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Fujifilm X-E3 Brown and X-A3 double Kit to be Released in Japan on August 9

According to nokishita, Fujifilm will release the brown X-E3 and the X-A3 double kit in Japan on August 9.

I remember you that we reported that Fujifilm USA has currently no plans to sell any brown Fujifilm, neither the brown X-E3 nor the brown X100F and brown X-T100.

The brown colors are available in several Asian and EU countries, as well as in Canada.

If they sell well, I guess also Fujifilm USA will start selling them.

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… have a GREAT day,

Fujifilm X-Trans Vs. Bayer: Pros and Cons of Going Bayer or Sticking with X-Trans Sensor

X-Trans Vs. Bayer

First and foremost, let me say that I LOVE X-TRANS.

But the fact that I love X-Trans, does not prevent me from discussing the big Bayer Vs. X-Trans debate, that has recently been fueled again by DPReviewTV in the X-T100 review and Tony Northrup in his X-H1 review, in the most objective way as possible.

So today’s question is: is there any reason why Fujifilm should go Bayer also on higher end APS-C Fujifilm X-series cameras?


Some people do probably not have the 5 minutes of time it needs to read this article. They will read the headline, and arguing in favor or against X-Trans/Bayer by default :) .

So for those people, who refuse to read the article and don’t go beyond the headline, I will at least make a bullet-point list, in the hope they will read that one at least.

This is a super short condensation and simplification of more complicated subjects, and as such it is naturally an inaccurate list. Each point will elaborated and clarified in all its shades below.

X-Trans Pros

  • less color noise at high ISO
  • less moiré (an advantage that will become negligible once APS-C sensor go beyond 30MP)
  • sharper compared to cameras with same pixel number and optical low pass filter, unless the processing in camera is very aggressive, like on X-A5 and X-T100
  • more pleasing “film-like” grain at high ISO

Bayer Pros

  • 20%-30% less processing power required (possible benefits listed below)
  • cheaper to produce than X-Trans

Brutally short conclusion:

  • X-Trans is better for image quality
  • Bayer is better for features and speed, unless Fujifilm can compensate for the extra 20-30% processing power required by the X-Trans sensor with a more powerful processor (present in Fujifilm X-T3), new sensor tech for faster sensor readout (maybe stacked sensor) and better heat management (present in X-H1)

If you want, you can now start your 5 minutes reading time :)

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FUJIFILM Launches FILM SIMULATION Instant Noodles, Their Plan B in Case the X and GFX Series Fails!

Fujifilm X-T5 Pre-Orders

Fujifilm Noodles – The Future

Fujifilm is known to be a very creative company, always open to new markets and ideas.

For example, they used the materials of their dying film rolls business to produce cosmetics (see also “how Fujifilm survived the digital age“).

A flexible company like Fujifilm coudn’t miss the digital camera train, and they released the amazing X and GFX series cameras and lenses.

But what if all this fails?

Well, Fujifilm has a fantastic Plan B: Feed the World!

In fact, Fujifilm Korea just launched the Fujifilm Film Simulation Instant Noodles.

Not kidding guys.

Check out the official Fujifilm Korea page here, as well as their facebook page here.

Noodles: a market that can’t be eaten up by smartphones, so definitely more future proof than digital cameras ;) .

Some FR-readers are already beta tasting the noodles now, and share their feedback at our facebook page here. Also Roy Cruz has already his Fujifilm Noodles First Look at his youtube channel here.

I remind you that Fujifilm technology is already making beer tastier, as we reported here.

Oh… and make sure follow us on Facebook, RSS-feed, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter to get more of these fantastic news.

… have a fantastic Sunday,

Fujifilm X-E3 in Brown at Listed at Fujifilm Canada

Fujifilm X-E3 Brown

The brown Fujifilm X-E3 has been listed a few days ago at Fujifilm Canada here. Thanks to these images, we can see for the first time how it the backside looks.

In my eyes, the Fujifilm X-E3 looks so good, that it would cut a fine figure in every color. But I still prefer the black or silver versions, though.

Overall the brown colors seems to fit better to the brown X100F.

