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Fujifilm launches Mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”

Fujifilm launches Mirrorless digital camera “FUJIFILM GFX100 II”

Press Release

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RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 II will NOT Have a File Transmitter Grip and C2C Integration Possible with GFX100II Body Only

Today I’ve learned a lesson.

Which lesson? I will tell you at the bottom.

First you have to know that so far we have spotted three camera registrations in the first half of 2023.

  • FF220002 = Fujifilm X-S20
  • FF230001 = very likely Fujifilm GFX100II
  • FF230002 = yet unknown

And because it takes Fujifilm between 1-4 months usually to release gear after registration, this would mean all three should come within this year.

And here comes the problem.

Given the lack of rumors about the third camera supposed to come in 2023, I told you yesterday here that I believe the registration could be for the vertical file transmitter grip for the GFX100II, but making clear that’s not a rumor, just a speculation of mine.

But after I’ve shared the video trusted sources (thanks!!!) reached out to me and corrected my speculation telling me this:

  • there will not be a file transmitter grip for the GFX100 II
  • Frame-io Camera-to-Cloud (C2C) integration will be possible using the GFX100II body only

Now this is huge news. Consider that the FT-HX File Transmitter Grip for X-H2/S costs $1,000, a staggering $600 more over the regular X-H battery grip.

But what in the X-H world costs you $600 extra to get access to ( C2C), you’ll get it built into the Fujifilm GFX100 II body for this price here.

And you know what that means.

It means that I have to get back at work to try to find out what the FF230002 is ;).

Lesson learned?

I have learned the lesson that I better don’t make any speculations, but just follow blindly the rumor-path my sources share with me.

So I will do just that.

By sharing more big rumors still before the launch of the GFX100II.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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RUMOR: Fujifilm GFX100 II Coming with Base ISO 80

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100 II will have a base ISO of 80 (compared to the ISO100 of current GFX cameras).

That’s potentially a good news, but let’s see how this translates into real life image quality on September 12, when the GFX100 II will be announced at the X Summit.

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Fujifilm Leaks What’s Coming September 12 (GFX100 II, Tilt Shift)

Fujifilm has just put their countdown for the X summit on September 12 on their YouTube page.

Of course the video can’t yet be watched (will start Sept. 12 at 5AM New York time).

But here is the thing.

As soon as the video was up, I extracted the tags of the video and saw that the full tag-list included terms like “GFX100 II”, “tilt shift” and more (see screenshot above). I tried again now, and the tags that unveil what’s coming are no longer there.

So luckily I was fast enough to grab them for you. ;)

Now let’s go over them.

Let’s start with the tags that 100% tell us what’s coming September 12.

  • Fujifilm GFX100 II
  • Tilt Shift

According to my knowledge, also the Fujinon GF55mm f/1.7 should come on September 12.

Looking at the other tags gives us a sense on what the main focus of the event will be:

  • photography
  • cinema
  • movie recording

It’s interesting to see so much emphasis on the video side of things. And we already told you that the GFX100 II will bring several new features, such as Video touch-to-track AutofocusWaveforms Monitor and Anamorphic Mode.

A tag that gives X series users hopes:

  • X Series

Now, there are no specific tags for Fujifilm X-Pro4, X-E5, X-S30, X-T6, X-T40, X-H3, X-H3S, X80, X100VI (X200) or whatever. So little hopes for any X series camera to come, otherwise they would have tagged it just like they tagged the GFX100 II.

But I’d already be very happy if behind that “X series” and “fujinon” would hide for example the unveil of a new X series lens roadmap, which is long overdue.

Anyway, overall a very GFX-centric event, with hope for X series tidbits too.

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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Surprise? Fujifilm GFX100 II Sensor Could be Even Faster than we Thought (Anonymous Source)

So guys.

I can confirm it.

The Fujifilm GFX100 II will come with a new 100 megapixel sensor.

Now, in our previous rumors we told you it would be based on the sensor architecture of the Sony A6700/FX30 sensor. Hence a BSI sensor that is faster to read out than previous generation of BSI sensor (in use on X-T4, X-S20, GFX100S, GFX100 etc).

But now an anonymous source reached out to us and told us that the Fujifilm GFX100 II will use a different design compared to the A6700/FX30 sensor.

The source said that while the A6700/FX30 offers a 10-20% speed increase over the conventional BSI sensor, this new sensor in use on the GFX100 II will offer up to 50% increase in readout speed.

