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Fujifilm GFX50S II No Longer in Production and Fujifilm’s Biggest GFX Error Exposed

The first stores in Japan have started to mark the Fujifilm GFX50S II as no longer in production, as reported by the Japanese website asobinet.

No longer in production does not mean you won’t find samples anymore around tomorrow. It is more likely that there will be still stable stock for quite some months ahead.

And yet, this news induces me to share some thoughts about the GFX50SII and the GFX system overall.

The GFX50SII was launched back in September 2021.

During these two years, it was often sold with a $800 discount (as right now), showing that the GFX50SII struggled to sell nearly as well as Fujifilm hoped.

The main drawback: the GFX50SII used the old non BSI sensor of the original GFX50S (and the even older Pentax 645Z)  in times when Fujifilm already offered the GFX100 and GFX100S with modern BSI sensor and 100MP. I guess most people decided to go for the more modern and higher resolution models.

In my opinion, the GFX50SII could have sold much better if only Fujifilm would have kept the retro dials layout of the original GFX50S. It would have differentiated it much more from the rest of the lineup.

And overall, the lack of a proper retro styled cameras in the GFX lineup is one of the big mysteries of our time. It’s Fujifilm’s biggest error and an enormous missed opportunity. Especially in times where there is no significant development on the sensor area, the one thing that can really boost sales for a new camera is offering a different shooting experience, which in the GFX world would mean to offer something different than the usual PSAM layout.

Make no mistake: my Fujifilm GFX100S is giving me great joy and it is extremely easy to operate. That’s not the issue. But if Fujifilm would make the camera with exactly the same GFX100S specs but with an X-T layout, I would sell it and go for the Fujifilm GFX100T (imaginary name).

I hope somebody at the higher ranks of the Fujifilm Japan HQ is reading these lines (and they do, they even use FujiRumors surveys for internal meetings).

I know, Fujifilm, you consider PSAM the “safe” approach, as it is more mainstream. But unless you drop a 150MP GFX or a 100MP stacked sensor GFX, you will keep struggling to sell GFX cameras (or be forced to give them huge rebates).

If you decide to stick with the current 100MP BSI sensor (no matter how much you optimise its circuits, AD converters, microlenses, etc), then the best thing to do to create a camera that sells like hot cakes is to offer a different photographic experience. And that camera is called Fujifilm GFX100T or alternatively also the GFX100R.

Trust me on this Fujifilm. Do it, and we will throw our money at you… and my money will be the first to fly to your bank account.

Fujifilm BLACK FRIDAY Starts NOW with Massive Rebates on X and GFX Cameras and Lenses

Before we start with the black Friday Fujifilm deals, maybe some of you will remember Michal Krause.

He is the fellow FR-reader who wrote one of the most successful and appreciated guest posts here on FujiRumors (with LOTS of great images!)

Well, Michal has launched the English version of his book: Capture One Effectively – The Complete Guide to Capture One Pro 23.

You can read more details about the ebook at this page here.

Black Friday

Fujifilm has currently a huge black Friday sale running in USA.

You can check out the full list of deals at B&H here.

The deals include rebates on the X-H2 and X-H2S and lots of lenses.

Probably on their lowest price ever the XF50mmF1.0, the XF150-600mm, the XF200mmF2 as well as other lenses.

X Cameras

BONUS OFFER: Purchase a qualifying X Series body (X-H2, X-H2S, X-S10) or kit product along with a LEXAR 2000X 256GB SD Card and receive $100 off the combined purchase price!

X Lenses

GFX Gear

Fujifilm GFX100 II X Lab Development Story

Fujifilm has shared their Fujifilm GFX100 II centric X Lab episodes.

All Japanese. Google struggles to translate. It’s a pain…

A pain you don’t have to go through. It’s enough if I went through it and summed it up for you.

