Fujifilm X-H2s New Autofocus Firmware Tested (Huge Improvement)


Fujifilm has just released a bunch of firmware updates, including a rather substantial one for the Fujifilm X-H2s.

It promises to drastically improved autofocus tracking in a variety of situations as well as additional subject trackings. You can read all the details and download the firmware in this article.

Well, the first tests of this firmware are out. You can find them down below.

If you own the X-H2s, feel free to share your impressions in the comments, but it seems to be on the level of the very best you can find from other brands out there (and that cost several thousands of dollars more than the X-H2s.).

Especially the first video linked below shows the X-H2s performing brilliantly in backlight, with far away subjects and other very challenging conditions.

We remind you that Fujifilm also announced the next Fujifilm X Summit for April 2023.

X-H2s Firmware Tested

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Fujifilm Announces X Summit in April 2023, Massive New Firmware for X-H2S and Promises More Firmware for other Cameras in 2023


Fujifilm has published a video with the New Year Greetings 2023 (vide below). And it comes with a few interesting tidbits.

Most interesting for us:

  • GFX grant challenge winners will be announced in March
  • improved Autofocus system via firmware update for X-H2s
    – improved motion prediction output, for better tracking even if subject moves in and out of frame and speed changes
    – AI deep learning subject detection improvement for tracking human faces in the most tricky conditions, and more subjects can be detected (such as drones)
  • more firmware for other 5th generation cameras are being prepared for 2023 and you can look forward to them
  • Fujifilm X Summit will be held in April with Fujikina to be hold at the same time of the X summit

Of course the X summits are here to introduce new products. Feel free to drop your guess in the comments… the answer will follow on FujiRumors ;).

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Fujifilm Firmware Updates for X-H2s (Improved Subject Detection and Tracking), X-H2, FT-XH File Transmitter Grip and XC15-45


Fujifilm has released firmware updates for the following gear:

Down below all the details and download links.

Rumors and Discussions

Firwmare Details

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EXPLAINED: How the Fujifilm X-H2S Predictive Autofocus Works and Why 20fps Will Give You Higher Accuracy than 40fps


I see myself in need to share this follow up article to our previous follow up article to this original article.

If you missed the previous episodes, here is an ultra compressed summary:

  • guy gets 61% sharp images at 40fps shooting birds when testing the Fujifilm X-H2s – read here
  • people complain that 61% is not that much, as Sony cameras tested by the same guy get 85-90% accuracy
  • FujiRumors explains that 61% of 40fps results in more sharp images than 85% at 20fps – read here
  • FujiRumors claims that at 20fps the hit rate on X-H2s would be even higher
  • people call me out on this and say:
    – it’s BS: slower frame rates won’t improve accuracy, as the AF calculations speed remains the same (120fps)
    – people say I speak random stuff and ask me to prove it

So let’s get nerdy ;)

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