it’s to some extent an artificial invention. When not pixel peeping, that can make the overall image feel better even when a more rigorous examination might tell a different story.

You have to bear your subjects, the viewer and how they’ll be looking at your images in mind when deciding which algorithm to use.
The point here is that you have to bear your subjects, the viewer and how they’ll be looking at your images in mind when deciding which algorithm to use. And we’ll restate that we’ve only shown results at default settings; you can always dial back the strength of an algorithm to improve the results for any given shot.

Overall, I’ve found DeepPRIME XD to be a very useful tool and I’m thrilled that it’s now available for X-Trans shooters too!

So definitely give DxO PureRAW 3 and DeepPRIME XD a look especially if you are on a Lightroom workflow. And make sure to check out the full article and see the comparison images at DPReview here.


Fujifilm X Summit on May 24 at 9AM (GMT) – 5AM New York Time


A little update:

We already told you that Fujifilm officially confirmed our previous rumors and announced the Fujifilm X Summit for May 24 in Bangkok.

If you wonder at what time it will take place, then here it is: it will be at 9AM GMT which should be 5AM New York Time and 11AM Berlin Time.

FujiRumors has so far rumored two cameras and one lens.

Maybe some of this (or something else) will drop on May 24. In any case we can be sure there will be surprises (as it is with every X summit). So definitely stay tuned on FujiRumors for the live blog.

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Fujifilm Announcements: X Summit BKK on May 24, New Firmware for 12 XF/GF Lenses and FujiKina on May 27


Fujifilm has released a video where they finally announce what FujiRumors is telling you since a weeks: there is no Fujifilm X Summit in April, but it will take place on May 24 (as we told you) in Bangkok. Fujikina will take place on May 27 also in Bangkok.

This is what they say in the video.

  • they talk about the new firmware updates for X-H2 and X-H2s (Frame.io integration)
  • they announce new firmware for XF/GF lenses that reduces focusing noise with certain linear motor AF lenses, smoother aperture operation and improved focus tracking performance during zooming
  • GFX Grant Challenge program updates
  • Fujifilm X Summit in Bangkok announced for May 24
  • Fujikina Bangkok on May 27

FujiRumors has so far rumored two cameras and one lens.

Maybe some of this (or something else) will drop on May 24.

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Fujifilm Releases Significant Firmware Updates for Many XF/GF Lenses (plus X-A3, X-A10, XA20)


Fujifilm has released firmware updates for plenty of lenses that will make the autofocus more silent, the aperture operate smoother and also give better tracking performance while zooming.

That’s a very nice upgrade especially for video shooters.

Not all lenses will get all these three updates. You can find the full detailed list below.

Firmware Details & Download Links

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