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Follow my Travel through South Europe on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Mostly unedited JPEGs will be shared in the road, due to limited time because of the massive blogging and announcements. RAW files to be edited after the travel and the announcements

Fujifilm X-E3 with XF10-24 @ 14mm
Fujifilm X-E3 with XF18-135 @ 70mm

DPReviewTV Instant Camera Shootout: Fujifilm Instax SQ6, Mini 90, Leica Sofort, Mint Instaflex TL70

Instax Film Shootout

If you weren’t hiding under a rock for the last decade, then you will have noticed that the instant film trend, launched back in 1972 with the iconic Polaroid SX-70 and ended in the nineties, is having an impressive revival thanks to Fujifilm Instax products in recent years.

But how was this revival made possible?

Fujifilm was just about to shut down their entire Instax production just like Polaroid did a few years earlier, when an unexpected event breathed new life into the agonizing market. You can find a more in-depth explanation of the several reasons of the boom here.

Since then, the sales numbers have skyrocketed over anything Fujifilm could have hoped and they passed from 100,000 sold cameras in 2004 to 7,500,000 sales in 2017. In the documentary “How Fujifilm survived the digital age”, a Fujifilm Instax employee says they simply can’t keep production up with the high demand.

The market is under firm control of Fujifilm and even more so the instax film market, which, as Polaroid says, is 99% controlled by Fujifilm, and we can now find endless versions of it, such as the Star Wars Instax Film, Comic Instax Film, Hello Kitty film, Candy Pop, Rainbow and so on and so forth.

Now, the instax-revival has motivated other companies to try to get a piece of the cake, too.

Polaroid (now owned by The Impossible Project) is fighting hard to try to regain their old glory, not only by offering their own Polaroid Instant Cameras and Polaroid Instant Printers, but also by bringing Fujifilm to court and accusing them that Fuji’s latest Instax Square Film design is a rip-off of Polaroids’ own film.

Of course as customers we can only be happy that more choices are available on the market now.

Now DPReview TV compared some of the Instant cameras on the market, which all take Fujifilm’s Instax Mini film:

Here is what they say:

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Brown Fujifilm X-E3 for Sale

Fujifilm X-E3 Brown

Las week, here on FujiRumors we broke the news about the brown Fujifilm X-E3. We also shared the first brown X-E3 image.

Now the brown X-E3 is already available for sale in Korea at

Also the X100F is coming is available in brown. You can find it for example at the Canadian store adencamera here.

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Klinko’s 2000s Exhibition Open Now :: Kevin Mullins Shoots Sport with Fujifilm Zooms :: Olaf’s Wonderful Renatus Project

What have Markus Klinko, Kevin Mullins and Olaf Sztaba in common? You got it: they are Fujifilm shooters.

I know from Markus, that he is completely in love with his Fujifilm GFX and considers it the perfect tool for his professional work.

Kevin Mullins moves stealthy like Ninja capturing great moments on weddings with his Fujifilm X-series cameras.

Olaf walks the streets with his X100F and captures beauty at every corner, that passes unnoticed to so many people.

Today’s roundup is a bit different, dedicated to these 3 Fujifilm X shooters. Markus has a fantastic exhibitions you should visit, Kevin continues to deliver great educational content on his new channel, and Olaf does best what photography is all about, telling stories.

Some great stuff to enjoy :)

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Brown Fujifilm X-E3 is Coming – First Image

Recently Fujifilm is introducing to various markets the brown Fujifilm X100F (it’s available in North America, Europe, Asia already – last update here).

Now Fujifilm is about to do the same thing with the Fujifilm X-E3. You can see the first image above (thanks for sending it to me It comes with the XC15-45 kit lens.

The brown color is also already listed at the Turkish Fujifilm Shop, however still without images.

The brown Fujifilm X-E3 will be available soon also at BHphoto here, Adorama here and AmazonUS here.

Search for the brown Fujifilm X100F at BHphoto here, AmazonUS here and Adorama here

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Do you Like the Brown X-E3?

