Save $400 on Fujifilm GFX100SII at Amazon


Amazon US is currently offering a $399 rebate on the Fujifilm GFX100SII. The coupon code discount will be applied at checkout.

At the moment, neither BHphoto here nor Adorama here are offering this rebate. It is also not listed by Fujifilm in the list of official deals. So it seems to be available at Amazon US only.

Official Fujifilm USA Deals


Zoom Lenses

Prime Lenses


Fujifilm’s Improved Autofocus Tested: “I Fell in Love with the X-H2S again and Will Not Sell it Anymore”


Fujifilm’s Autofocus Firmware

Fujifilm just released the new firmware for the Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2S and GFX100II. You can read all details here (it did bring also completely new features).

So how does it work?

I will share a few videos on FujiRumors.

First impressions: definitely improved. I’d say enough to end months of sh*tstorm, although we know Fujifilm is the most hated brand, so there will always be those, who’ll attack it no matter what.

Also, people who cirtizied Fujifilm (and whose critics I shared on FR), now say it’s way better and one guy even had the X-H2S listed for sale to buy Sony, but now removed his sale offer and will keep the X-H2S as he says he fell in love with the X-H2S again.

Video 1

The video below shot on GFX100II with latest firmware in low light video AF tracking.

The guy walks around in a huge room, turns around, moves freely and the film guy follows him handhelding the GFX100II. Very low light often.

  • the guy filming says: “It’s not missing. It’s literally on you the whole time. It’s dark and it has not missed

Video 2

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FINALLY: New Autofocus Firmware and New Features Released for Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2S, and GFX100 II


Fujifilm has finally released the long promised autofocus update for the Fujifilm X-H2, X-H2S and GFX100II. Also new features have been added and bugs fixed.

No firmware update for X-T5 & Co yet, but Fujifilm has also promised that one to come within 2024. So do not panic. It’s coming, too according to official Fujifilm statements.

Feel free to let us know in the comments what your impressions are.

Full Firmware Details and Download Links

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Sony A1 II Wins Praise for a Feature Fujifilm X-S20 Had First and I Hope to Get on X-T5 & Co via Firmware Update


So, I have looked at a few launch videos of the Sony A1II.

One feature that reviewers unanimously praised on the Sony A1 II is its automatic subject detection mode—a capability that the Fujifilm X-S20 has had for quite some time. However, Fujifilm has consistently declined to implement this feature in its higher-end models via firmware update.

Interestingly, while the Sony A1 II is now being lauded for this feature as though it’s the greatest innovation since sliced bread, the same reviewers largely overlooked it when the Fujifilm X-S20 introduced it. At best, it received a passing mention, with only a few exceptions like Johnnie from CineD, who both praised the feature and urged Fujifilm to roll it out to other cameras via firmware updates.

This disparity highlights Sony’s superior ability to engage with influencers compared to Fujifilm. Also, Sony likely emphasized this feature heavily in its launch materials, whereas Fujifilm seems to have neglected to draw attention to it.

That said, I completely agree that fully automatic subject detection is an excellent feature. Fujifilm has implemented it in the X-S20 and, I believe, also in models like the X-T50 and X-M5.

But for some reason, Fujifilm seems to treat this as a “beginner” feature, limiting it to models with full Auto mode, as if more advanced photographers wouldn’t benefit from it. However, with the Sony A1 II now receiving widespread praise for this capability, I hope Fujifilm will rethink their stance.

Here on FujiRumors we also suggested a very simple way to implement that feature on other 5th generation models:

Will Fujifilm give it to us via firmware update?

Well, Fujifilm had a similarly stubborn stance when it came to limiting Auto mode to JPEG-only recording. Thankfully, after persistent advocacy through several articles, they eventually listened and allowed RAW recording in Auto mode as well.

I hope Fujifilm will listen again this time and bring the fully automatic subject detection mode to all 5th generation cameras through a firmware update.

FujiRumors is happy to give Fujifilm patent-free access to our idea on how to implement it on current cameras. ;)


Fujifilm X-M5 Review: Autofocus is A Great Surprise – PhotoTrend


One of the most prestigious French photography websites, PhotoTrend, has now published its Fujifilm X-M5 review.

I will only highlight what they said about its autofocus.

And yes, they do talk very good about it.

And yes, there are people who told you the X-M5 autofocus is total garbage.

And yes, they based their judgments on 1.5 seconds of video extrapolated from hours of launch video.

And yes, that’s not really a smart way to judge the autofocus.


Well, look at the Sony A1II.

There have been lots of A1II launch videos, and when I looked at the one of Tony Northrup, I saw the Sony A1II occasionally focusing on hats and shoulders rather than faces and eyes as you can see in this screenshot and this screenshot – video here.

Now I could extract those few seconds of video and go out and claim the Sony A1II struggles to track eyes. But I won’t do that, because it would not be fair towards the Sony A1 II.

It’s better to wait for full reviews with production cameras. And today we have one, from Phototrend. You can trust them or not.

My personal position is: I am curious about what reviewers say, but I will wait for my X-T5 AF boost firmware to make final judgements.

With that said, here is what Phototrend says about the Fujifilm X-M5 autofocus.

Thanks to the X-Processor 5, the Fujifilm X-M5 benefits from the latest autofocus improvements. And we might as well say it: the latter bluffed us several times.

From a technical point of view, the body has an AI-doped hybrid AF, with 425 AF points (and 117 selectable positions). But above all, it takes advantage of the intelligent detection / tracking modes of the subject, already present on the other boxes in the range.

And in the field, the detection and monitoring of the subject are very effective. Humans or animals: the eye is detected instantly, even when the subject occupies only a small place in the frame. A point that portraitists (and lovers of wildlife photography) should appreciate.

In addition, the box always offers modes dedicated to birds and vehicles (trains, cars, planes, motorcycles). Enough to seduce fans from all walks of life. Especially since the detection is extremely effective.

In plain language: the autofocus of the X-M5 is very efficient. In general, the development is carried out without delay. Pumping phenomena are very rare, even in (very) low light. Caution, however, with certain zooms or fixed focal lengths (especially a little old), whose AF motorization can sometimes be less fast.

Finally, note that the number of “false positives” is particularly low. Fujifilm would therefore have corrected the few small problems suffered by the X-S20.

You can read the full review in original French language at phototrend.
