Jintu AF 27mm f/2.8 for Fujifilm X Mount


A company called Jintu has launched the Jintu AF 27mm f/2.8 for Fujifilm X.

Look, I get it that this is an incredibly affordable option and hence lenses like this are welcome additions for many. I mean, the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR costs just way more that these cheap Chinese lenses, so it’s nice to have more affordable options.

But all these Chinese lenses come without aperture ring, except for the TTArtisan 27mmF2.8.

And even on the TTArtisan 27mmF2.8 the implementation of the aperture ring is far from ideal. The aperture ring is thinner than the focus ring and it is mostly just as smooth as the surrounding case. I find Fujifilm’s solutions better, where the aperture ring is much larger and sticks out from the case almost everywhere, giving a much better feel and find experience.

This is why, no matter how cheap all Chinese offerings listed below are, I personally find the Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 R WR still the best 27mm option, at least for the way I like to shoot. I am aware that this is very personal, and there might be many for whom an aperture ring is not an important feature, or even they prefer not to have one.

It wouldn’t surprise me if this lens is also one of DJ Optical’s creations, rebranded according to the company that purchases it. That might be the reason why most of these lenses look almost identical.

Other 27mm options

I have expressed my negative opinion on certain releases coming from China here.


A Look into 2025 Fujifilm Rumors (and Beyond) and the Ultimate 2024 Rumor Check


Rumor 2025+ Overview with Rating

Time to check how accurate our rumors were in 2024 and get an outlook on the remaining rumors for 2025 (and beyond) with reliability ranking.

As usual, I will be brutal and merciless in my rumor accuracy rating.

How brutal?

Well, here are two examples.

I told you the X100VI would be basically same in size of X100V despite having IBIS. The difference is 1mm. Well, turns out it is 2mm thicker. So while it is substantially an accurate rumor, I list it as wrong.

Also, we misunderstood a source regarding the X100VI silver color. We needed only 3 hours to clarify this misunderstanding and correct it. But still, for 3 hours only, an inaccurate info was online.

WIth that said, here is how things went:

  • 99 rumors shared in 2024
  • 24 rumors still to be verified
  • 72 correct rumors out of 75 verifiable rumors
  • 3 wrong rumors (normal people would say 1 wrong rumor -not about Fujifilm-, but I am brutal to myself)
  • 96% correct rumors

The Remainng Rumors for 2025 and Beyond

* 75% to 99% correct

** CLICK HERE to Read the Rest of the Article **

Fujifilm Dominates 2024: Outsells Sony, Canon, and Nikon in Map Camera Sales Rankings


I don’t know if there was any year in Fujiifilm’s history, in which they have sold as many cameras as they did in 2024.

Sure, the sales have largely been pushed by the Fujifilm X100VI, which broke all sales records among all brands in the history of mirrorless camera sales.

But there are even more cameras that enjoyed a huge success.

If you look at the MapCamera 2024 sales ranking (one of the largest Japanese camera stores), we can see that the Fujifilm X-T50 placed 2nd. And the two year old Fujifilm X-T5 still holds the 5th spot.

This is surprising, since Fujifilm struggled throughout the year to ship their cameras, especially in Japan (and Asia in general), where the situation was even worst than on other continents.

  1. Fujifilm X100VI
  2. Fujifilm X-T50
  3. Sony A7CII
  4. Nikon Zf
  5. Fujifilm X-T5
  6. Nikon Z6III
  7. Sony α7IV
  8. Canon EOS R6 Mark II
  9. Canon EOS R5 Mark II
  10. Nikon Z8

As far as the other brands goes, I am very happy to see the Nikon Zf so high in the ranking, although we listed 9 reasons why the Fujifilm X-T5 is just the much better pick over the Nikon Zf, with one of them being the lack of lenses with aperture ring, which is a quintessential part of the manual control shooting experience. And sure, no joystick, no dual UHS-II, bigger, heavier, more expensive, no film simulations and other reasons that made the Nikon Zf a no-go for me.

And yet, I hope this will motivate also Canon and Sony to create their own vintage camera versions.

via MapCamera


Happy New Year 2025 from FujiRumors


thanks to www.tomgrill.com for the image

Fellow FujiRumors readers,

I hope with all my heart that 2025 will be a year full of beautiful moments for you.

A year in which you’ll enjoy your relationships as never before. A year in which you’ll travel, see, meet, discover, enjoy. A year full of precious moments that you’ll be able to capture with your camera.

And I’ll be happy if on your wonderful 2025 journey you’ll sometimes stumble also on this little blog.

So, thanks for everything to…

  • to all our sources, from trusted to new or anonymous ones. Without your guidance I’d be lost in a jungle of fake rumors
  • to you, who decide to dedicate some time to read FujiRumors. Thanks for the trust and time you place in me. I will always try to honor that by putting my best into this blog
  • to everybody who dropped me a message, may it be for informing me about a certain news, or to share some constructive criticism or just to have a quick chat about photography and Fujifilm

Love you all… and I wish you an absolutely fantastic 2025.