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Fujinon GF Rumored Lens Roadmap Update: Tilt Shift Lens, GF20-35mm, GF 80mmF1.4 (not in 2018) & More

internal Fujinon GF Lens Roadmap Leaked on FujiRumors
internal Fujinon GF Lens Roadmap Leaked on FujiRumors

Fujinon GF Lens Roadmap

You might remember how here on FujiRumors we leaked Fujifilm’s interal GF lens roadmap already back in April 2017 (see screenshot above)!

But time passed, and there is more to share and to update… so let’s do it today.

GF 80mm F1.4

We broke the rumor of a crazy fast GF 80mm F1.4 (!!!) medium format lens back in June 2017.

However, keep in mind that a Fujifilm manager said here that they need 2 years to discuss, develop and finally make a camera and even more than 2 years in case of lenses.

So if in June 2017, when we shared the GF 80mmF1.4 rumor, the discussions about the GF80mmF1.4 just started, then now, 1 year later, IF Fujifilm really decided to go ahead with it, it will take them well over 1 year to come out with it.

Again… if Fujifilm decided to make it all.

But even if Fujifilm decided to make it, you should not expect any GF 80mmF1.4 lens at Photokina 2018, and I’d personally would not expect it before 2020 anyway.

Don’t worry, there will be lots of other great gear to enjoy at Photokina 2018, such as the Fujifilm X-T3 and Fujifilm GF 50R.

Tilt Shift, UWA & The New Roadmap

According to our sources, we must add also a tilt shift lens for the GF system to the list of rumored lenses shared back in April 2017, so the updated and complete rumored GF lens list is the following:

  • GF 35mm F2.8 (coming 2018)
  • GF 20-36mm F3.5-4.5 (in 2018 this or the GF 100-200)
  • GF 100-200mm F4.5-5.6 (in 2018 this or the GF 20-36)
  • GF 80mm F1.4 (not in 2018 – personally I’d not expect it before 2020)
  • Tilt Shift lens (coming 2018/2019)

Fujifilm plans to release 2/3 GF lenses a year, and since we already got the GF250mmF4 last month, we can expect a maximum of two more lenses in 2018.

Now, for 2018, the Fujinon GF 35mmF2.8 should be sure.

So now it’s your turn guys. Let us know which one you would prefer between the GF20-36, GF-100-200 and the tilt shift lens for 2018.

And make sure to join our Fujifilm GFX facebook group.

stay tuned,

Which Fujinon GF lens would you like in 2018?

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Finally Somebody Did it: The Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 Pocket Test + a More Serious Review Too :)

Fujinon XF27mmF2.8 Review

If you follow FujiRumors also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you will know that I am in LOVE with my Fujifilm X-E3. And you will also know, that the lens I use most on my X-E3 is the Fujinon XF 27mmF2.8.

And I don’t love my 27 just because it is so small, but also because it’s actually an astonishing performer for its size. It is really sharp, chromatic aberration and distortion are extremely well controlled… and yes… it is so tiny :) .

I do own plenty of other Fujinon lenses, and yes, the bigger guys like my XF35mmF1.4 are optically even better, but since I bought my XF27mm back in December, it has become my most used lens on my X-E3.

The reason is simple: the X-E3 with XF27mm just fits in everywhere. Hence, every time I leave my apartment, may it just be to pick up quickly my nephew from the kindergarden, I just grab my X-E3 and 27 and take it with me with no need to put in a bag or whatsoever. It fits in almost every pocket…. and speaking of pockets…

… somebody finally did it, the big XF27mm pocket test.

It’s Omar, from Omar Gonzalez Photography. He also got himself a Fujinon XF27mm for his Fujifilm X-T20, and he now shared his review on youtube here. But besides the little pocket test, Omar also makes a more comprehensive review with pixel peeping and so forth. So make sure to check it out here.

And in case you read this, Omar… I lost my lens cap too :).

If you own an X-T20 or X-E3, hence one of the more compact Fujifilm cameras, and want the ultimate compact and yet high performing combo, then the XF27mmF2.8 is the lens you need.

Fujinon XF 27mm (save $50): BHphoto, AmazonUS, Adorama, FocusCamera