And just to be clear, we are not talking about a stacked sensor, but an improved BSI sensor, hence this also fits with the rumor we shared earlier.

Now, this information comes from an anonymous sources, so it has to be taken with a grain of salt.

In any case we can be sure that it is indeed a new sensor and we can expect overall speed improvements on the Fujifilm GFX100 II.

Then, how much faster it is to read out, we will find out on September 12.

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Fujifilm GFX100 II has no D-Pad

According to our trusted sources, the Fujifilm GFX100 II has no D-Pad.

Now, I was one of guys who most annoyed by Fujifilm’s move to remove the D-Pad on several of its cameras (my X-E3 and GFX100S have no D-Pad). But over time I got used to it (the joystick works wondefully to move around in the menu) and I am fine having no D-Pad.

But sure, I am also not that kind of photographer who needs to set 15 custom FN-buttons. I totally understand if the lack of D-Pad is more annoying for other photographers than it is for me.

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LEAKED: Fujifilm GFX100 II Price – Surprised?

Despite having an all new sensor (never used on any X or GFX camera before).

Despite having the new X Processor 5

Despite having many of new features and some of them not even available on the most modern X series camera (see leaked specs below).

Despite inflation and parts shortage.

Despite all that, the Fujifilm GFX100 II will come with a price tag lower than the one of the orginial Fujifilm GFX100.

Much lower.

In fact, according to our sources, the price of the Fujifilm GFX100II will be of $7,499.

I think that’s a good price for this camera.

And if I look at the recent GFX100 II price survey we did, we can say that this price surprises 90%, because:

  • 47% of you thought the camera would cost more
  • 10% guessed the right price
  • 43% expected it to be more affordable

I am definitely in the camp of those people, who thought it would cost a bit more than $7,500.

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Sunday Speculation: How Much do You Think the Fujifilm GFX100 II will Cost? – VOTE NOW

Do you have time this Sunday to speculate a bit around?


Nice… so the question is this one:

How much do YOU think the Fujifilm GFX100 II will cost?

I recommend to take a look at the rumored specs below, and then let us know how much you think it will cost by voting the survey.

Why the range from $4,000 to $10,000?

Well, I’ve simply looked the price of all GFX cameras that are still available on the market and decided to start the survey at the price of the most affordable one, the GFX50SII at $4,000 and end it with the most expensive one, the GFX100 at $10,000.

If you want to go beyond that range, you can still vote for “less than $4,000” or “more than $10,000”.


This is a survey on how much YOU THINK it will cost based on the leaked specs, and not on how much YOU HOPE it will cost.

My Best and Most Realistic Guess as far as the Fujifilm GFX100 II Price Goes (Body Only) is...

View Results

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Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time
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CONFIRMED: Leaked Fujifilm GFX100 II Image is Real (and Has Angled Top Plate)

Do you remember when back in 2014 we leaked the first images of the Fujifilm X-T1?

Well, the camera was clearly visible due to the nice close up shots. And everybody thought: it has a dual card slot! It’s so clearly visible.

But FujiRumors told you: don’t trust your eyes, trust our sources. And our sources say it has a single SD-Card slot.

Well, today we are at this point again.

Because I can confirm that the leaked image of the Fujifilm GFX100 II is authenitic. That’s what multiple sources (trusted, new and anonymous ones) told me. Thanks a LOT!!!

And just like with the X-T1 many years ago, again I tell you: don’t trust your eyes, trust our sources.

Because even if it does not look like it, it does have an angled top screen.

And it also has a removable EVF, even though in the images it seems fixed.

You are of course free to doubt our information. On September 12 you’ll change your mind anyway ;)

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Fujifilm GFX100 II Additional Specs & Full Recap: 8fps, Full Size HDMI, Ethernet Port

FujiRumors is always happy to bring you exclusively the latest leaks about the Fujifilm GFX100 II.

And yes, I see our rumors are popular everywhere, often without attribution to FujiRumors.

But that’s not a problem, because while elsewhere you’ll find only rumors previously shared on FujIRumors, we just leap ahead with more rumors. So here is the next bunch ;)

  • 8 fps mechanical shutter
  • full size HDMI
  • Ethernet Port

Down below you’ll find the most accurate and comprehensive list of GFX100 II rumors.

Oh… and I am working on more GFX100II related rumors of course, but also other good stuff. You don’t want to miss it, trust me ;).

Oh, and trust me… it has an angled top plate. That rumor is 100% accurate (thanks to our sources for confirming it).

Fujifilm X Summit September 12 at 5 AM New York Time

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