X Lab Episode 40

  • after using the GFX100S (small and lightweight compared to the original GFX100), the developers knew they wanted also the new flagship GFX100II to be smaller and lighter
  • usually flagship cameras have an integrated battery grip. Fujifilm wanted to make sure that it does not “lose its dignity” as flagship camera even if it has no integrated battery grip
  • the original GFX100 being bigger also gave more design freedom
  • Fujfiilm designed the optional grip in a way that, when attached, it sticks very rigidly to the body (it has a little hook on the border of the grip that snaps into the camera body for solid integration)
  • main target are professionals
  • when designing, 3 Fujifilm designer held a design competition to develop and 3D print several concepts
  • they also interviewed photographers to ask about the various concepts
  • 11 degree tilted top plate
  • Bishamon-Tex texture with tradition Japanese pattern inspired by Bishamon tortoise shell
  • people in the factory initially had problems to apply the new Bishamon texture to the camera
  • coating that does not scratch
  • larger top screen that displays differently if you are in video or stills. Especially the video display has been significantly revised

X Lab Episode 41

  • 9.44mDot and 1.0x magnification EVF
  • designed in a way that even if you move the eye away from viewfinder, the image will not get distorted. That’s not mentioned in the specs, but is something engineers have put lots of effort into creating
  • if for users the EVF is too big, you can make the EVF image smaller in the settings. Might be useful for example for people who wear glasses
  • initially they designed the GFX100II with fixed EVF to keep it more compact, but they listened to people and realized it was quite loved by photographers to have the tilt EVF option
  • full size HDMI and Ethernet port
  • Ethernet port has quite an impact on the internal design of the GFX100II. It would be complicated to implement it on the X-H cameras.
  • The IBIS Unit had to be redesigned in order to fit in the Ethernet port
  • they struggled until the end to decide where to put the headphone jack, at the end due to space constraints they decided to put it on the grip side
  • grip is designed slightly more inwards towards the top
  • they needed to redesign the tilt mechanism of the screen to make it compatible with the cooling fan
  • created as a piece of equipment to be used by professionals
  • refinements on the buttons, the mode dial etc.
  • better placement of the MCS focus switch (easier to reach and operate with thumb and also with gloves)

X Lab Episode 42

  • First Fujifilm GFX50S was a mid-range machine and it took long to arrive to that shape (admin note: remember the protruding back)
  • they decided for medium format sensor (admin note: the true story on how they decided to go medium format instead of full frame can be read here)
  • medium format cameras up until then were very expensive and for business use
  • Fujifilm wanted to create a camera that can be used also by the general public
  • biggest factor was size and weight of GFX50S
  • Fujifilm wanted to make it as small as a full frame DSLR
  • the most important thing about designing the GFX50S was how to make it easy to hold in the hands, so they spent a lot of time talking about the grip
  • they argued also on how wide it should be to assure enough space between grip and a large lens, so that you can still handle it nicely without a large lens getting in the ways of your fingers
  • so they cut the side of the GFX50S and inserted several thin plates to make it larger and saw how much wider it had to be (see image here)
  • GFX100 there were a lot of challenges to overcome
  • First GFX with IBIS (and X-H1 was first X series with IBIS)
  • integrated battery grip allowed to put batteries on the bottom
  • once the GFX100 was done, Fujifilm thought they needed a way to make it smaller, and to make the shutter mechanism smaller (admin note: that takes a lot of space in the camera)
  • they created the GFX100S
  • smaller motors (see GFX100S shutter vs GFX50R shutter in this image)
  • smaller shutter allowed it to keep IBIS, a smaller IBIS unit
  • they also used a smaller and yet powerful battery, the NP-W235
  • smaller shutter, smaller IBIS and smaller battery made the GFX100S possible
  • GFX100II is undoubtedly a flagship model
  • optional battery grip allows for 3 batteries total
  • Fujifilm wanted to offer a great photographic experience
  • 3 function buttons placed conveniently behind the shutter release button
  • top LCD has evolved to match the needs of photographers: larger, more pixels, changed shape to match the UI and just overall improved ease of use

X Lab Episode 43

  • they talk about the design of the grip again across various GFX models
  • they talk about the amazing resolution starting from the original GFX50S
  • initially models didn’t like it, because too much resolution, but then Fujifilm added the Skin Smooth Effect

Get Yours

Original Videos

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Fujifilm 2024: A Look Ahead Between Rumors and Speculations (X-Pro4, X100R, X-E5, X-T40, New XF Lenses, GFX Future)

2023 is Done

We just told you that there will be no more Fujifilm announcements in 2023.

And since in terms of new gear we are done for this year, lots of people started asking me what is coming in 2024.

Now, I am working on it, and we have shared already something.

For example we told you that the next XF lens to come is the replacement of this lens here.

More rumors will follow.

But as you know, on FujiRumors we will not make up a single rumor just to make traffic, nor share anonymous rumors we receive in which I don’t trust.

We prefer to share less rumors, generate less traffic, make less money, and value your time with less, but accurate rumors.

But until more rumors drop, I thought we could also make one single article where we talk about the current state of the rumors and also make speculation on what could or we would like to come in 2024.

2024 – A Look Into the Future

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DUNE Blockbuster Movie Images taken with Fujifilm X Series APS-C Gear

FR-reader Malcom was going through the book Dune Part 1 – The Photography, and he told me he noticed that lots of images in that book were taken by Chiabella James using Fujifilm X Series cameras.

Chiabella James was also part of the Depth of Field podcast at BHphoto, and in the video (video below starts at 9:54) she talks about the gear she uses.

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Fujifilm GFX100 II Owners Manual Available

Fujifilm GFX100 II Owners Manual

The Fujifilm GFX100 II owner’s manual is now available in html here and PDF here.

Sony World Photography Award Winner Tests Fujifilm GFX100II “I was Dubious, but GFX100II is Bridging the Autofocus Gap with Full Frame”

Josselin Cornou, member of our gigantic Fujifilm GFX group and “heavy Sony user” (as he called himself), was able to test the Fujifilm GFX100II for two weeks.

He shared his impressions in this post, where he answers also questions members have.

He was very impressed by the Fujifilm GFX100 II, so much so that he says:

I finally come to the conclusion that the GFX can fully suits my photo + video needs

The GFX100 II behaved similarly to an A7r5, offering a very similar same type of specs – and similar shutter lag.

I ended up preordering the camera. While this is still 100MP, this is the first Medium Format camera which is bridging the gap with Full Frame in terms of Autofocus and video capabilities

When asked by members about autofocus accuracy, he says in the comments:

For portrait, it’s on par with the A7r5. I am sharing a video below to show you how it focuses on the 55mm f1.7 (which is not a Linear Motor lens, so slower AF than 20-35mm lenses). I was quite impressed – and results looked on part with Sony.

This is just an excerpt. You can read his full post below and check out the full comment section in the original post here.

Josselin Cornou First Impressions

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Fujifilm GFX100 II Pre-Orders Exceed Fujifilm’s Expectations

Fujifilm has just released an official notice where they inform customers that pre-orders for the Fujifilm GFX100 II are higher than what they expected and that “it may take some time” for the product to be delivered.

Fujifilm is currently manufacturing 1,500 samples monthly. Apparently not really enough to satisfy the initial demand.

I have quickly tested the Fujifilm GFX100 II and the GF55mm f/1.7 and you can read my first impressions below:

Notice regarding supply of mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”

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Fujifilm GFX100 II Look Up Table (LUT) Input Device Transform (IDT) for F-Log for F-Log and F-Log 2 Now Available


This LUT file and IDT file is to edit the movie data below when the data is edited by a movie editor on your PC or Mac.

<F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log IDT file>
* F-Log movie data recorded with GFX100 II, GFX100S, GFX100, X-E4, X-S10, X-S20, X-T30 II, X-T30, X-T2, X-T3, X-T4, X-T5, X-Pro3, X-H1, X-H2S, X-H2 and X100V
<F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 IDT file >
* F-Log2 movie data recorded with GFX100 II, X-H2S, X-H2, X-T5 and X-S20.


F-Log 3D-LUT file / F-Log IDT file / F-Log Data sheet

Last updated: 9.12.2023 [11.8MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 9.12.2023[8.0KB] 
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.1.pdf [192KB]

F-Log2 3D-LUT file / F-Log2 IDT file / F-Log2 Data sheet

Last updated: 9.12.2023 [2.5MB]
*Decompress the “” file and launch “.cube” file from a movie editor.
Last updated: 9.12.2022[8.0KB]
Last updated: 6.16.2022
F-Log2_DataSheet_E_Ver.1.0.pdf [120KB]

The Latest GFX Gear

Fujifilm GFX100 II Explained by Fujifilm Managers and Talking Firmware Updates for X/GFX – CineD Interview

CineD sat down with product planning manager Makoto Oishi-san and product planner Taiji Yoneda-san to talk about the GFX line and what makes the Fujifilm GFX100 II special.

You can and should watch the 24 minutes video above. But if you are in a hurry, I will provide also a quick summary below.

There is also a little section about firmware udpates, where Johnnie from CineD asks for one feature available on X-S20 to come via firmware update to GFX100II, and one available on GFX100II to come to X-H2, X-H2S, X-T5 and X-S20.

In short: if the request from users is strong, Fujifilm might make it happen. So guys, you know what you have to do in the comments now ;).


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